Monday, February 29, 2016
How to create WordPress Related Posts
Learn how to create related posts in WordPress by yourself. With this easy tutorial you will learn a bit of SQL also!
How to Get Your Tool Bars and Navigation Bars Back
Internet browsers offer the ability to save bookmarks, add extensions, and customize tool bars and navigation materials. With so much customization across several different browsers, you may find yourself needing to troubleshoot a suddenly missing component of your normal setup. The most common solutions to this issue are simple to execute and in the process you can also learn how to customize your browsing experience. Results and exact menu headings may vary a bit across different versions of the browser software as well as across Mac and PC but with a little patience you're certain to be steered in the right direction.
How to Care for Zebra Danios
Danios are fun to watch and easy to care for, even for the novice aquarist. This article will show you how to care for these hardy, yet beautiful fish.
How to Grow Long Hair if You Are a Black Female
As an African-American female, you may think that your hair is too fragile to grow long. Don't worry! You can grow long, lustrous hair if you're a black female by following the routines in this article.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
How to Get an "A" in Geometry
Geometry is the study of shapes and angles and can be challenging for many students. Many of the concepts are totally new and this can lead to anxiety about the subject. There are a lot of postulates/theorems, definitions, and symbols to learn before geometry begins to make sense. Through combining good study habits and a few study pointers, you will have success in learning geometry.
How to Get Rid of Shoulder Ache
An achy shoulder is pretty common and can be triggered by numerous issues, including muscle strain, ligament sprain, joint dislocation, dysfunction in the spine (neck or mid-back), or even heart disease. However, the most common cause of shoulder ache is mildly pulled muscles and/or ligaments, usually from over-use at work or overdoing it with exercise. Most achy shoulders are self-limiting and resolve within a week — sometimes even quicker if you use helpful home remedies. For more severe shoulder injuries, professional help may be needed, including (in rare instances) surgery.
How to Write an Email Asking for an Internship
In today's digital world, using email to ask for an internship is increasingly normal. If you see an internship posting or would like to inquire about possible internships, email the listed contact person. Be sure to write your email as formally as you would write a letter. Use proper salutations, closings, and grammar. Double check your work and get ready to receive responses.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
How to Get Up in the Morning
You're tired of hitting the snooze button ten times before you have to force yourself out of bed. Not only is this wasting your time and making you be late for your job but it's also making you feel irritated and uninspired to start your day once your feet touch the floor. If you're committed to getting up with the right mindset, then you have to execute a bullet-proof plan for success that starts the night before. Follow these steps and you'll never have to hit the snooze button again.
How to Patent an Idea
Do you have a brilliant idea you're ready to patent? Getting a US patent prevents others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling your idea within the United States, and prevents others from importing it into the US. After you determine that your idea meets the right criteria and hasn't already been patented, apply for a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Read on to learn more about how to patent your bright idea.
Create a Surreal “Parting of the Sea” Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Surreal “Parting of the Sea” Photo Manipulation in Photoshop.
Create a Battlefield Scene Using Stock Photography in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Battlefield Scene Using Stock Photography in Photoshop.
Create a Colorful Fantasy Digital Painting in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Colorful Fantasy Digital Painting in Photoshop.
Digital Painting Tips: How to Pick the Right Brushes
In this photoshop tutorial, you will learn digital painting tips, how to pick the right brushes.
How to Create a Stencil Banner Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Stencil Banner Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create Custom Water Splash Brushes in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create Custom Water Splash Brushes in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Print on T Shirts
Printing designs onto T-shirts is an involved process. But not always a difficult one once you've had some practice. Transfer printing is a good choice for a one-time project. Screen printing requires more specialized supplies but allows you to print many shirts from a single image. Inkodye is another option for quick one-time printing that's more substantial than iron on prints.
