Dealing with a fussy baby is never easy for parents. There can be no worse feeling in the world than seeing that your child is upset and feeling like you don’t know how to make it better. However, if you try a variety of strategies and are attentive to your baby’s needs, you’ll be able to calm your fussy baby in no time at all.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
How to Unfreeze an iPod Nano
A frozen iPod isn't much more than an expensive paperweight. Before you take it back to the store, however, there are a couple of fixes you can try at home to get it working again. Chances are, a quick reset is all it will take to get it up and running. If not, you may have to restore it to its factory settings. See Step 1 below to learn how to do both.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
How to Get a Bartending Job
Bartending jobs require skill, personality, and the endurance to keep working til the lights go out - not always an easy task. Bartending jobs are highly coveted, so before you apply, make sure you've mastered the basic skills and memorized the popular drinks. Read on to learn how to land a fun job as a bartender.
How to Clean the Oven
After months of roasting and baking, an oven tends to get fairly grimy. Built-up grease and charred food accumulate and turn into carbon, causing a strong burning smell when cooking. Letting your oven remain coated in carbon can eventually taint your food and even become a fire hazard. Read on for instructions on how to clean your oven, whether it has a self-cleaning feature or not.
How to Climb a Tree
Climbing a tree is a great childhood pastime. But it doesn't always come naturally, especially for those of us with a fear of heights or uncertainty as to the tree's stability. Then there are those who want to climb trees for sport – or even as part of their job – and we'll cover that, too. No matter how serious you are, the trees are out there ready to be climbed. Are you ready?
Friday, May 29, 2015
How to Be an Attractive Woman
There is a common misconception that physical appearance completely determines attractiveness, but this is simply not true. If you want people to be drawn to you, there are a variety of things you can do as a woman that will have others flocking to you in time.
How to Install an Apple TV
Apple’s digital media device, the Apple TV, allows users to stream videos, music and TV, using a high-speed Internet connection. It is highly compatible with other Apple products and Internet TVs. You must have an HDMI connection and a wireless or Ethernet connection in order to install Apple TV.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
How to Attract a Cancer Man
If you subscribe to an astrological view of the world and are attracted to a man who happens to be a Cancer, keep the following in mind. Cancer men are complex members of the zodiac family. Shy and withdrawn, a Cancer man will only become attracted to you if you first manage to elbow your way into his life. On the other hand, most Cancer men appreciate women who let them take over the traditional male role of a relationship, so you'll need to let him eventually hold the reins if you want a relationship to get going.
How to Make Sukiyaki
Sukiyaki is a Japanese beef and vegetable broth that is traditionally eaten during the wintertime. In Japan, because meat is expensive and usually reserved for special occasions, sukiyaki is one of the dishes eaten during a special celebration of right after payday. Whether or not you're celebrating, however, sukiyaki is both extremely fun to make and tastes delicious to boot. Gather around your friends and family for this inclusive, heartwarming dish.
How to Attract Birds
Songbirds' natural habitats are dwindling, and you can help by making your backyard a safe haven for all of your favorite birds. When you provide birdseed, set out a birdbath and create nesting spots, your yard becomes much more inviting, and you'll be amazed at how many different species you can attract.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
How to Simplify Your Life
Simplifying doesn't need to be complicated. Learning to create a quieter, more balanced space in your life can help immensely, and taking little steps is the best way to make it happen. Eliminating clutter, getting organized, simplifying your relationships, and learning to take the time to slow down and appreciate the little things can help to keep you sane. You can start today.
