Thursday, December 31, 2015

How to Dress for Your Body Type

Women come in all shapes and sizes, so how do you find clothes that are flattering your specific body type? The key is to know your proportions, and use fashion to accentuate your best features--and hide everything else!

How to Save Money at a Young Age

There are many advantages to saving money at a young age. It can help to establish a lifelong habit, and the earlier money is saved, the greater opportunity it has to earn interest. You can use your savings to pay for educational expenses, to buy something special, or continue to save it into adulthood for a down payment on a car or a first home. Saving money is simple, but it usually isn't easy. You must take charge of your finances, resist the temptation to spend money, learn helpful saving techniques, and hold yourself accountable for your actions.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

How to Be an Explorer

All of us have a bit of an explorer within us. Whether you want to explore your neighborhood or make it your career, wikiHow has you covered. From packing your backpack to getting your next project funded, the world is at your feet. Let's go!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How to Accept Love

There are many reasons why you might be uncomfortable accepting love. Perhaps you're afraid that you may be hurt if you accept someone's love. You may have trouble loving yourself, so you see yourself as unworthy of another person's love. No matter your reason for being afraid to accept love, there are things you can do to help you open yourself up to the possibilities that come with loving and being loved.

How to Write a Five Year Plan

Meeting life goals is difficult without a careful and detailed plan. While it may seem daunting or intimidating to think that far into the future, you can learn to break down your long term goals into a series of detailed steps to make big tasks much more manageable. Learn to choose the right categories for a five year plan, draw up a draft, and start working your way through the list.

How to Make Drinks

The next time you invite your friends over for drinks, knock them out of the park with your beverage knowledge. Whether you want to serve some liquor on the rocks, a mixed drink, cocktail, frozen cocktail, or mocktail, wikiHow has the recipes and tips you need to make it a memorable night.

Monday, December 28, 2015

How to Control Love

Emotions are nasty little buggers. They're our own, yet it feels like they're not. Whether you want to lessen your love, grow your love, or simply stabilize your love, you need to take the reigns and make them your own. With a few good, mindful habits, you can do just that.

How to Know if You've Sprained Your Ankle

An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries. It is stretching or tearing of the ligaments that support the ankle. Sprains occur most commonly in the ATF (anterior talofibular) ligament because it runs along the outside of your ankle. The outer ligaments are not as strong as the inner ligaments. Through the forces of physics, gravity and our own body weight we stretch the ligament beyond its normal capacity. This causes tears in the ligament and surrounding small blood vessels. A sprain is like like a rubber band pulled and stretched too tightly, causing tears along the surface, making it unstable.

How to Be Responsible

Though everyone dreams of riding into the sunset in a convertible and throwing caution in the wind, you can only be James Dean for so long. The truth is that behaving responsibly adds meaning to our lives and allows us to develop character, forge meaningful relationships, and get ahead in the work world. Remember that pet turtle who died because you forgot to feed him? Let's not let that happen again. If you want to learn how to be responsible, just follow along.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to Get Motivated to Lose Weight

You promised yourself this time you mean it. For the next three days, you eat salads, jog, and nibble on protein bars. Then within a few days, you are the couch with a tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. What happened? A lack of motivation, that's what. But don't worry -- if you put your mind to it, you can avoid the yo-yo diet and turn it into a yo-u look awesome diet.

How to Be Helpful

We all need a helping hand sometimes, and learning to extend yours a little more will help you build a reputation as a reliable, helpful person. Learn to anticipate the needs of others by listening closely to what people say, and how to share your time in the most helpful ways possible.

How to Potty Train Your Puppy Using a Bell

When you get a new puppy, housebreaking can become a big problem in your house. You can save time, energy, and stress by teaching your dog to use a bell when it needs to go outside to use the bathroom. Combine bell-training with a regular schedule and crate training for the best results.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

How to Get Rid of Your Credit Card Debt

Currently, the average U.S. household is carrying approximately $7,400 in credit card debt. While often easy to accumulate, credit card debt can be difficult to reduce due to interest rates that are often in the high double-digits. Fortunately, by getting organized, following a budget, taking action to reduce to reduce interest rates, and establishing positive financial habits, it is possible to eliminate your credit card debt.