Friday, February 26, 2016
How to Survive Being Trapped in Your Car During a Snowstorm
For most people, snowstorms and blizzards are best experienced indoors, perhaps by the fireplace with a warm drink and good company. Finding yourself trapped in your car, whether relatively near others or in an isolated area, can quickly turn into a shivering, starving, thirsty nightmare. Surviving in your car during a snowstorm requires staying calm so you can make wise use of your car to meet your two fundamental needs – shelter for warmth and enough water to drink. Stocking up on additional supplies for this type of situation will help cover those needs and meet others, such as eating, staying dry and being able to leave once the storm clears.
How to Pop Shove It
The pop shove it combines an ollie with a shove it, popping up the board as it spins 180 degrees in the air while you hover above it without spinning. To get the pop shove it down, you have to already know how to shove it -- and, preferably, you should know how to do the ollie. If you want to know how to do a pop shove it, just follow these steps to get going.
How to Get Rid of Dreadlocks
You and your dreadlocks have had a great run, but it's time to say goodbye. Many people believe that the only way to get rid of dreadlocks is to shave your head. Even though cutting off your dreadlocks is the fastest and easiest option, it is not the only way. With time, patience and a few supplies, you can comb out your dreadlocks and save most of your hair, even if you have had dreadlocks for many years. This article will describe both methods of at-home dreadlock removal, and give instructions on having your dreadlocks removed in a salon.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
How to Unwind During a Week Off Work
Sometimes it can be difficult to actually relax when you finally get some time off. Whether you are at home or travelling, you can take some basic steps to help ensure that you can actually unwind, relax, and enjoy your time off instead of stressing out about all the other things that are going on in your life. Preparing for your time off will help you to relax when the time off finally comes.
How to Treat a Paper Cut
Since paper was invented, we’ve dealt with the small but painful effect of paper cuts. Because they often happen on the tips of our fingers, they seem more painful than other abrasions. But there are things you can do so that soon, you’ll forget it ever happened.
How to Create Chord Progression for a Song
This article will provide you with an introduction to building guitar chord progressions for a song. If you have learned 15–20 basic chords, then you may have noticed that some sound better together than others. The question therefore is, “Which ones?”
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Custom Shattered Glass Brushes in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Apply Custom Shattered Glass Brushes in Adobe Photoshop
Create a Weathered, Painted Effect With a Vector Smart Object in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Weathered, Painted Effect With a Vector Smart Object in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Smeared Ketchup Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Smeared Ketchup Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Delicious Jelly Bean Text Effect in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Delicious Jelly Bean Text Effect in Photoshop.
Manipulate a Portrait Photo to Create a Splatter Paint Effect
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Manipulate a Portrait Photo to Create a Splatter Paint Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Illustrate an Astronaut in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Illustrate an Astronaut in Photoshop.
How to Restore a Heavily Damaged Photo With Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Restore a Heavily Damaged Photo With Photoshop.
Create a Realistic Underwater Scene in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Realistic Underwater Scene in Photoshop
How to Tell Whether the Moon Is Waxing or Waning
Determining whether the moon is waxing or waning can tell you a lot about what phase it’s in, how the tides will move, and where the moon is in relation to the Earth and the sun. It’s also helpful to know where the moon rises and sets during its different phases, in case you want to see it on a particular night. A waxing moon is in the process of increasing how much of it is lit (as observed night to night). i.e., it's headed toward being a full moon. Waning is the opposite. There are a couple ways to figure out whether the moon is waxing or waning. Although the details are slightly different depending on where you are in the world, the bulk of the method is still the same.
How to Do a Monthly Budget
Developing a monthly budget can help you get out of debt and build wealth. However, developing a budget is much easier than following it. If you want to get the maximum benefit from a budget, you'll have to practice some restraint and self-discipline to follow it.
