Monday, August 31, 2015

How to Track a MoneyGram Money Order

MoneyGram is an ideal way to send money because payment is always guaranteed for the recipient and the sender's banking information is never exposed. If you have recently sent someone a MoneyGram money order for any reason, it is a good idea to learn how to track MoneyGram money orders so you can ensure that your recipient received and cashed it.

How to Throw a Frisbee

For some, learning how to throw a Frisbee may seem harder than it looks. This article will teach you to throw a Frisbee using a basic backhand technique.

How to Start a Horse Breeding Farm

Starting a horse breeding farm isn't something to take on lightly. In fact, this article can only introduce you to some of the more important things you need to be aware of, as you'd need to read an entire tone of information to cover all the requirements for a successful horse breeding operation, including how to assess your own suitability to undertake such an enterprise. Nevertheless, there are some basic principles and essentials that will help to guide your decision to start a horse breeding farm and will help you to decide whether this is the right thing for you to do. Saddle up and learn what's involved!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

How to Curve a Bowling Ball

You have the straight shot down and now it's time to look like the pros. Learning to throw a curve bowling ball takes a lot of time and practice, but the effort pays off with the new-found confidence you will have after mastering this skill and improving your bowling score.

How to Catch a Football

Catching a football is something a lot of people can do, but only a few people can do really well. In order to catch a football consistently, you have to use your hand eye coordination correctly and efficiently. People make it seem easy, but it actual reality, it's not. You have to visualize success from the moment the ball leaves the quarterback's hands to the moment it hits yours. Let's get started!

How to Photograph a Tombstone

Headstones are monuments to our ancestors and a link to both family ties and our history. Many people have an interest in taking photographs of tombstones and a good quality photograph is desirable when you're researching ancestry information or documenting headstones and grave markers. Hopefully, you will find these tips helpful.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

How to Dissolve a Company

Businesses close for many reasons. Perhaps the owners are retiring. Or, the company just isn’t doing well enough to justify continuing. Whatever the reason, it’s important to follow your state’s legal procedures for dissolving (ending) the business. Once you’ve formed a business and registered it with the state, you need to formally close it out, even if you never used the business for anything. Failing to do this can subject you to liability for unpaid mandatory business fees and taxes, and possibly leave you vulnerable to lawsuits. This article will provide you with the basics of dissolving a business.

How to Make New Friends in High School

Making friends in high school doesn’t always come easily. And because making friends is a process, it doesn’t always happen quickly. But if you want to find and make new friends, there are strategies you can adopt that will help you expand your friend circle.

How to Make Solid Perfume

Because it's easy to make, solid perfume opens the door to experimentation, creativity and individuality. Whether you're looking to set yourself apart with a unique scent or you're not so fond of the alcoholic undertones in most liquid perfumes, these instructions will show you how to create an inexpensive alternative.

Friday, August 28, 2015

How to Heal a Sore Tongue

Having a sore tongue may result in symptoms such as pain, a burning sensation, or dryness of the tongue. There are different causes of a sore tongue, including biting or burning your tongue, infections such as the fungal infection oral thrush, mouth ulcers, and burning mouth syndrome, also known as glossodynia or burning tongue syndrome. In some cases, the source of a sore tongue is unknown. Depending on your symptoms and a possible medical diagnosis, there are different treatments that to soothe a sore tongue and relieve related discomfort.

How to Skateboard

Skateboarding is one of the most popular and iconic street sports. Whether you want to learn the basics to cruise around, or you want to learn to kick-flip like a pro, you can learn what you need to get started. From buying your first board to nailing an Ollie you can learn what it takes to surf the sidewalk.

How to Make Baileys Irish Cream

Every liqueur or cocktail fan knows what Baileys Irish Cream is. And with this recipe, you don't even have to search your local liquor store at night––make your own at home! It's very convenient and will probably taste better than a store bought one because it's as fresh as possible.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Photoshop: How to Replace a Sky in a Photo

Photoshop CC 2014 tutorial showing how to replace a burnt-out sky in a photo with a beautiful blue sky and feathery, white clouds.

