Eating healthy is crucial to maintaining good health. Fortunately, it's easier than it sounds. Arm yourself with knowledge and you're halfway there. If you think of eating healthy not as a sacrifice, but more as an opportunity for self-improvement, you're almost at the finish line. You don't need someone to tell you the numerous health benefits that putting away the donuts and hamburgers will get you. You want someone to show you how it's done. Here's a glimpse.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
How to Melt Marshmallows
Although the s’more has become a cult summer snack, there are several ways to successfully melt marshmallows without a campfire. You can melt them on the stovetop for frosting, toast them in an oven for an easy topping or flavoring, or even roast them over a fire.
How to Make a Masquerade Mask
The history of the masquerade mask is intertwined with the history of the festive season of Carnival. During this religious celebration, people crowd the streets in costume to party before Lent. The costumes include ostentatious masks of all shapes and sizes. The design of masquerades masks is fairly simple -- the mask covers the top half of the wearer's face and is sometimes attached to a handle. Today masquerade masks are also worn at non-religious costume parties or at Halloween. Use the following steps to make a masquerade mask.
How to Maintain a Clean Home
These are tips that the entire family can and should use. All family members living in the home should help take care of the home they live in. Almost everyone can do something, even small children. There is no reason why Mom should clean up behind herself and everyone else too! After all, if everyone is partaking of the blessings of the home to live in, everyone should help take care of it. While no one will change overnight, incorporating these tips into your daily life will soon make new and neater habits for even the messiest of the messes.
Monday, December 29, 2014
How to Make a Modular Origami Stellated Icosahedron
An icosahedron is a polyhedron that has twenty triangular faces. A stellated icosahedron has each of those faces raised to a triangular pyramid. With thirty pieces of square paper, you too can make a sturdy version of this geometric marvel, using no glue at all. If you have three different colors of paper, you can make a version of the model where no two units of the same color touch one another (except at a point).
How to Kill Bamboo
While bamboo can look quite pretty, it can also be an invasive plant. It is hard to get rid of, no matter what method you choose. Luckily, it's not impossible to kill. Whether you go for the chemical, organic, or physical methods, you will be doing a fair amount of digging up rhizomes (underground stems) and cutting down the stalks. The best way, of course, is to prevent your bamboo from ever becoming a problem.
How to Run a Marathon
Inspired to try a marathon for yourself? If you're already a keen exercise devotee, fit and willing to undergo rigorous and methodical training, a marathon is an achievement you can work toward. Marathon running is an enjoyable sport for many people from all walks of life, with some devoting their entire day to training for the marathon while many fit the training in around everyday activities and work responsibilities. Whatever your motivation and deadline for running a marathon, with the right training plan and a determined attitude, you'll achieve your goal. Note: This article is an overview on what you'll need to focus on generally to prepare for your first ever marathon run; the specifics of race training programs are not provided but should be sought separately in accordance with your own fitness level, personal needs and relevant race terrain and requirements.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
How to Live in a State of Non Attachment
Why should we live in a state of non attachment? There are plenty of reasons why living a life of non attachment is beneficial, and yet so often we are deterred by the notion, because we see people living the extreme example of this, and fear we might become the same. The great thing about living in non attachment is that even if you do end up giving up all your possessions and living off the land, it will be what your soul truly desires, so you're just getting out of your own way in the long run. Attachments come in all shapes and sizes, and can sneak their way into our lives. This article will offer suggestions to help you better identify these areas in yourself so that you can live the best life you can. If you've come to this article, then you've made a great step in helping to unfold your life in the best possible way.
How to Be a Good Citizen
Good citizens are actively involved in their community and in the betterment of their fellow citizens. They take pride in where they live and strive to make it a better place. We all want to be known as a good citizen, and with a little thought and effort, anyone can be one.
How to Meditate
The goal of meditation is to focus and quiet your mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awareness and inner calm. It may come as a surprise to learn that you can meditate anywhere and at any time, allowing yourself to access a sense of tranquility and peace no matter what's going on around you. This article will introduce you to the basics of meditation, allowing you to begin your journey on the path of enlightenment.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
How to Handle Problems
Are you feeling as surrounded by problems as a superhero by bad villains? Maybe you just have one big problem but you don't know how to solve it. Whether you're struggling with your significant other or you're in danger of losing your job, there are a few steps that you can take to get your problems under control.
How to Get Out of Debt
Getting out of debt and staying out of debt is not easy. Chances are, you're reading this article because you've already amassed a fair amount of debt and are thinking it will be impossible to ever get out from under it all. Learn how to stop incurring new debt and change your life forever.