How to Get Thick Eyebrows

The style trend right now is thick eyebrows, but unfortunately all of us weren't born with full, dark eyebrows, or over the years we've plucked them so much that they won't grow back. Either way, you can improve your eyebrow shape and thickness through some natural remedies or by creating a look with makeup. If your goal is to grow your eyebrows out, just remember that it may take some time so be patient in this process.

How to Be Less Selfish

Has more than one person pointed out how selfish you are? If you tend to think you're the center of the universe, always insist on getting your way, and hate sharing or doing favors for others, then yeah, you probably have a bit of a selfishness problem. Though being less selfish doesn't happen overnight, there are a few things you can do to become a person who is known for giving, not taking.

Friday, December 25, 2015

How to Report Tax Fraud

No one likes paying taxes, but most law-abiding taxpayers expect everyone and every business to pay their fair share. Therefore, you may feel compelled to report tax fraud of which you have personal knowledge. Reporting a tax law violation by an individual or company is strictly voluntary, but you may be eligible for reward money.

How to Be Your Own Best Friend

A best friend is someone you can trust with your deepest secrets, rely on in moments of crisis and celebrate meaningful life events with. But developing the skills to be your own best friend means you can rely on your own judgment and be your own source of comfort when you need advice or support. Being your own best friend can also be a great way to work through feelings of loneliness, insecurity, and instability in your life. By cultivating a productive and positive self, you can learn to trust yourself on a consistent basis and turn inward to work on any issues or problems you may encounter.

How to Celebrate Christmas

Christmas is one of those holidays that just seems to be filled with cheer and wonder. Whether you are celebrating a secular or religious Christmas, your day is sure to be filled with happiness, especially with a little help from wikiHow. Read some steps on how to celebrate a secular, religious, kid-friendly, or consumer-free Christmas after the jump. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

How to Recover from a Cold

Colds are infections of the upper respiratory tract: your nose and throat. They are caused by viruses. The most common symptoms of a cold are congestion, watery eyes, sore throat, cough, headache, and sneezing. These symptoms can be rather bothersome, but there are treatments that can help your symptoms and recovery. Most people recover from a cold within a week or two, but if your symptoms are prolonged you should see a doctor.

How to Make Your Dog Smell Better

The odor of a smelly dog does not appeal to most people. In fact, dog odor can often cause people to think twice about either owning a dog or letting their dog spend time indoors or in a car with them. Unpleasant dog odors are many and varied, including bad breath, flatulence, scents arising from poorly maintained fur, or the animal stepping or rolling in feces. Ultimately, no matter how cute, a smelly dog is hard to spend time around, so it is important to keep your dog smelling pleasant.

How to Be Genuine

In a world full of knock-offs, spin-offs, and cheap imitations, being "genuine" seems a little off the beaten track. Should you decide to see what the world thinks of the real you (and kudos, by the way!), here's how to start finding him or her.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

How to Pick Up on Manipulative Behavior

Manipulation refers to making attempts at indirectly influencing someone else's behavior or actions. As human beings, our emotions often cloud our judgments, making it difficult to see the reality behind hidden agendas or motives in different forms of behavior. The controlling aspects linked to manipulation are sometimes very subtle and may be easily overlooked, buried under feelings of obligation, love, or habit. You can recognize the signs and avoid being a victim.

How to Have Soft Skin

Skin plays a significant role in the health of our bodies, but having soft, healthy skin is also important for self-esteem. There are many things that can prevent your skin from feeling soft and smooth, including exposure to the elements, irritants and pollutants, lack of moisture, and poor overall health. Getting and keeping your skin soft involves ensuring proper diet and healthy routines, taking care of your skin inside and out, and avoiding things that could irritate or dry out your skin.

How to Make Arroz Con Leche

A dish you should certainly try if you visit Peru or any other Latin American country is arroz con leche (rice with milk). Many people have tried it, but not so many know how to make it. Here are the steps to prepare it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How to Keep Car Doors from Freezing Shut

It's bad enough having to shovel your way through a foot or more of snow to reach your car, without encountering a frozen door frame or lock. If you cannot park your car in a heated garage, your best options are usually an oil for the door frame gaskets, and rubbing alcohol or a heat source of frozen locks.

How to Line a Cake Tin

Choose a recipe, purchase ingredients, mix and knead and bake all afternoon. No one wants that story to end with half the cake stuck to the tin. Grease and flour will usually avert this disaster. For the runniest batter or the stickiest tins, start unrolling your baking paper.