How to Check if Your Android Cellphone Is Rooted or Not
An Android device runs Google's Android operating system. Rooting one of these devices gives you full access and control over this operating system. Phones are not rooted by default, but a used phone may have been rooted by its last owner.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
How to Develop a Perfect Speaking Voice
We have all heard at least one person in our lives whose voice is so beautiful and rich that we enjoy listening to them speak, sometimes regardless of what they are actually saying. While developing perfect vocal intonation and diction can be a lifelong task, a beautiful sounding voice can be obtained in a relatively short amount of time. All you need is a little guidance and some dedicated practice. So if you would like to develop a perfect speaking voice, start with Step 1 below.
How to Make Indian Curry
There are many different types of curry, all of which come down to a few basic ingredients. You start with cooked onion, ginger, and garlic, add generous heaps of spices, and then bring it together with a liquid base. Indian Curry cooking is more about technique than any recipe since the final flavor is dependent on the spices you like and have on hand. Once you get down the basic principles of curry making you'll be whipping up the Indian classics in no time. Prep time: 10-20 minutes Cook time: 35-60 minutes Total time: 55-80 minutes
How to Apply Basic Makeup
Applying makeup can be fast, simple, and easy; however, using the wrong shades and improper technique can make your makeup look fake and unnatural. This article will not only show you how to apply basic makeup, but also give you a few tips for choosing the right colors and shades. Don't be afraid to experiment with the amount and type of makeup you're using. Trying a few different application techniques can also be helpful in finding the perfect makeup look just for you!
Monday, February 22, 2016
How to Set Up a Freshwater Aquarium
Having a freshwater aquarium is a wonderful way to bring nature into your home. Setting up a new aquarium is easier than it looks at first glance. The scope of gadgets and accessories on the shelves in pet stores is intimidating, but all you really need are the basics to get started. You'll be watching fish swim gracefully by in your new freshwater aquarium in no time.
How to Create a Table in Adobe Illustrator
This tutorial will show you an easy way to create a table in Adobe Illustrator.
How to Choose the Right Lipstick for You
With its endless palette of lipsticks, glosses, and stains, the makeup counter can be pretty overwhelming. This article will teach you how to choose the right lip color to match your skin tone, outfit, and the occasion.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
How to Make an Animated GIF from a Video in Photoshop CS5
Have you ever seen those funny GIF animations from videos and wished you could make them too? Now you can make them easily! Just follow this guide to making them in Photoshop CS5.
How to Exfoliate Your Body for Soft Skin
Exfoliation, derived from the Latin exfoliatus (to strip of leaves), is a term that describes any process meant to remove dead skin flakes from the body. This simple process can be done easily from home, and most often will result in more radiant, softer skin than before! Generally speaking, when it comes to exfoliating, there are two broad categories to explore: mechanical and chemical exfoliation. While the specific process of exfoliation will depend on the materials and area of focus, you'll find there are many similarities common to each of the techniques. Committing to a proper routine of exfoliation will have your skin looking, and feeling softer than ever before.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
How to Use Velcro Rollers
Velcro rollers might seem like a less professional alternative to curling your hair, but the truth is velcro rollers can save your hair hair from heat damage and your pocketbook from expensive curling options. Using these, you can create soft curls, enhance the volume of your 'do, and create a full-bodied look. Velcro rollers can be used with any hair type or length, and can help you achieve a salon-grade style without having to leave home.
How to Read Shakespeare for Beginners
Reading Shakespeare's works will be fun, but it can be a confusing and frustrating experience for the beginner, partially because of Shakespeare’s style and the difference in language between now and Tudor England in which Shakespeare lived. But with a few steps and some preparation, you'll be well-equipped and ready to enjoy reading a play in no time!
Create a Mystical Photo Manipulation of the Great Ragnarok in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Mystical Photo Manipulation of the Great Ragnarok in Photoshop.
How to Create a Moonlight Scene Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Moonlight Scene Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop.