How to Hold a Handstand
Doing a handstand requires you to have a mastery of strength, technique, and balance. Whether you’re a cheerleader, a gymnast, or a yogi, learning to do a handstand can help you get centered, learn balancing techniques, and move on toward more advanced skills, such as the front walkover or the front handspring. Once you’ve learned how to do a handstand, however, you will want to know how to be able to hold it for a long period of time without falling over. To do this, you’ll need to build your upper body strength, grip the ground, and kick all the way up before you begin.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
How to Make Crispy Cream Cheese Wontons
Cream cheese wontons have a crispy outside and a creamy, delicious inside. This crispy cream cheese wontons recipe serves 8 to 10 people, with 2 to 3 wontons per person.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
How to Make a Hula Hoop
Hula hooping is a fun activity that can be a great cardiovascular exercise, burning up to 200 calories per 30 minutes of use. Hula hoops purchased at a store can be too big, too small, or too light for your personal preference. Use the following steps on how to make a hula hoop that measures up to your individual needs.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
How to Renew a Canadian Passport
Canadian passports are issued to residents of Canada for the purpose of international travel and identification. Depending on circumstances, Canadian passports need to be renewed every 2, 5, or 10 years. Check the expiration date on your passport to learn when yours expires, and try to renew no later than one year after that date so you qualify for the simpler renewal method. If you are under 16 years old, or if your previous passport expired more than one year ago, you will need to fill out a new application form instead of a renewal form.
How to Make Lavender Water
Lavender water is popularly used to scent linens or clothing. Spray a little on most any type of fabric before you iron it, and the fresh lavender scent will linger for days to come. You can also use it as an air freshener or furniture spray. If you have trouble sleeping, spray a little on your pillow to help you relax and drift off at night.
How to Enjoy a Day Off
Finally, you get a day off of school or work, but now you've got to decide what to do. Would you like a relaxing day at home, an exciting day starting a new project, or even organizing a trip outside? Even if you're the kind of person who normally enjoys a relaxing or productive day off, consider trying out the other kind once in a while.
Friday, May 22, 2015
How to Plant Juniper
Junipers are coniferous plants with green, needle-like leaves. There are many different juniper cultivars available, and each may have its own particular needs. A few planting and care requirements are consistent throughout the species, however.
How to Track an iPhone With Find My iPhone
Some say the best thing to do when you get lost is to stay put. Fortunately, the iPhone does exactly that when you lose it. Unfortunately, it doesn't know how to politely ask passersby for help or how to send smoke signals (in fact, if someone did see it, they would most likely steal it). In order to locate your iPhone the next time you misplace it, you'll want to use the Find My iPhone program.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
How to Grow Hydroponic Tomatoes
Hydroponic tomatoes are grown in a nutrient solution rather than soil, although they are typically placed in a non-soil material that can support their roots and hold the nutrients. Growing tomatoes hydroponically allows the grower to raise them in a controlled environment with less chance of disease, faster growth, and greater fruit yield. However, hydroponic gardening is much more labor intensive, and sometimes more expensive, than ordinary tomato planting, especially if you have not set up or run a hydroponics system before.
How to Pose and Photograph Newborn Babies
Explorers: The Making of Cinemagraphs and Photographs
Why I Shoot in Manual Mode
5 Composition Techniques That Go Beyond the Rule of Thirds
How To Make a Simple and Responsive Flat Slideshow
In this html/css tutorial we’ll create a super simple slideshow with flat design style. Featured with fully responsive and zooming effect if image hover. Enjoy!
How to Make Someone Happy
Making someone happy just for the sake of it can be one of the most rewarding feelings in this world. Brightening up a person’s day, whether the person is your best friend or your waiter, can bring you good karma and will make your day brighter in turn. To make someone happy, you have to be genuine, open, and willing to put in some effort to make a difference.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
How to Replace Damaged Roof Shingles
Damaged shingles can seriously cut into the life of a roof. To keep your house secure, it's important to regularly evaluate and replace damaged shingles to make sure your home is safe and dry. You can learn to properly evaluate, remove, and replace damaged shingles efficiently.
How to Back Up an iPhone to iCloud
iCloud is Apple's backup service that stores your data on its Internet servers, or "the cloud," for remote access anywhere. iCloud is very powerful if you rely on a fleet of Apple products for your daily work and entertainment, as it alleviates the need for manual transfer of data. Although iPhones back up to iCloud wirelessly by default, you may also want to implement a manual backup. Learn how with these steps.