All You Need To Know About HTML Links

In this tutorial, I will try as much as possible to discuss all you need to know about HTML links. I will be covering various types of links and how to create them with relevant examples.

How to Create Accordion

In this blog you will come to know abouthow to make an accordion .Just visit the link.For such more blogs visit

Create Stone Face Wrapped by Tree Roots in Photoshop

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this Stone Face Wrapped by Tree Roots in Photoshop. This effect looks complicated but it’s in fact easy to create. You do need have some knowledge of image adjustments and layer blending.

Ice Photography – A Helpful How-To Guide

There are fewer genres more appropriate for the winter season than ice photography. The stark, natural beauty of frozen water makes it the ideal subject for this time of year. As the temperature outside begins to dip lower and lower, your opportunities for snapping memorable pictures only get greater and greater.

What is meta tag and their uses.

Meta tags are special type of html tags but these meta tags are not used in the html page to enhance the display of webpage on browser, however these Meta tags are special tags that are being used by the search engine so that search engine capture these meta tags into its index and display the webpages results in search engine result page.

Designing A Logo From Concept To Completion

The Client has come to you for help. They need a logo! As a designer, you will have to create logos at some point. Whether it’s for for yourself or for a client you should go through a process to make the project as painless as possible.

Make a Cross-Stitch Effect from an image with Photoshop CC

In this tutorial I will show you how to turn an image into a simulated cross-stitch effect. I've used real world dimensions here, so if you print out a 6 inch square picture with this method, It will look similar to what a real 6 inch square cross-stitch project would look like. This method should work well with logos, signs, proverbs, etc. Works best where large areas of solid color or backgound are prevalent.

Creating Horizontal Menu Bar Using Html and CSS

In this Blog you will come to know about create a horizontal menu bar in a web page using HTML and CSS .Here you can also find some more blogs related to technology .For more kindly visit

Photoshop: Create Dawn on a Planetary Horizon in Deep Space

Photoshop CC 2014 tutorial showing how to create a cloud-covered, planet illuminated at its horizon from a bright star in deep space from scratch.

Create a Russian Doll in Illustrator

Learn how to create a traditional Russian doll in Adobe Illustrator.

Configuring Bootstrap: which components to choose

This article tells you how to configure the appearance of the Bootstrap before you download it and some facts about component selection.

Create A Vintage Style Pop Art Cartoon In Photoshop

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a pop art style cartoon inspired by the great Lichtenstein. Let’s get started!

PHP File Inclusion

There are times you might want to reference a particular file in another file. These is mostly common in OOP. PHP provides function which can be used to reference another file from a calling file. These function are include() and require() and we will be looking at them shortly. These functions help in creating functions, headers, footers, or elements that can be reused on multiple pages. This will help developers to make it easy to change the layout of complete website with minimal effort.

How to Use an ATM to Deposit Money

People usually think of ATMs (Automated Teller Machines), also known as cash points, as a place for withdrawing cash from a bank account. However, many ATMs permit you to make deposits of checks and cash into your account as well. The process varies by bank and ATM, and you should refer to your bank’s policies and follow the prompts at the ATM, but the following steps are generally relevant to most ATM deposit transactions.

How to Make Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils extracted from aromatic plants like lavender and rosemary. About 700 different kinds of plants contain useful essential oils, and there are several methods employed to extract them — the most common of which is distillation. While essential oils can be very expensive to buy, they are relatively cheap to distill at home.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Enjoy School

School doesn't have to be a dungeon. Whether you find school difficult, boring, or just plain stressful, you can learn to make school easier and a lot more fun. Learn some concrete strategies for making school easier, making friends, and keeping it fun.