Quick Tip: Turn a Side View Into a 3D View in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Turn a Side View Into a 3D View in Photoshop
Create a Fantasy Landscape Matte Painting in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Fantasy Landscape Matte Painting in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Quick Sketch Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Quick Sketch Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
Create a Retro Star Wars Inspired Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Retro Star Wars Inspired Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Create a Dark, Emotional Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Dark, Emotional Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Paint a Spring Lady Floral Portrait in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Paint a Spring Lady Floral Portrait in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Fantasy Flaming Deer With Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Fantasy Flaming Deer With Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Colorful, Summery 3D Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Colorful, Summery 3D Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Create a Beautiful Abstract Portrait in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Beautiful Abstract Portrait in Photoshop.
Fortress Using Matte Painting Techniques in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Mountain Fortress Using Matte Painting Techniques in Photoshop
How to Create a Gaming Computer
Building a gaming computer is about so much more than looking cool. It's about power — pure and simple. It can give you an edge and help you win! You might wonder which parts really are the most important for gaming performance. Read the article below for some helpful advice for building a gaming PC — regardless of your budget!
Friday, February 19, 2016
How to Be Mentally and Emotionally Strong
Would you like to be able to deal with life's ups and downs with strength and grace? Becoming mentally and emotionally strong isn't something that happens overnight. If you can start seeing every curveball life throws as a chance to practice being stronger, you'll begin accruing wisdom and clarity that you can put to the test when things really get hard.
How to Apply Lip Stain
Tired of having to reapply lipstick all the time? Use lip stain instead. It lasts much longer, and is also smudge-proof and waterproof. Applied correctly, it can also make your lips appear both full and smooth. This article will show you how to apply lip stain effectively. It will also give you a few tips and pointers on how to get that full, plump look as well.
How to Download a Wikipedia Page as a PDF
Did you like a piece of information on Wikipedia? You can legally have a PDF copy of that page directly from Wikipedia. Wikipedia allows its users to keep the piece of information they like for easy access when they are offline. This article will help you to download a Wikipedia page in PDF file format.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
How to Control Your Mind
The mind consists of many different parts that can each exert influence on your behavior. "You" may want to change how influential a part of your mind is. For example, the part of your mind that cares about getting enough calories and nutrients may urge you to eat rich fatty foods, but another part of you recognizes that in the long run, excessive over eating will ruin your health and your physical image. To control your mind, exerting self-control over behaviors you want to change is key. There are a number of tricks you can employ to change your mind and ultimately your behavior.
Create a Glass Shard Reflection Double Exposure Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Glass Shard Reflection Double Exposure Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Make a Trendy Double Exposure Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Make a Trendy Double Exposure Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Draw a Realistic Aircraft in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Draw a Realistic Aircraft in Photoshop.
How to Age a Photo in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Age a Photo in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Rusted Metal Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Rusted Metal Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
How to Insert a Photo Into a Product Mock-Up in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Insert a Photo Into a Product Mock-Up in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create Your Own Light Ray Brushes From Scratch in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create Your Own Light Ray Brushes From Scratch in Adobe Photoshop.
Create a Relaxing, Vibrant, Fantasy Lake Scene With Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Relaxing, Vibrant, Fantasy Lake Scene With Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Colorful Pendant Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Colorful Pendant Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Plant a Lemon Seed
Lemons can be easily grown from seed and are a wonderful looking plant. You can propagate the seeds directly in soil, or in a plastic resealable bag with a damp paper towel. This article will show you how to plant lemon seeds using both methods. It will also give you tips on how to choose the best lemon seed, and how to take care of your seedling.
How to Play Barre Chords on a Guitar
Learning how to play the barre chord is a large hurdle for beginners. Barre chords are versatile chords for guitarists of all genres. Almost every type of chord can be played in the barre chord form. Conquering the barre chord is an important and challenging step all guitarists must hurdle over. Playing a barre chord requires a lot of practice and strength from your hands, but with enough time, anyone can do it.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
How to Control Rosacea
Rosacea is a common skin disease affecting people of all ages. Rosacea often presents as redness, blushing, or flushed skin that can get worse over time and without treatment. Although there is no cure for the disease, by minimizing the potential for flare-ups and treating rosacea breakouts, you may be able to control your rosacea.