How to Be a Mystic
Being a mystic is a lifelong process of learning and deep contemplation. Identifying the spiritual practice or tradition that speaks to you and starts answering the questions you're interested in is step one. But then the real work starts. If you want to get a personal connection to the spiritual world as a mystical thinker, you can learn to lay a foundation for contemplation, prayer, and meditation, as well as how to deepen that practice into a serious understanding. Are you up to the challenge?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
How to Distress Cabinets
Renovating an historic house can be a challenging and expensive proposition. If you crave the look of an old farmhouse kitchen without having to tackle that large of a project, distressing your existing cabinets may be your solution.
How to Dewax Lemons
Lemons are often coated with wax to keep the peel fresh and glossy. This wax is considered safe to eat, but if you need to zest the lemon, you may still wish to de-wax it before proceeding.
How to Pamper Yourself
Pampering yourself can include a wide range of activities, all of which should be tailored towards making you feel happy and relaxed. Whether you are pampering your body, mind, or heart, sit back and relax.
Monday, May 18, 2015
How to Date Old Ball Mason Jars
Jar collecting, definitely not an activity where one can acquire a varsity letter jacket in, but still is a cool hobby. Mason jars are molded glass jars used for canning stuff, now mostly underground moonshine makers. Production of mason jars started around 1880 and still continues today. Old mason jars are not recommended for canning because the glass is more likely to shatter; however, they can be collectible. The logo is the best way to date old Ball jars, but you may need to consult a value pricing guide to find out accurate information.
How to Be Sympathetic
Sympathy involves an attempt to understand someone's problems from a different perspective than your own. Even if this is something you struggle with, you can support your friends and loved ones by learning to express sympathy. Follow these steps to do so, keeping your doubts or negative reactions to yourself, and you may find that you develop more genuine sympathetic feelings than you expected.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
How to Kick a Ball
Kicking a ball is an essential part of a variety of games, including soccer, American football, rugby, and lots of other sports. Not to mention that kicking a ball around the backyard informally is great fun. To learn to kick the ball safely and properly, you can learn to kick it off the ground, punt it up in the air, and learn other more complicated kicks to help you have fun.
How to Remove the Ask Toolbar from Chrome
You may have accidentally downloaded the Ask toolbar onto your computer. The Ask toolbar is a web search engine and toolbar that is available through other free programs such as Java or an Adobe update. It then replaces your chosen search engine and your home page will be In order to remove this toolbar from Chrome, you can try to remove it via the Chrome settings, but it may be necessary to use other methods. Read the steps below to find out how to remove the Ask toolbar from Chrome.
How to Stay Safe
The world can sometimes seem like a very scary and dangerous place, but fortunately there are some precautions you can take. While nothing can completely protect you from every danger, you can prepare yourself as best as possible to avoid potential dangers or to deal with them when they happen.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
How to Fold Altar Linens
Catholics, Anglicans, and other liturgical Christian churches use various traditional linens at and around the altar during a service. When preparing these linens for storage, you should fold them up using a few standard guidelines.
How to Be a Champion
Champions do so much more than win. Part attitude, part natural ability, and part hard work, living your life like a champion is possible in all walks of life, whether you're an athlete, academic, or air-traffic controller. You can learn to find the right kind of championship and define success for yourself, laying the groundwork with a training regimen, and how to be a good winner who carries yourself like a champ. See Step 1 for more information.
Friday, May 15, 2015
How to Become a Welder
Welders help build the world. In fields from construction to car racing and manufacturing, welders use their skills to fuse metal together, to the proper specifications and strength. If you're interested in learning to become a welder, you can build the necessary skills in vocational or specialty schools, seek out essential on-the-job training, and get certified to get the best jobs available. See Step 1 for more information.
How to Create a Partition
Hard drive partitions allow the computer to treat one hard drive as multiple distinct volumes. This enables you to install multiple operating systems or create a second drive for storing specific files. You can easily create new partitions from your free space in Windows and Mac, though Windows XP users will need third-party tools to accomplish the same thing.