How to Care for Newborn Kittens

Caring for newborn kittens is hard work. They require attention and care around the clock. If you have recently taken in some newborn kittens, you will have your work cut out for you. If the mother cat is still in the picture, she can provide most of the kittens’ needs herself. You can support her by feeding her and leaving the kittens alone during their first week of life. If the mother cat is not around or not able to care for her babies, then you will have to take over her responsibilities. This will include feeding the kittens, keeping the kittens warm, and even helping the kittens go to the bathroom.

Monday, December 21, 2015

How to Make Sourdough Starter

This starter is all-natural and, if properly tended, will provide wonderful yeasty bread for years. If you enjoy the pride of healthy, self-sustaining, and low cost home baking, try this sourdough.

How to Write Business Emails

Email overload! Many people in business get more emails than they can deal with. To make sure your business emails are well received you need to make them clear, concise and actionable. In addition, using the appropriate format and knowing what to include or exclude from a business email can help you and your company maintain a professional presence.

How to Make a Rag Rug

There are several methods of recycling old rags or torn clothing into rugs. Why not be eco-friendly, resourceful, and creative all in one go? Here are instructions for hooking, machine sewing, and braiding your soon-to-be rug.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

How to Manage a Rack in Scrabble

In the game of Scrabble, each player draws 7 letter tiles, places them on his or her rack, makes a word with some or all of them, and then draws new tiles to replace those played. While most players think only about the word(s) they can make with the tiles available on their immediate turn, better Scrabble players know how to manage their racks to produce higher scores. A well-managed Scrabble rack can yield as many as 4 "bingos" (plays of all 7 letters), each worth a 50-point bonus.

How to Make a Baby Laugh

Babies love to laugh, as it's a new sound for them to create. Playing games, singing songs, and tickling are good ways to make a baby laugh. These games will help a baby develop some early cognitive skills too. Making a baby laugh is easy through simple games and can be a welcome distraction for new parents dealing with a fussy child.

How to Start a Farm

Starting a farm is no easy task.  It involves many variables involving where you want to farm, how you want to farm, what you want to farm, and how big you want your farm to be.  There are many things to consider, and even though this is a how-to guide to get you started on starting a farm, the rest is up to you.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

How to Take Care of an Alaskan Husky

As the owner, or potential owner, of a Siberian or Alaskan husky, it's important to know that this kind of dog needs special care because of a few aspects of the breed. These dogs were originally bred to run long distances in extreme weather, which means they have thick coats of fur that need special care and they do best when they are thoroughly trained and given a lot of exercise. Even though it may be a bit more work to properly care for a husky, they can also be loving canine companions to their owners.

How to Prevent Morning Breath

Medically called halitosis, bad breath can be caused by poor dental hygiene, poor sleeping habits, and eating certain foods. It can also be caused by dry mouth, also known as that gross feeling when you wake up from a night of sleeping with your mouth open. While there are several factors that can cause bad breath in the morning, there are also several methods you can try to avoid waking up with a mouthful of bad smells.

How to Profile People

To understand the psychology of people about the way they behave and act, profiling is a key skill to learn. Pause the world around you and watch others. Many people travel to get from Point A to Point B, but have you really paid attention to them in greater detail? Seeing beyond what you see, so to speak.

Friday, December 18, 2015

How to Practice Acting

A high-quality actor work hard in any role in order to appear natural. Such a professional reads scripts, practice monologues, and takes creative risks in acting classes. It takes a lot of hard work to come off as an effortless performance. Here are some key steps in become a true thespian:

How to Install Wiper Blades

Changing the wiper blades is an important—and fortunately pretty simple—part of regular car maintenance. Wiper blades should be changed at least once a year, and you’ll know they need replacing when the rubber begins to wear or crack. You may also notice that the blades will start to smear water, leave a film on the windshield, or wipe water unevenly. It’s typically a good idea to replace both wipers at once, based on the assumption that if one is worn out, the other is likely going to be due for replacement soon, too. You can change your wipers yourself in just a few steps. To learn how, follow the guide below.