How to Take a Medical History

Someone complains of a medical problem (e.g., "I feel tired", "my throat hurts", "I have chest pain", "I feel nauseous", "I can't sleep", "I have a headache", etc.). You want to find out more about this problem to help. This article will give you a systematic way to take a detailed medical history.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Cover a Textbook

School textbooks can be very expensive — in fact, at some colleges, students can end up spending over $1,200 per year on books alone. Why risk damaging or ruining these expensive investments? The pennies you spend on a simple paper cover can save you handfuls of cash in the long run, so don't wait — cover your books today for lasting protection.

How to Extend the Battery Life of an iPad

Just as with an iPhone or iPod Touch, the battery life of your iPad will be shorter during heavy use. However, there are some measures you can take to keep your device on and active for hours of enjoyment, and this article explains what you can do to lengthen the battery life.

Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Change the IP Address on a Mac

Changing your IP address can be useful if you want to avoid being attacked by other users who are targeting your IP address, or if you simply want a new online identity from an IP standpoint. You can change your IP address on a Mac at any time through System Preferences.

How to Watch Monday Night Football Online

Watching Monday Night Football online can be difficult if you don't have NFL Game Pass, which costs money. If you want to watch MNF via Game Pass, you can download the app and then watch on your computer or mobile device. If you don't want to pay money in order to watch MNF online, however, you may do so illegally via a streaming website. Before doing so, understand that wikiHow does not encourage the illegal streaming of football games.

How to Read a Screw Thread Callout

You have a loose machine screw and walk into the hardware store to obtain a replacement. There, you encounter an entire aisle of screws, nuts, washers, and other small hardware. Which one do you need? To read a screw thread callout, follow these guidelines.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to Tell if a Turtle Is Male or Female

If you keep pet turtles, it's nice to know if you've got boys or girls. However, unlike many mammals, turtles have no external genitalia. This makes determining their sex much more difficult, but it's not impossible. The differences between male and female turtles can be subtle and are easier to spot if you have one turtle of each sex so that you can compare. If you only have one turtle, then look for as many clues as possible to try to determine the turtle's gender.

How to Draft Your Fantasy Football Team

Drafting a fantasy football team doesn't have to be hard! Here are some steps/tips on how to prevent yourself from drafting a losing team.

How to Turn Your Life Around

To be satisfied with life, you need to change and adapt to changes. The good news? No one can do it for you but you. The first step is always the hardest, but with determination and the right mindset you can overcome just about anything. If you've had enough of how things are right now, what lies around the corner can (and will) be completely different.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Tame Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs, or cavies, are beloved pets in some parts of the world. They are friendly, easy to handle, and active. When you first bring a guinea pig home, you will have to be patient as it gets used to you and its new environment. As soon as it is tamed, however, you and your pet will have a wonderful time snuggling and playing.

How to Save on School Supplies

The average American family with school-age children spends over $600 on back-to-school supplies. With millions of kids, teens, and adults going back to school in August and September, the stores are crowded with people looking to buy school supplies at the last minute and joining this fray can cause you to overspend. On the other hand, it doesn't take much to scope out good deals and sales, and the following steps will help you to make budget savvy choices for this year's school supplies.

How to Start Your Own Cosmetics Line

So you really love the beauty industry. You also have an entrepreneurial kind of spirit. Combine these two passions, and you just might have a knack for starting your own cosmetics line!

Friday, August 21, 2015

How to Get Rid of a Breakout

Acne is common with teenagers and adults can experience skin problems that are brought on by stress, hormones, or makeup irritation. While a breakout won't disappear overnight, you can to gently treat and conceal mild and moderate breakouts.

How to Care for a Leather Jacket

Leather is a complicated substance, but taking care of it doesn't have to be. Take some time to learn about caring for leather jackets, follow these best practices, and you'll only need to use the occasional treatment to keep your jacket supple and attractive.