How to Make a 3D Model of the One Ring in Inventor
Ever wanted to create a 3D-model of the one ring, with the correct measurements as seen hanging on the neck of Frodo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings movies? Well, start reading already!
Friday, December 26, 2014
How to Install a Rancho Quick Lift in a 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4
This is a guide to do a DIY installation of a Rancho Quick-Lift Leveling Kit for the 2011-2014 Ram 1500 4x4. This install takes about 3 hrs and assumes you don't have a very deep knowledge of trucks; for an experienced mechanic, it's likely to take about 1 ½ hrs. The Rancho Quick-Lift is a leveling kit; it is not a true lift, but instead levels the factory rake that the manufacturer has determined is best for you. This kit raises the front 2 ¼” to be level with the back of your pick-up. It may not seem like much, but as you plow through ruts, mud and snow, it could be the difference between scrapping, stuck, and going through – or, losing a mud-flap in ruts with a factory set-up. Compared to the traditional spacer “pucks” that are available, Quick-Lifts give you the advantage of a superior coil spring and a nine-setting easily-adjustable shock for various driving conditions. This is still well within the limits of 3” travel of the stock CV joints and does not involve altering major components as with conventional lifts. It also allows for an increase in tire height for additional ground clearance without wheel-well interference. 275/60/R20’s (33” diameter) to 283/65/R20’s (34.6”diameter) will work with this kit.
How to Keep Bananas from Ripening Too Fast
Bananas turn brown for a variety of reasons. When you cut open a banana, the oxygen affects enzymes in the banana, turning the inside brown. When a banana turns brown on the outside, it is because the banana's yellow pigment is broken down and not replaced, producing a brown color. Knowing the science behind why bananas ripen is important for keeping them fresh, tasty, and edible. Here are some ways to keep bananas from ripening too fast.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
How to Develop an Irrigation Schedule Using Cropwat 8.0
CropWat is a computer program developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to estimate irrigation requirements based on climate, crop and soil data. This is a widely used tool for estimating irrigation water requirements for practical field level use and it is also used for research purposes. In addition, the tool can be used for developing irrigation schedules for different management conditions and calculating scheme water supply for different cropping patterns. This article will guide you in how to calculate your own irrigation water requirements, enabling you to successfully develop an irrigation schedule.
How to Be Grateful
Has your mother or best friend told you that you’re an ungrateful person? Do you feel unable to appreciate the beauty, nature, and love that is all around you? Are you obsessed with the things you don’t have, instead of being thankful for what you do have? If so, then you need to work on being a more grateful person. So how do you do it? Just follow these steps.
How to Make a Candy Cane Mint Float
Purely the best drink for the winter holidays - candy, hot cocoa, and ice cream all in one. Try this minty candy cane drink. Serves 1.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
How to Roast Chestnuts
What would a crisp winter day be without the wonderful aroma of roasted chestnuts? If you're enchanted by the smell of roasting, you can do it at home. You won't even need an open fire, because you'll be roasting these in the oven!
How to Be Determined
Being determined is a skill that can be learned! It requires setting goals and being willing to work hard, but it can definitely be done. Practice your confidence, and flexible thinking, and learn to treat failures and obstacles as learning possibilities. See step 1 to get started!
How to Tie a Bow
Tying a bow is an elegant, symmetrical, visually-pleasing way to finish wrapping a package. Fancier decorative bows may be used to accessorize outfits or create decorations for weddings and other special events. Learn how to tie a basic bow, a looped bow, and a floral bow.
How to Write an Agenda for a Meeting
An organized meeting needs a well-written agenda. Don't let your meeting become the overlong, inefficient slog that so many meetings seem to devolve into. By sticking to a detailed yet flexible agenda, you can keep your meeting streamlined and focused, ensuring that you meet all of your goals for your meeting in the shortest amount of time possible. Whether you're looking to write your own agenda, use a template, or make the most of an agenda you already have, see Step 1 below to get started!
How to Make Gingerbread Men Cookies
One of the all-time favorite treats for the holidays are gingerbread men. Their chewy, spicy goodness warms the mouth and warms the tummy, and are favored by everybody from little elves to Santa himself. (It's rumored that eating gingerbread is what keeps Rudolph's nose glowing when needed!) We'll show you how to make them, and add a rosy glow to your cheeks, too! Read on.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
How to Crochet a Hooded Scarf
A hooded scarf is a fun, fashionable accessory for autumn and winter. You can crochet this practical project as long as you have a skein of yarn, some basic crocheting knowledge, and a few spare hours. Note that this article has been written using American crochet terminology.