How to Tighten Skin

Life experiences like losing weight, pregnancy, and simply getting older can cause skin to sag and lose its elasticity. Whether its the skin on your stomach, arms or thighs, there are measures you can take to tighten things up. Learn which skin treatments, eating choices and lifestyle changes will leave you with tighter skin.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to Have a Long and Happy Relationship

If you’ve been in relationships that did not last or if you are having trouble finding someone you want to pursue a long-term relationship with, the idea of having a long and happy relationship may seem impossible to achieve. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve the quality and duration of your relationship.

How to Play With a Hamster

Hamsters are fun animals to keep as pets and are naturally curious and very active. Daily exercise and play are essential to keeping your hamster happy and healthy. Developing a close bond with your hamster and providing him with plenty of opportunities for play and exercise will help him live a long life and become a great pet.

How to Lower Your Chances of Getting Cancer

Cancer is not a single disease, but is instead a collection of related diseases that arise from different kinds of cells in the body. Cancer occurs when cells that normally grow in a controlled fashion begin out-of-control growth and continue to divide without stopping. On a molecular level, scientists know that mutations in certain genes contribute to the development of cancer but it is impossible to predict when and where cancer will occur. Genes, lifestyle, and protective/risk factors all play a role in the development of cancer. Cancer prevention is the set of actions a person takes to reduce their risk of developing cancer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How to Embrace Your Flaws

The whole concept of a personal "flaw" is flawed. A "flaw" is an imperfection, and there is no perfect human, so no human can be flawed. However, there may be aspects of your personality, your ability, or your habits that cause you distress under certain conditions. Learn to understand and love your whole self, and start calling those "flaws" by a different name.

How to Care for Acrylic Nails

Acrylic nails are popular for a host of reasons: they last a long time, they're hard to break, and they capture color brilliantly. On the other hand, acrylic nails can lift, split, or cause nasty infections. Luckily, there are steps that you can take to make those lavish looking acrylic nails last without breaking an arm and a leg, and without inviting infection. This article will instruct you on how to do just that!

How to Ride Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)

BART, or Bay Area Rapid Transit, is a train system that serves San Francisco and the East Bay. BART can be a great way to avoid driving and spend less time sitting in traffic. It can also be a good alternative to finding and paying for parking in San Francisco.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Renaming Database Tables in Laravel 5

Here's how you can rename existing database tables using Schema builder in Laravel 5.

How to Find Parts Of Speech In Text

You are likely facing a school homework assignment where you have to find the parts of speech in a text. Learning how to identify the parts of speech in a sentence will help you better understand how the English language works. Doing parts of speech exercises will give you a stronger grasp on proper grammar, a more developed vocabulary, and the skills needed to compose a correct sentence.

How to Add Page Slug in Body Class of your WordPress

Here's a handy WordPress code snippet which can be useful in adding post slug as class to the body tag.

How add a toggle button for active inactive in Yii CgridView

In this blog, I am explaining how add a toggle button for active inactive in Yii CgridView. when user click on button a confirm message will come. For full information, Visit full Blog.

How to Display Theme Information in WordPress

Here's a handy WordPress code snippet which allows developers to display theme information on the front-end of your website.

How to Use Gallery for Scrolling Images with Page Indicator in Android

In this blog, I am explaining how to use Gallery for scrolling images with page indicator in android. For full information, Visit full Blog.

How to integrate the LinkedIn with OpenERP(Odoo)?

Step-1 Install the Web LinkedIn module. Step-2 After that custmozie .py(Python file) file: In below example, I have custmozied .py file. You can directly copy the below python code in your .py file...For the full code visit the link mentioned.

Display Custom Taxonomies on WordPress Tag Cloud Widget

Learn how to use widget_tag_cloud_args to customize WordPress tag cloud widget to display custom taxonomies on the widget.

Changing the wp_mail from address in WordPress

WordPress comes bundled with a hook called wp_mail_from which allows you to change from email address. All you have to do is add the following code to your functions.php file.

How to Add New Column to Existing Table in Laravel

Sometimes you need to add a new column to a table that already exists, for this we can use laravel migrations.

Jquery Image Watermark Example

This code creates a customizable and movable watermark on your images. Follow the below steps to create an image watermark. Using this below steps you can create your watermark for your images. Reply me if you have any doubts regarding this code.

Jquery Datatable Sorting Example

Using this code you can do Datatable sorting using jquery to alter order of the content in data table. To run this jquery code you should download datatable plugin. Reply me if you have doubt regarding this code.