How to Keep the Conversation Flowing with a Girl (for Guys)
Sure, you're good at walking across a crowded room and introducing yourself to a girl to get her attention. But do you ever feel after a few minutes that you've run out of things to talk about? Or maybe you've just gotten up the courage to talk to the girl of your dreams, but you feel completely tongue-tied and awkward once the conversation gets going. Whether you're outgoing or shy, you can keep the conversation flowing with a girl once you start it by following some of the tips in this article.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
How to Feed Puppies
Having a brand new puppy at home can be a ton of fun but it will also require a lot of work to keep happy and healthy. Puppies, just like human babies, need proper nutrition for normal healthy growth and development. Making educated choices about your new puppy's nutrition is important to getting that little pup off to the right start.
How to Retouch Wrinkles in Photoshop
How to Call Dubai
Dubai is the largest city by population in the United Arab Emirates, or UAE. Foreigners make up more than 80% of this population, connecting Dubai to countries all over the world. The next time you need to connect to Dubai, read on to make sure that the call gets through properly.
How to Be a Good Listener
Being a good listener can help you to see the world through the eyes of others. It enriches your understanding and expands your capacity for empathy. It also increases your contact with the outside world by helping you improve your communication skills. Good listening skills can provide you with a deeper level of understanding about someone’s situation, and helps to know what words are best to use or which words to avoid. As simple as listening (and acknowledging) may seem, doing it well, particularly when disagreements arise, takes sincere effort and lots of practice. If you want to know how to be a good listener, read on to get started!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
How to Do More Pull Ups
What better way is there to prove your upper body strength than by busting out a set of pull ups with perfect form? Pull ups are one of the most challenging body weight exercises possible — being able to do just a few is usually seen as a sign of above-average strength (especially for women and young people). However, almost anyone can increase the number of pull ups they can do with hard work, even if that number is currently "zero". Start working out your arms, lats, and back today to take your pull up game to the next level!
Illustrator and Photoshop Workflow with Rasterino
Create an Epic Pirate Sea Battle in Photoshop
Photoshop: How to Create Techno-inspired, Symbols & Logos
How to Shoot Dramatic Portraits in Dark Locations
How to Choose a Laptop
Looking to invest in a new laptop? There are so many options out there that trying to find the right one can get confusing fast. With a little planning and consideration of your needs, you can quickly eliminate the vast majority of laptops from your search and focus on finding the one that suits your perfectly.
How to Lead a Discussion
Leading a discussion in a classroom can help students converse with each other to gain insight into a given topic. However, if you’re a discussion leader, you may be nervous about how to keep the conversation going while engaging the members of your class. If you find yourself needing to lead a class in college or high school, or if you are simply interested in alternative ways of learning, then you can be on your way to leading an engaging and thought-provoking discussion after a bit of hard work and effort.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
How to Get Clients
Let’s face it – everyone is in sales. From the neighborhood babysitter who wants to pack her weekend sitting schedule to the public accountant looking for more work, even non-sales positions require plenty of sales savvy in this economy. Here are many tips and instructions for winning clients and influencing prospects in a variety of situations.
Cheap Camera Challenge With a 0.3 Megapixel Talking Toy Camera
How to Colorize a Black and White Photo in Photoshop
How to Have Good Handwriting
Just like fingerprints, handwriting styles are totally custom and unique to the person. It's a fact that most people dislike their handwriting, but with a little practice you can love it. The key is not to rush so you can keep it consistent. Grab out your favorite notebook, and let's get started.
How to Develop Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to tap into your emotions and use them to make your life better. Being in touch with your feelings allows you to manage stress levels and communicate effectively with other people, two skills that enhance your life both personally and professionally. Unlike IQ, which remains constant throughout your life, EQ can be developed and honed over time. See Step 1 to learn how to develop your emotional intelligence using techniques you can try right away.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Create a Textured Bird with Smoke in Photoshop
Advanced Honeypot Fields: Stop Spam Without Annoying The User
Most spam bots aren't too smart and will fill all the fields they find in a form in attempt to spam it. This led to inventing super-simple "honeypot" fields - input fields hidden by CSS. Users don't see them and don't fill them, while bots fill them. In your backend you just have to check if the field is empty. If it is not, voila, you have caught a spammer.