How to Make a Gingerbread House
Want to start a fun Christmas Tradition in your home? Here are instructions for baking, assembling and decorating your own Gingerbread house. It is a project that several people can work on together, and mistakes can be eaten, making it fun for everyone!
How to Make a Christmas Pudding
What would we do at Christmas without Christmas pudding? For all the fans out there, this is a recipe to die for. Rich, moist, full of flavour and colour and simply scrumptious. Enjoy this Christmas pudding recipe.
How to Do Last Minute Christmas Shopping
It's Christmas Eve and you've left the Christmas shopping till now. Whatever the reason for your lack of planning, it's still possible to come up with last minute gift ideas that match your budget and the tiny amount of time left to shop. Take note of the following suggestions, pack your list and get going!
Monday, December 22, 2014
How to Make Profitable Crafts
If you love crafting, cooking, and making things at home, it's easy to make money selling what you do. Read the steps below to get ideas for inexpensive crafts you can sell for profit.
How to Give a Promise Ring
A promise ring is a symbol of commitment and is often seen as a pre-engagement ring. However, it can be given for many different reasons -- as a symbol of chastity, loyalty, monogamy, friendship, or even a promise to oneself to stay clean and sober. If you want to buy a promise ring for your significant other to signify your commitment, it's important to clarify what, precisely, you are promising.
How to Make Star Wars Snowflakes
Getting ready for the holidays but want to infuse your love for Star Wars in your décor? Instead of creating run of the mill snowflakes to hang in the window announce your love for all things Jedi by creating unique snowflakes in the shape of your favorite Star Wars characters.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
How to Insulate Heating and Coolant Pipes in 2011 2012 Nissan LEAF
Several LEAF owners have reported increased range and heating efficiency by as much as 20% by using this method.
How to Make Gingerbread Houses Using Graham Crackers
Gingerbread houses are a Christmas tradition the whole family can make together. Instead of spending hours making gingerbread, you can make gingerbread houses using graham crackers to save yourself both effort and time during a busy season. Display your houses on your table or in a decorative corner for Christmas Day.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
How to Find Your Apple ID
Your Apple ID is an essential part of the iOS and Mac experience. It ties all of your devices and purchases together, allowing you to sync your content and data across all of your devices. If you've lost or can't remember your Apple ID, see Step 1 below to learn how to retrieve it.
How to Make Candy Cane Bath Salts
Candy cane bath salts are ideal for the holiday season, useful for that moment where shopping, cooking and caroling just all becomes too much and you want to soak your exhaustion away. They also make a neat gift idea.
How to Clean an Artificial Christmas Tree
Many people choose to decorate their homes with artificial Christmas trees. Unfortunately, trees will accumulate dust and dirt from being on display or in storage. Many use fake trees to avoid the allergens of a real tree but forget to clean the tree annually. If you discover your hands are dirty and dusty after working with your tree, it is probably due for a good cleaning. Keep reading for ways to clean your tree before you set it up!
Friday, December 19, 2014
How to Sharpen Kitchen Knives with Sandpaper
A sheet of sandpaper and a flat, hard surface are all you need to sharpen any knife. It is really easy and simple. Kitchen knives get dull very quickly from cutting on ceramic plates, jostling in the dishwasher, and everyday use. This method can be used very quickly in the kitchen. Remember, a sharp knife is a safer knife.
How to Calculate Distance
Distance, often assigned the variable d, is a measure of the space contained by a straight line between two points. Distance can refer to the space between two stationary points (for instance, a person's height is the distance from the bottom of his or her feet to the top of his or her head) or can refer to the space between a moving object and its starting location. Most distance problems can be solved with the equations d = s × t where d is distance, s is speed, and t is time, as well as d = √((x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2, where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the x,y coordinates of two points.
How to Make Eggnog
Nothing says "holiday spirit" like a glass of eggnog! It tastes like Christmas, and when you combine just a few simple ingredients, you have a treat the whole family can enjoy. Learn how to make easy eggnog for your family, a traditional batch large enough for a party, or a glass of iced eggnog to enjoy on your own.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
How to Be a Good Parent
Being a parent can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of your life, but that doesn't mean it's easy. No matter what age your child/children is/are, your work is never done. To be a good parent, you need to know how to make your children feel valued and loved, while teaching them the difference between right and wrong. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to create a nurturing environment where your children feel like they can thrive and develop into confident, independent, and caring adults. If you want to know how to be a good parent, see Step 1 to be on your way.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
How to Teach Close Reading
Many parents are asking how they can prepare their children for Common Cores State Standards (CCSS). Within the standards there is a strong emphasis on reading comprehension skills. Close Reading is a strategy that parents can practice with their children to improve their reading comprehension skills. Close Reading refers to detailed reading. Similar to detectives, children learn to pay close attention to clues in the text to examine the information or message shared by the author. By reading a text more than once, children are able to access increased levels of meaning.