Jquery Collision Example

This jquery code allows you to check whether there is a collision between two codes are not. If the collision is present it shows true and when absence of collision it shows false. In this code collision function detects the presence of collisions. Reply me with your comments if there is any doubt about this code

Javascript Countdown Timer Code

This simple javascript code allows you to create a countdown timer for any event. This javascript code can be used to create countdown timer using countdown() function.

Responsive Website Tutorial (two videos)

Learn to create a responsive website with plain HTML, CSS and JS

How to Create a Helpers File in Laravel 5

In this tutorial, we are going to create a helpers file in Laravel. We can use this file to put our custom helper functions which we use to perform the repetitive tasks.

How to deal with Out of Memory Exception in Android?

In android we encounter with out of memory exception many times. The reasons are we don't have expanding memory and completely dependent on device the memory available on phone. For more details please visit the link

REST API in joomla 3.4 with SLIM Framework PART 2

It's time to to use the real power of Slim Framework. In this part of tutorial series , we will use SLIM Framework in Joomla way of style to create powerful API. In this part we will create index.php file flowing our directory structure. For full information, Visit full Blog.

Replace Default WordPress jQuery Script with Google Library

In this post, we will see how we can replace the default jQuery library in WordPress with the one hosted on Google.

Please suggest best approach for successful payment process in Ruby

We are working on a site where user registers for an event using his credit card, we verify for credit card using Braintree API and registers user based on that. Once the whole process is complete, when user proceed for payment some of the payment fails due to reason like "decline response" etc. Please help if anyone knows the correct answer. To give answer visit the link mentioned.

Attach Invoice PDF with invoice Email in Magento

Sometime we need to send a invoice pdf in a invoice mail in magento, so here I am explaining how to add invoice pdf in invoice mail. For full information, Visit full Blog.

Reverse an array in Objective C

If you want to reverse an existing array in objc, you can do it this way. For more details please visit the link

Get Base URL in Laravel

Here's a handy code snippet which allows you to get base URL or Home URL in Laravel web applications

Thread States and Lifecycle in Java

Want to start the multithreaded programming? Before starting you need to know what is Thread and what is the life cycle of the Thread. Thread having different states and life cycle methods. To know about the thread you can Visit my last post Java Thread Example. Here we will talk about the life-cycle of the Thread. For more visit the link.

Trigger code after WooCommerce Order is placed

Here's a handy WordPress code snippet which allows you to trigger some code after WooCommerce Order is placed. You can even access your last orders details using this snippet.

Disabling the CSRF Middleware in Laravel 5

Here's a quick trick which allows you disable CSRF middleware from specific routes in your Laravel Application

Display a Read More link in WordPress Excerpts

In this post, I will show you how you can automatically add a read more link to your excerpts in WordPress.

Basic Usage Of MySQLi With Prepared Statements For Beginners.

MySQLi is an upgraded version of MySQL.The MySQLi Extension (MySQL Improved) is a relational database driver used in the PHP programming language to provide an interface with MySQL databases.You can use MySQLi with MySQL server versions 4.1.3 and newer.In MySQLi there is considerable increase in Speed and it is more Secure than MySQL almost preventing SQL injections.

Populate dropdown list from database with Laravel

While building a form on your web application you might need to build a dropdown (select) list with values read from database.

Add class name to only first item in a loop - WordPress

here's a handy code snippet which allows you to Add Class to First Post in the WordPress Loop

Inheritance in Objective C

Inheritance in Objective C can be done by Subclassing. Here is an example of inheritance that works in objective-C. For more details please visit the link

Cool And Simple Vertical Accordion Menu Using jQuery CSS and HTML.

Accordion menu is a great way to display content whenever there is less space in web page user can view all the content simply by clicking on heading tab.In this tutorial we will create a simple and cool Vertical Accordion Menu using jQuery,CSS and HTML.

Scan Wifi networks in your Android App

Android give facility to access the Wifi Network in your Application. You can access nearly every information of the connection. For more details please visit the link

Java Thread Example

Thread is a lightweight process. Thread requires less memory space and resources to create and exists in the process, thread shares data and resources of the process.Every Java application has at least one Thread (main thread). For more visit the link mentioned.

Content Slider Using jQuery And CSS.