How to Help Your Dog After Giving Birth
A pregnant dog’s instincts will help her respond and get through birthing puppies. The owner should be aware of how to help the dog to make sure that the mother dog and puppies are healthy and safe.
How to Relieve Itchy Hands and Feet at Night
Itchy feet and hands, also called pruritus, can be a symptom of different skin conditions such as an allergic rash, psoriasis, or dermatitis. It can be painful or extremely irritating, and your skin may be rough, red, or have bumps and blisters and you may notice is it worse at night. It is important to get a diagnosis by your doctor, but you can help alleviate the discomfort of itchy hands and feet at night with a variety of medical and home treatments.
How to Make Your Eyes Look Good Without Makeup
You don't need tons of make up products to make your eyes stand out. Whether you are not allowed to wear makeup, have sensitive skin, or just prefer to go au naturale, this article will how to make your eyes look bright and beautiful without makeup.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
How to Take Care of an Overheated Guinea Pig
Guinea pigs are adorable little animals that make great pets. They can overheat easily, though, and become very sick. An overheated guinea pig needs to be treated by a veterinarian right away, so it will be important for you to recognize when your guinea pig is too hot and get him the care he needs as soon as possible.
Monday, February 15, 2016
How to Calculate How Much Money You Need to Retire
Most people look forward to retirement. This is a period of life in which you can step away from the grind of daily employment and follow your dreams. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to retire without worry or regret. Unfortunately, many people fail to prepare financially. To get started, you’ll need to figure how much money you are likely to need for retirement.
How to Overcome Fear
We all know the story of Batman, the fictional hero that stands up for justice and lives in integrity. The reason he became Batman? He wanted to face his fear of bats by turning his intense fear into a source of incredible strength. Even the most courageous people have fears to overcome. Are you afraid of something tangible, like spiders or heights? Maybe you fear failure, change, or something else that's more difficult to pin down. No matter what it is that scares you, learn how to acknowledge, confront, and take ownership of your fear so that nothing can hold you back in life.
How to Load 35Mm Film Into a Manual Camera
People take photos in all environments and it is important to make sure you have the right film selected for your lighting conditions and to make sure the film is loaded properly to ensure that your photos come out. This article will prepare you for an outdoor photography setting, using no flash.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
How to Rotate Tires
Tire rotations are crucial to ensuring that you get the longest life out of the tires you purchase. Over time, with different driving conditions, your tires are prone to uneven tire wear. Depending on your style of driving, it is wise to rotate your tires about every , roughly every other oil change. Read on to learn how to add this inexpensive and easy money saver to your mechanic-arsenal.
How to Draw, Ink and Colour a Cartoon Car in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Draw, Ink and Colour a Cartoon Car in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create a Surreal Underwater Scene With Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Surreal Underwater Scene With Adobe Photoshop
How to Create a Fantasy Landscape Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Fantasy Landscape Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop.
Create a 3D Cafe Sign Using Adobe Photoshop and Filter Forge
In this tutorial, you will learn how toCreate a 3D Cafe Sign Using Adobe Photoshop and Filter Forge.
Create a One-Layer Retro Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a One-Layer Retro Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Flirt with a Guy over Text
Text messaging is a great form of communication that you can use to flirt with your guy. Flirt texting can be done with someone you are just getting to know, a guy you are developing a relationship with or a long-term partner to add some fun into your relationship. You can also use texting to stay in touch, build interest and connect with a guy prior to making the next move. Texting takes the stress out of responding right away, allows you to take your time and share your thoughts and feelings easier.