How to Make Hanukkah Jello Shots
While Hanukkah does not have its own signature cocktail, these Jello shots are based on Gwen Kennealy’s Menorah Martini. Curacao gives the shot a blue tint, while edible gold flakes remind us of gelt.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
How to Control Erosion
Erosion happens when rain and wind wash and blow away the earth’s topsoil, making it impossible for trees and plants to grow and leading to mudslides and clogged waterways. Erosion can turn once healthy, vibrant land into arid, lifeless terrain. It’s a common occurrence at construction sites and other areas where the land has been disturbed. The best way to control erosion is to restore the land to its natural state by planting groundcover and trees, which hold the soil together with their roots and prevent it from washing away. See Step 1 and beyond to learn how to assess your land and use the right control techniques to prevent it from eroding.
How to Do a Secret Santa
The point of "Secret Santa" is to make Christmas shopping easier and to spread around the spirit of giving to those you might not normally have on your Christmas list. It involves a group of people exchanging names for a secret gift exchange. Consider playing 'secret santa' at your next holiday get together, or learn the instructions for a round of the game you've already been invited to.
Monday, December 15, 2014
How to Say Happy Birthday in German
The most common ways of wishing “happy birthday” in German are "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag" and “ Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag.” There are also other ways to offer birthday wishes in German, however. Here are several examples you may find useful.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
How to Care for a Christmas Tree
When you choose to decorate your home with a real Christmas tree, there are steps you can take to keep the tree green, healthy and safe throughout the holiday season. If you love the characteristic aroma of an evergreen tree, then you need to take care of it at the source. It's important that you know to to appropriately choose and care for your tree so that it can last longer and you can be more environmentally conscious.
How to Crack a Safe
If you've forgotten the combination to your safe, resorting to a professional locksmith could cost a lot of money, while forcing your way through could ruin both tools and safe. Cracking the combination yourself takes a great deal of patience and effort, but you are rewarded with a full wallet, an undamaged safe, and a sense of satisfaction.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
How to Dress in Paris
Whether you are visiting for business, pleasure or both it can be difficult to pack for a trip to Paris, France. The outfits you select must be practical for frequent outdoor walking in unpredictable weather. Many visitors also strive to dress fashionably in order to better fit in with the famously stylish Parisians. When deciding how to dress in Paris, it is important to find the right combination of substance, elegance, comfort and creative flair.
How to Make a Game
Games provide opportunities to educate and entertain, to provide diversions while sharpening thinking skills, and to foster creative thinking. Creating a game, whether for your children, a classroom, or for sale requires an understanding of what makes a good game and discovering the resources available to help you make that game.
Friday, December 12, 2014
How to Cope with an Autism Diagnosis
So the tests are over, the doctor or therapist sits down with you, and she gives the news: it's autism. How do you handle the diagnosis? This article gives coping tips for both autistic people and their parents or guardians.
How to Become a Famous Singer
Do you dream of being a world-famous singer? There's no completely certain path to fame, but here are some things you can do to increase your odds.
How to Care for a Tortoise
Tortoises have been on the planet for over 200 million years, which means that these exciting creatures walked the earth at the same time as dinosaurs. They make enchanting pets and are fun to watch and to care for. However, since they've been around a long time, they've had plenty of time to pick up a few preferences and to develop a thorough list of personal care needs. This means that caring for a tortoise is a bigger commitment than you may think and that it takes time and dedication to make sure that your tortoise stays healthy and strong. If you want to learn how to start caring for this incredible creature, see Step 1 to get started.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
How to Build Medieval Buildings in Minecraft
Do you ever see pictures of amazing Medieval creations in Minecraft? Do you want to know how to build things like that? It's easy to get started!
How to Calculate Profit
When it comes to running a business, profit is king. Defined as total revenue minus total expenses, profit is the amount of money a business "makes" during a given accounting period. Generally, the more profit you make, the better, as profit can be re-invested into the business or retained by the business owners. Being able to accurately determine your business's profit is an essential part of being able to judge its financial health. It can also help you decide how to price your goods and services, how to pay your employees, and more. See Step 1 below to start calculating your business's profit.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
How to Explore the San Andreas Fault Near the San Francisco Bay
When you consider that the San Andreas Fault has shaped not only California history but California itself, it is surprising how few of the people who live nearby ever learn to spot it on a map, or stop to look for it in their travels. If you visit the San Francisco Bay Area, you have many opportunities to observe the San Andreas Fault, literally at your feet. Here is how to spot it and where to look for it.
