Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How to Recover Your Voice After Losing It

User Reviewed

Three Methods:Comforting Your ThroatResting Your ThroatKnowing When to See a DoctorCommunity Q&A

Whether you were talking too much, singing too much, screaming at a concert or amusement park, or dealing with illness, putting too much strain on your voice can cause you to lose it. Thankfully, you should be able to regain it soon enough with some basic home care. To recover your voice after losing it, comfort your throat with water, teas, and other soothing remedies, and rest your voice as much as possible by speaking as little as you can, breathing through your nose, and avoiding irritants. If your voice doesn't return within several days of home care, it might be best to consult a doctor for professional advice and treatment.


Method 1

Comforting Your Throat
  1. 1

    Drink plenty of water.

    The best thing to do for your achy vocal chords is to drink water. Nothing on the entire Earth is better for you than good ol' H2O. Keep it at room temperature to avoid shocking your throat with the freezing or burning liquid.

    • You shouldn't be chugging the stuff like it's your job. Your body is very good at telling you when you're thirsty, so do not ignore it. Drink regularly, but sensibly. Not only will it help restore your voice, but it's good for your body, your digestive system, your skin, your weight, your energy levels, and just about everything in between.
  2. 2

    Gargle salt water.

    Four times a day, heat up a glass of water in the microwave (until it's very warm, but not hot) and dissolve a tablespoon of salt in it. Gargle the entire thing.


    This helps deal with the mucus in your throat.



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    • Don't worry about the taste -- you aren't swallowing it. In fact, if your throat is a bit sore, you'll probably find it comforting.
    • Another option is gurgling apple cider vinegar, although it is way worse tasting than salt water.
  3. 3

    Consider drinking teas with honey and lemon.

    There are two sides to the story here: Some people believe that tea (especially chamomile with honey and lemon) is a great vocal soother.


    It's been used for decades in this manner. However, know that acid is bad for your epithelial tissue (the stuff that makes up your vocal folds) and both tea and lemon are acidic.


    What's your verdict?



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    • There's nothing wrong with honey, however. Another common (but less common) method is a spoonful of honey straight. What a great excuse to get your honey on! Next up they'll be saying spoonfuls of Nutella.
  4. 4

    Hang your head over steam for five minutes twice a day.

    Steam can increase the moisture in your throat. It's the same reason you see divas wearing scarves when they're sick -- it's for the idea that heat is good for the throat.



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    • Boiling water is an easy way to create steam. Put a towel over your head and the pot with hot water so you get a good amount of steam. Try adding some essential oils if you want. You could hang around the humidifier, too. Or, turn the shower on hot, plug the drain, turn off the fan and breathe deep. (Please use water responsibly, especially when in a drought).
  5. 5

    Use lozenges.

    Many singers are on the slippery elm bandwagon (sounds kind of funny if you've never heard of it), but the official scientific verdict is still out. Slippery elm lozenges have great reviews, but there's no science to back up why they work. It could be a placebo effect.




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    • Even if there's no math behind it, at the very least they're not harmful. Lozenges in general will offer some form of temporary relief.

Method 2

Resting Your Throat
  1. 1

    Give your hoarse voice a break.

    The best thing you can do is to not talk at all for a couple of days. Vocal rest is necessary for your epithelial tissue to repair. Silence, after all, is golden.



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    • If you have to communicate with someone, pass notes instead of whispering. Whispering can cause your vocal cords to bang together as strongly as if you were shouting. Passing notes can also be fun, if you draw pictures or make the receiver decode the message!
    • If you have a job which requires you to raise your voice to be heard, use mechanical means to make yourself louder.
    • Chew gum or suck on lozenges so that you will have no choice but to keep your mouth closed. It will also improve production of saliva.
  2. 2

    Breathe through your nose.

    Hopefully you figured this out when you were told not to talk and keep your mouth closed. How else would you breathe, but through your nose? Breathing through your mouth makes it dry, so hopefully you don't have a stuffy nose and can still breath somehow!



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  3. 3

    Don't take aspirin under any circumstances.

    If one of the reasons you might of lost your voice because you yelled too loudly, you probably ruptured a capillary. Aspirin can reduce clotting and cause excess bleeding which can impede the healing process.



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    • There are other ways to relieve pain if your throat is scratchy. We'll get to those in the next section.
  4. 4

    Don't smoke.

    Big duh, right? In case you've been living under a rock, smoking is a cause of throat dryness, in addition to many other negative health consequences.