Draw an Airport Mechanical Text Display From Scratch
Photoshop: How to Make a Sleek, Shiny Pill with Reflection from Scratch
Get element by href using jQuery
Here's another jQuery code snippet which allows you to get anchor tag element by value of its href attribute.
Zebra Striping a Table with CSS 3
Here's a handy CSS code snippet which allows you to apply zebra stripe effect to table with CSS3
How To Create A Two Column Layout Using Tables
A friend of mine who is new to web designing told me he is having facing some difficulties creating layouts using tables.So I decided to do a tutorial on How To Create A Two Column Layout Using Tables, so as to show him and anyone also facing same problem. Creating layout with tables is as simple as creating rows and columns within your tables. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be creating a two column layout using tables. To get started, create a new file using your favorite
Play With Bubbles & Lights Effects On Photoshop!
How to Blend Images in Photoshop
Dance Photography 101: How to Take Dance Photos
Re-linking Multiple Images with Rasterino
How to Be a Point Guard
Often called the "leader of the offense" and compared to the quarterback in American football, the point guard is one of the most demanding positions on the basketball court. Playing point guard requires great ball handling skills, good scoring ability, and a thorough understanding of your team's strategy. However, this versatile position also allows you to play a pivotal role on the court by leading the offense's scoring efforts. Being a point guard is hard work, but also one of the most rewarding positions a basketball player can have.
How to Get the Guy You Want
The key to getting the guy you want is having enough confidence in yourself to know that you deserve only the best. All you have to do is let him see what an amazing and unique girl you are without coming on too strong. If you manage your expectations and take your time to get to know the guy, then you’ll be on the way to making him yours.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
How to Supercharge Collaborative Decisions
Group decision-making and brainstorms are often time drains: People gather in a group, give input, then go 'round and 'round. Usually, nothing comes out—except a ball of ideas with no clear conception of how to untangle it or proceed productively. What is worse: Group negotiations and brainstorming often drain energy, breathe life into poor ideas, and result in watered-down decisions. To get around the inherent pitfalls of group decision-making, learn to structure sessions which effectively short-circuit time and energy drains: Use Google Ventures "Note and Vote" to tap the power of many minds and many viewpoints.
How to Accept Criticism
The funny thing about criticism is that, while it stings, it's actually really necessary to becoming truly good at something. If you're not very good at taking criticism, you might want to work on this skill. Not only will it help you to improve your interactions with other people, but it will also help you improve yourself and feel better when you have problems.
How to Add a Footnote to Microsoft Word
Footnotes allow you to cite sources or explain a concept in detail without sidetracking the main text. Word makes managing footnotes easy, as new footnotes are numbered automatically, and the footnotes area expands and shrinks dynamically based on the amount of text. Give your document a professional feel by strategically using footnotes to clarify information and credit your sources.
How to Treat a Wasp or Hornet Sting
If you've had a run-in with a wasp or hornet, it's probably not your best day ever. The symptoms will last a few very annoying days, but they can be mostly alleviated with the proper care. Now that you're done aggravating the wrong insects, read this article to start forgetting about the itch.
How to Find a Last Minute Mother's Day Gift
Oh no! It's Mother's Day very soon and you forgot to get her a gift? Mother's Day is a very important date to show your mother that you love and appreciate her, so you should make an effort to do something for her, even if you don't have much time left. No ideas? Have no fear: this article is here to help! Just read on for some simple, quick and cost-effective ways to show your appreciation to your mother this Mother's Day.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
How to Make Mother's Day Gifts
Is there a mother in your life who you'd like to treat even though you're strapped for cash? Or maybe you want to do something more personal and creative than running to the store or the florist? To make Mother’s Day gifts from the heart, try some of the following ideas.