Octopus text effect. Tentacle style letters.
How to Create a Ping Pong Table in Adobe Illustrator
Table Vs Div For Layout
The UI of a website have a great effect on a website and its users. The design of a website is depended on its layout (that is how the structuring will be). There are different type of layouts: one-column, two-column, three-column, fixed, fluid etc. The choice of varies from web designers to web designers depending on their needs. We will be discussing table vs div for layout.
How to Grill Kabobs
Nothing says summer like grilling delicious kabobs. There's no mistaking the mouthwatering aroma of fresh ingredients sizzling over a fiery grill. Best of all, whether you choose steak, chicken, pork, lamb, or even forego meat entirely, kabobs are a cinch to prepare and cook. See Step 1 below to start learning this simple, delicious art!
How to Dress Vintage
Wearing vintage clothing has never been so popular as it is today; with nearly a hundred years of style to choose from, there is a vintage look for everyone. Head to your local thrift shop or go 'shopping' in your grandmother's closet. Soon enough, you'll be creating perfect ensembles of modern and retro inspired clothing that will have all the local fashionistas swooning.
How to Buy Cattle at an Auction
Most cattle are bought and sold through the auction mart or, as some call it, the "sale barn." For many it's the last destination before going to slaughter. For others it's just another stop where they are exchanged from one owner to the other. You, hopefully, will be that "other" owner where you are able to purchase the cattle you want to buy through an auction.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
How to Make Tofu as Chewy, Crispy, and Delicious as at Your Favorite Restaurant - Slate Magazine (blog)
Slate Magazine (blog) | How to Make Tofu as Chewy, Crispy, and Delicious as at Your Favorite Restaurant Slate Magazine (blog) Have you ever had an amazing tofu dish at a restaurant—bean curd and broccoli from an Americanized Chinese food joint, or green curry with tofu at a Thai place, or a mouthwatering tofu bánh mì—and tried to replicate it at home? I have, with mixed ... |
How To Attack A Crowded Market -- And Come Out On Top - Forbes
How To Attack A Crowded Market -- And Come Out On Top Forbes In a previous article, I described many unappreciated risks in competing in a crowded market. This article explains when to try and how to succeed in attacking a crowded market. Research has shown consistently that high tech markets exhibit network ... |
9 Survival Tips: How to Navigate the Holidays When You Have Infertility - Huffington Post
9 Survival Tips: How to Navigate the Holidays When You Have Infertility Huffington Post Since the holidays are often centered on family, it can be difficult to avoid the painful reminders that can surface during this time of year. If you are trying to conceive and feel unsure about how to handle the holidays, here are nine helpful tips ... |
ISIS Publish Pamphlet On How to Treat Female Slaves - Newsweek
Newsweek | ISIS Publish Pamphlet On How to Treat Female Slaves Newsweek Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from forces loyal to the Islamic State in Sinjar town, walk towards the Syrian border, on the outskirts of Sinjar mountain, near the Syrian border town of Elierbeh of Al-Hasakah ... ISIS Sex Slaves: Chilling Checklist Of How To Treat Female Prisoners Released ISIS's 'Slavery for Dummies': Jihadists compile chilling checklist of how to ... |
How to Trap a Snake
If there's a snake hanging around your garden, basement or chicken coop, trapping it and releasing it somewhere else is an effective and humane way to handle the situation. You can trap a snake using a high-tech snake trap, or get a cheaper minnow trap and bait it with eggs - it works just as well. See Step 1 and beyond to learn how to trap a snake and what to do with it next.
How to change “Enter Title Here” text for custom post type
A handy PHP code snippet which can be used to change “Enter Title Here” text for custom post type.
Create a Vintage Style Poster in Photoshop
How to Create an Editable 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
Create a Clownfish in Illustrator Using Basic Shapes
How to create abstract cosmic snowflake in Adobe Illustrator
Bad Habits in Photography… That You Shouldn’t Stop
Creating CSS3 button with rounded corners
This article explains how to create a button with rounded corners using only CSS3.
Simple Steps To Crop Animal Stock And Add Atmosphere
Disable dragging of WordPress dashboard metaboxes
A handy PHP code snippet which allows you to disable dragging of WordPress dashboard metaboxes
Automatically Set the First Post Image as a Featured Image
A handy code snippet which automatically Set the first post Image as a Featured Image in WordPress
How to Add a Featured Image Column to WordPress dashboard
A handy WordPress code snippet which adds a featured image column to WordPress Dashboard
Divide a Circle into Equal Segments Using Step and Repeat
Light Painting Photography in an Abandoned Prison
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