How to Build a Robot Car

Have you ever wanted to see your own robot car roving around? Build one with a few electronics parts, an Arduino microcontroller, and copy-paste programming. Even if you've never tried a project like this before, take the chance to practice your soldering and get familiar with some basic code.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How to Make a Wind Vane

Wind vanes are also referred to as weather vanes, since when the wind changes directions, it often brings a change in weather. They are often attached to the tops of buildings, where the wind isn't interrupted by objects lower to the ground. You can make a simple weather vane as a science project or to have fun decorating it, or cut out a more permanent design out of wood and mount it on a fence post or rooftop.

How to Establish Credit

To people without much financial experience, credit can seem a lot like a Catch-22: to get it, you must already have it. While it's true that having a credit history is a prerequisite for many of life's major financial transactions (like, for instance, buying a house), with the right approach, you can establish healthy credit from almost nothing over a few years. By starting small and gradually increasing your credit (all while making responsible financial decisions), you can establish a good credit history that will be able to serve as a strong financial foundation for years to come.

How to Use Magnets to Locate Studs

Learn how to use a simple magnet to locate timber studs. Timber stud walls are often clad with a baseboard/plasterboard/thin timber, fastened either with nails (clout nails or pins) or more recently with drywall screws. These metal fixings can be located by utilizing their magnetic properties.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How to Condition Curly Hair

Taking care of your curly hair can be a challenge if you don't know what products and tools work best for your hair type. A good conditioner and homemade remedies can be essential for curly hair.

How to Become a Bollywood Actress

Bollywood is the informal name of the Hindi film industry. Based in Mumbai, India, the name Bollywood came from combining Bombay, Mumbai's former name, with Hollywood. Bollywood began outproducing America in film production in the 1970s and now produces hundreds of movies each year. It's not easy to get into the Hindi film industry without connections, since there is competition from thousands of women who want to work in Bollywood and competition is high. However, there are some things you can go to improve your chances and learn how to become a Bollywood actress.

How to Get Your Horse to Stand Still for Mounting

Do you have a horse who would rather turn around and around than stay in one place when you try to mount? It can make you feel rather dizzy, not to mention disheartened! Rather than giving up, maybe these tips will help you to get your horse to stay still.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to Use a Snoot for Portrait Lighting

Using a snoot can give your photos just the right quality of light if you’re going for a high-contrast final image. Jay P. Morgan discusses everything about a snoot and how to create your own DIY version of it.

These Adrenaline Pumping Photos Will Make Your Heart Race

We found some of the most breathtaking, adrenaline pumping scenes. If you’re into motocross, parkour, kite surfing, paragliding, rock climbing, sky diving, or any other extreme sport, you’re gonna enjoy this!

An Old Woman Finds a Polaroid Camera in This Touching Cartoon

When was the last time you saw an animated short and felt a lump in your throat? Watch this animation, a creation of two students at the Loyola Marymount University in LA.

7 Tips to Great Photography Composition

Nature and landscape photographer John Greengo walks you through his tried and true framing rules that can elevate your work from cluttered and confusing to clean and beautiful.

Optical Image Stabilization Explained in Under 4 Minutes

If buying a new camera or lens gives you nightmares of random photography terminology, you are not alone. One term that you’re likely to hear more often than others is optical image stabilization. Know more about it in this tutorial.

The Unspoken Truth about Camera Tests

You got a new gear and you finally convinced someone to model for the test runs. Ever wonder what your subject might be thinking through the whole ordeal? Well, new media designer Jon Cole has some perspective on the matter.

How to Set up a Hair Salon

A well-run hair salon can be a profitable business no matter what state the economy’s in. People are always willing to pay for services that can’t be replicated well at home, and hair styling is at the top of the list. Running a hair salon is quite different from working at one as a stylist. You’ll need to have your business incorporated, hire employees, attract customers and make sure they stay happy. Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of setting up your own salon.