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    • Smoking could be the cause of your voice changing. After all, your lungs are using smoke to produce sound. What do you expect? Quit smoking and you may see an immediate improvement.
  5. 5

    Avoid acidic foods.

    Foods like tomatoes, chocolate, and citrus fruits are highly acidic; that acid tears away at the tissue in your vocal folds. To be most comfortable with your hurt throat, it's best to avoid this as much as possible.



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    • Spicy foods aren't super good for your voice, either. Anything that causes a reaction should be avoided. (That's why water is so ridiculously good for you -- it's au natural.)

Method 3

Knowing When to See a Doctor
  1. 1

    See a doctor if your voice doesn't come back within 2 or 3 days.

    If you

    rocked out

    at a concert a little too hard last night, it's perfectly normal to lose your voice the next day. But if you randomly lose your voice with no other symptoms, it's probably the sign of a bigger problem. Consult your doctor for further guidance.



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  2. 2

    Treat other issues.

    If you're battling a fierce cold, it doesn't make sense to tackle your voice -- hit your immune system first and your voice will fall into place. If you're experiencing other symptoms, address those first. It may solve your problem.



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  3. 3

    Take it slow.

    Even if your voice is getting better, keep up your voice-healthy habits. Think of it as completing a course of antibiotics; even if you feel good after the first few days, you still have to take the rest. Keeping it up will ensure you reach 100% and stay there.



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    • Stay away from dairy (in addition to acidic foods) if you're trying to sing during this time. Coating your throat won't do it any favors, though it might feel good at the time. You want to get rid of all that mucus buildup, not add to it.

Community Q&A

  • Is whispering harmful?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Yes, whispering puts extra stress on your vocal folds. Use a quiet but otherwise normal speaking voice when you need to talk, and don't talk unnecessarily.

  • Should I stop talking altogether for a while if my voice is weak?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Talking can harm your throat or stress it enough to make it worse, so try not to speak often or yell at a party to help your voice recover faster.

  • Will my hoarse voice go away along with the flu?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Yes, your voice should return to normal as you recover from the flu.

  • What causes loss of voice mechanically?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Your vocal folds produce sound by vibrating, and by snapping together and apart. Screaming, whispering, or acid reflux can irritate these folds, while allergies or a respiratory infection can cause them to swell.

  • How long does it take for your voice to recover?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Anywhere from a day or two after a mild strain, to as long as 2-3 weeks for laryngitis or longterm misuse of your voice. Visit a doctor if you're still hoarse after 2-3 weeks, or if you have an urgent need for a prescription treatment for faster recovery.

  • Is coughing harmful?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Yes, but if you have to cough you can't do much about it. And if you are sick, first take care of that before you try to get your voice back.

  • What happens if I keep using my voice when it has almost gone? Will it do damage?

    wikiHow Contributor

    It may not do a lot of permanent damage, but it will certainly make the current issue worse. If you want your voice to recover, just stay quiet a couple of days and wait for it to come back.

  • What can doctors do to cure a lost voice?

    wikiHow Contributor

    They won't cure it right away, but they could tell you what the issue is, and help you understand better what you need to do to gain your voice back.

  • Do cold dairy products help your voice recover?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Cold foods and drinks may help numb the pain of a sore throat, but they don't have any effect on your voice. Many singers avoid dairy products for fear of increased phlegm, but it's not clear that this is a real effect.

  • I'm singing tomorrow and I need my voice to heal. What do I do?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Rest your voice as much as possible. Don't whisper, don't sing, and try not to talk at all. Drink honey lemon tea, which helps the voice come back.

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  • When handling boiling water be very careful as you can be severely burned.
  • Ask parents or guardians to look after you in case if you need to go see the doctors.

Article Info

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Categories: Featured Articles | Sore Throat Care

In other languages:

Español: recuperar tu voz después de perderla, Italiano: Recuperare la Voce dopo Averla Persa, Português: Tratar Afonia, Français: retrouver sa voix après l'avoir perdue, Deutsch: Seine Stimme zurückgewinnen nachdem man sie verloren hat, 中文: 在失声之后恢复声音, Русский: восстановить потерянный голос, Bahasa Indonesia: Mengembalikan Suara Anda yang Hilang, Nederlands: Tips om je stem weer terug te krijgen, Čeština: Jak získat zpět ztracený hlas, العربية: استرجاع صوتك بعد فقده, हिन्दी: खोई हुई आवाज़ वापस पाएँ, ไทย: รักษาอาการเสียงแหบ, Tiếng Việt: Lấy lại Giọng Sau khi bị Mất

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