How to Maintain Romance
Whether you are married or in a long-term relationship, keeping the romance fresh and alive can be a challenging task. With demanding work schedules, romance often suffers, which can have catastrophic consequences for your relationship. Maintaining the romance in your relationship will support your long-term mental and physical health, increase the connection between you and your partner, and possibly lead to a more fulfilling life.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
How to Make Ice Cream
Next time you want ice cream, consider making it yourself instead of buying it. Making ice cream is easy, and it's a great project to try with kids. This article contains various different ways to make ice cream, one of which is bound to work well for your kitchen and available tools. Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 5 hours, 50 minutes (active cook time: 15 minutes) Total time: 6 hours
How to Make a Heart in Hand Card
Are you looking for an easy and cute craft? This is the craft for you, then! It takes 5 minutes and no artistic ability whatsoever. Let's get started!
Friday, February 12, 2016
How to Survive a Wolf Attack
Wolves are dangerous, powerful predatory animals. They usually do not show aggression toward people, but it never hurts to be prepared for the worst when you find yourself in wolf territory. If you are attacked by a wolf, do not run away. Maintain eye contact, make yourself look large, and make loud, intimidating noises. Get to a safe place as soon as you can.
Create a Shiny, White and Gold, 3D Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn Create a Shiny, White and Gold, 3D Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Create a Chic Summer Style Poster in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create a Chic Summer Style Poster in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Digitally Paint Shiny Metal Armor in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Digitally Paint Shiny Metal Armor in Adobe Photoshop.
How to Create Your Own Fog Brushes in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create Your Own Fog Brushes in Adobe Photoshop.
Create Your Own Rust Brushes From Scratch in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn Create Your Own Rust Brushes From Scratch in Adobe Photoshop.
Create a Camera Phone Mock-Up Using Smart Objects and Smart Filters in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn Create a Camera Phone Mock-Up Using Smart Objects and Smart Filters in Photoshop.
How to Make a Homemade String Heart
Proclaim your love by bestowing a string wound heart to the object of your affection. This string heart has longer staying power than the typical love letter or Valentine’s Day card as it can be hung on the wall as a reminder of your love forever.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat
Getting rid of inner thigh fat can be a frustrating venture. In order to successfully lose inner thigh fat, you must combine consistent healthy eating with habitual exercise. However, it is important to keep in mind that neither diet nor exercise will only target the fat specifically on your inner thighs; instead you should look to reduce your body fat in general with a healthy diet while simultaneously shaping and toning your thighs through rigorous exercise.
How to Make Graham Balls
Are you looking for a fun dessert that doesn't require any baking? Graham balls are sweet treats that you can quickly whip up with a few simple ingredients. Start with simple graham balls, or get creative and experiment with your favorite candies and flavors. Total time: 20-25 minutes
How to Stop Self Destructive Behaviors
Just about everyone has engaged in a self-destructive behavior at some point in their lives. Self-destructive behaviors can include: intentional physical harm to yourself (cutting, banging your head against something, burning yourself, punching the wall), engaging in risky behaviors (gambling, unprotected sex, and substance abuse), having dysfunctional relationships, and neglecting one’s health. Whether intentional or not, self-destructive behaviors can lead to personal and social consequences. Discontinuing these self-destructive behaviors is possible by identifying your pattern of self-destructive behaviors, changing your thoughts related to your self-destructive behaviors, and coping with triggers to self-destructive actions.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
How to Write a Functional Resume
Most resumes include a chronological list of your professional accomplishments. In some cases, though, you may be better off emphasizing skills and accomplishments in order of importance, rather than in order of occurrence. A functional resume does just that.
How to Make Fire Without Matches or a Lighter
Being able to start a fire is an essential tool for surviving in the wilderness. When someone in your camping group drops the matches into the river or the lighter gets lost along the way, you may need to know how to start a fire using natural or household objects to create friction or magnify the sun. Learn how to start a fire without using matches or a lighter by reading the methods below.
How to Create a Realistic Autumn Leaves Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create a Realistic Autumn Leaves Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop.
An Introduction to Painting Realistic Hair in Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn An Introduction to Painting Realistic Hair in Adobe Photoshop.
Create an Abstract Portrait Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn how to Create an Abstract Portrait Photo Manipulation With Adobe Photoshop.
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