How to Join the Peace Corps

Joining the Peace Corps is a huge decision – 27 months of your life spent in a struggling country, without the comforts of what many of us consider everyday life. However, it's an invaluable experience that you will never forget; you'll touch people's lives, make the world just a bit better, and it looks fantastic on a resume. The application process takes around 6 months – if you're patient, it can be the best decision you've ever made.

How to Remove Sweat Stains With Aspirin

Hard days at work and sweaty commutes home ruining your white shirts? Run over to your medicine cabinet and use your everyday painkillers for fast stain removal. Keep in mind that this will not work for every sweat stain, as these can be caused by a wide variety of deodorant formulas.

Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Tenderize Chicken

Chicken is one of the most popular foods in the world, yet it's tricky to get the meat to taste just right. Chicken can easily be tough, dry and chewy, especially if you don't bother tenderizing it before you start the cooking process. However, when you use a tenderizing marinade or mallet and make sure to cook it it at the right temperature, chicken can be amazingly juicy and tender.

How to Stop Being Apathetic

If you were so apathetic that you were beyond help, you wouldn’t be reading this article. There is a resilient spark inside of you that has refused to go out. This is encouraging! Apathy should not be confused with laziness. Characteristics of apathy include: absence or suppression of passion, emotion, excitement, interest or concern. The root cause is often multi-faceted and difficult to untangle. Perhaps you have faced continual defeat, relentless rejection, or feel like you are constantly pushed to the ground. Somewhere along the line you stopped caring, and you tell yourself, “Why bother?” Delving into the reasons for your behaviors and designing and executing a plan for change will create the momentum you need to achieve the life you desire.

Interesting Photo of the Day: Frosty Sunrise

Most of us don’t exactly welcome freezing cold mornings. They make it difficult to get out of bed. But photographers who manage to get out from under the covers at an early hour are rewarded by scenery such as this.

FUN Artists Flower

FUN is the acronym of Friends United Network. It began as a group of cultured friends from the skateboard and snowboard industries who stood for innovation and product quality. It has since grown into a network of artists who quickly become friends.

How to Unscrew a Screw Without a Screwdriver

It happens often enough that you don't have a screwdriver handy but really urgently need to remove a screw. Although using a screwdriver is the easiest and safest way to remove a screw, there are different methods that can be attempted if you cannot find a screwdriver or cannot find the correct type and size of screwdriver.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Interesting Photo of the Day: Long Exposure of a Glowing Rock Climber

A photographer wanted to try something different and attached multicolored glow sticks to each of his limbs during a long exposure shot and the result was amazing.

How to Create a Cinematic Effect in Photoshop

Jesús Ramirez shows us three ways to achieve a cinematic effect on your image in Photoshop. Ramirez goes in depth on using color curve layers and also shows us some shortcuts using color adjustment layers and color lookup adjustment layers.

Documentary Celebrates Four Men who have Photographed every Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is widely considered the mecca of sports photography, because of its sheer scale, magnitude, and fan following. But there are four photographers who have been fortunate enough to photograph every Super Bowl in history.

The Secret of Perfect Color in your Photography

Poorly exposed images will never give color their sparkle and brightness. Getting exposure right is not only necessary for a well-lit scene, but also color. By using simple photography tools, getting great color is no secret.

Ansel Adam's Son Revisits a Life Changing Photo

Ansel Adams was one of the pioneers in landscape photography. His work is something extraordinary. Something still relevant today. Thanks to Marc Silber‘s interview with the legendary photographer’s son, Michael Adams, we have the opportunity to see up close how some of his most important photos were born.

Create nature themed text effect in 20 minutes.

In this Photoshop tutorial I will create a nature themed text effect. You will learn how to use a few stock images to create this cool text effect.

Retouching Gradient Skies – Photoshop Video Tutorial

Retouching gradient skies can be somewhat tricky to do. In today’s video, we’ll go through a few of the steps required to edit and retouch gradient skies using Adobe Photoshop as well as look at some of the tools that are at our disposal and which ones work best.