How to Impress Someone
There are lots of reasons why you'd want to impress someone. Maybe you're looking to really show your girlfriend that you're husband material. Maybe you're new in town and looking to make friends. Maybe you just want to show your boss that you're ready for a promotion. No matter the reason, it's not that hard to impress someone with just a bit of work and a couple tricks.
How to Become a Doula
A doula offers support to mothers before, during and after they give birth. Doula literally means “a woman who serves,” and doulas have been support givers for centuries. Today, doulas are trained professionals who are highly regarded for their professional expertise.[1] There are a variety of doulas, from birth doulas, post-partum doulas, to miscarriage doulas. If you want to join the ranks of this exciting profession, then it's important to find the right path for you. See Step 1 to learn how to get started with becoming a doula. Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found
Friday, May 8, 2015
How to Cook Tarantula Spiders
Properly prepared tarantulas make one of the most delicious and texturally satisfying entrées and are on a par with another tasty delight, the lobster. You might think this is typical recipe hyperbole... until you read what "The Bug Chef" has to say about batter-fried tarantulas: David George Gordon further explains that if you want to fry up an unusual taste for your family or guests, one of the larger tarantulas fills the bill because the exoskeleton is relatively thin and pliable, making batter-fried, muscle-filled legs chewy and not crunchy. Each recipe serves 4.
How to Prevent Hair Breakage
When hair becomes dry and brittle, the shaft breaks, leading to frayed and split ends. It’s a common problem that can be avoided when you know how to take good care of your hair to keep it well hydrated. By changing the products you use and being gentle with your hair, you can have shiny, vibrant, healthy hair that won’t break.
How to Raise Quail
Quail are small fowl that exist in the wild but can also be raised in a backyard cage. Unlike chickens, most city ordinances don’t restrict or outlaw raising quail. They are quiet, small, even-tempered birds that can produce about five to six eggs per week. Make sure you raise them with plenty of light, water, food and sanitation.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
How to Delete Recently Watched Movies or Shows on Netflix
After many years, Netflix finally introduced the ability to delete movie and shows from the "recently watched" list on your Netflix account. Rejoice, Netflix viewers, no one will discover your shameful secret. Going forward, you can also use the "Profiles" feature to keep your "recently watched" list separate from other people who use the account.
How to Come Out
Coming out is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. If you’re ready to come out to your friends, family members, or even your community, then the most important thing is that you’re comfortable with and accepting of your sexuality before you open up to anyone. Once you do that, the best thing you can do is to prepare what to say and to know what to expect. Though no one said coming out was easy, you should be proud of yourself for accepting who you are and look forward to feeling like you can enjoy being exactly who you were meant to be. This article is focused on coming out as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. If you’d like to know how to come out as transgender, click here.
How to Cite Journal Articles
Citing reference materials properly will add clarity and consistency to an essay or other scholarly project. Here is how to cite journal articles using several popular styles of citation. Unless otherwise noted, add a period after each "sentence," or segment, of a citation.
How to Do a Concentration Curl
For a bicep exercise that requires nothing except a weight and a bench to sit at, try concentration curls! These basic bicep exercises, which involve slowly and smoothly lifting a dumbbell up and down between your legs while seated, are the same kind that you've probably seen musclebound "meathead" characters perform in countless movies and television shows. Despite their reputation, concentration curls are great for virtually anyone, so get started today for toned, strong upper arms!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
How to Create a Vintage Macintosh in Adobe Illustrator
How To Populate Drop Down Menu From Database In PHP
This is a simple tutorial that shows How To Populate Drop Down Menu From Database In PHP. This is going to be a simple and straightforward tutorial. Without wasting time, let begin. We will be create a test database and some sample data to use for the purpose of this tutorial. Below is the schema that create our fruits table.
10 Elements of Good Composition
This Acrobatic Photographer Has a Bizarre Way of Capturing Portraits
A DIY Guide to Replacing Your DSLR Camera's Shutter
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