In this tutorial we will create a Content Slider Using jQuery and CSS without the help of any Slider Plugin and it is very easy and simple to code and use in your webpage.You can also create Image Slider using this process.

Horizontal Slide Toggle

Hi all, If you would like to have the horizontal toggle options, according to example when you click on the button to slide, it will play the animation reversed and hide the element. See the below example to toggle slide a div.

Slide In and Slide Out Navigation Menu Using jQuery And CSS.

Slide In and Slide Out Navigation Menu is the most popular and dynamic way to create and display navigation menus many new and modern websites uses this kind of menus.In this tutorial we will create a Slide In and Slide Out Navigation Menu using jQuery and CSS.

Remove Spam Links From Wordpress Comments

This simple code snippet removes unlink all the hyperlinks from WordPress comments

Fetch Profile Picture From Google Plus

After the successful authentication from Google plus, the following code snippet is one of the ways that can be used to get the url of the profile image. For more details please visit the link

Price Range Slider Using jQuery,CSS and PHP.

Price Range slider is a slider having price on it means instead of entering the price user can also slide the meter to the appropriate price range and submit the price.Price Range Slider is very common in modern websites they are mainly used in ecommerce websites to give easy user experiance.In this tutorial we will create a Price Range Slider Using jQuery,CSS and PHP.

Difference between Service, Provider and Factory in AngularJs

In this blog we will discuss about the differences b/w services ,provider and factory in angular jS- a)Service- This will return the actual function with an instance of the function. b)Factory- This will return the actual value returned by the function. c)Provider-This will return the value returned by the $get function of the function. For more visit the link mentioned.

Sorting the elements of array

In this tutorial we will learn how to sort the elements of an array on the basis of the keys or values as per the requirement. We will discuss the various sorting functions with example. For full information, Visit full Blog.

Limit Wordpress Search To Post Titles

Paste the following code snippet into your functions.php file to limit the WordPress search funtionality to post title.

How to Tune a Bow

Whether you use your bow for target practice, bow hunting or fishing, learning to tune a bow is a worthwhile endeavor. Surprisingly, you can find out what adjustments to make to your bow by shooting an arrow through paper, a common practice to guide tuning. The steps below describe how to perform this test, and how to adjust your bow based on the results.

How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrusts) is a three-step emergency response technique that can save a life in seconds. It is a simple action that will often dislodge food or another object from a person's airway when they are choking, as it provides an increase in pressure in the abdomen and chest, enabling the object to be expelled. The onset of choking will often be sudden, and knowing how to do it properly and being willing to use that knowledge can save someone's life. Learn the method for performing the Heimlich maneuver by following these simple steps.

Monday, December 14, 2015

How to Hang a Christmas Tree Upside Down

According to a legend, the original Christmas tree was used as a symbol of religious devotion by Christian missionaries who used the evergreen branches to explain a basic religious tenet of the Trinity – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Originally, they hung trees upside down in houses to make sure anyone who saw a tree in the house knew it was not just a floral decoration. Nowadays, Christmas trees are mounted on a base right side up. However, upside down Christmas tree decorating ideas look innovative and interesting, adding a contemporary (or unique vintage) charm to your holiday decor. Upside down Christmas trees are definitely catching on, especially in urban areas. Many city dwellers prefer to hang a Christmas tree upside down instead of rearranging the furniture in small rooms during the holidays.This could be a great project to make for someone who can’t have a Christmas tree because of pets or small children, or for the couple that’s just starting out. It may seem impossible, but with a few easy steps, you too can have your very own upside down Christmas tree!

How to Calculate the Concentration of a Solution

In Chemistry, a solution is a homogeneous mixture of two things - a solute and the solvent that it's dissolved in. Concentration is a measure of how much solute is dissolved within the solvent. There are many reasons for calculating the concentration of a solution, but the chemistry involved is similar whether you're testing the chlorine level in a hot tub or performing life-saving analysis on a blood sample. This guide will teach a few of the basic fundamentals of solution chemistry, then walk you through the process of one of its common practical applications - aquarium maintenance.

How to Practice Airplane Etiquette

When traveling by air, you're sometimes forced to rub elbows (literally) with people you don't know. In close quarters and for extended periods of time, a little consideration can go a long way. To make a flight as smooth as possible for both yourself and others (and to avoid dirty looks) practice airplane etiquette as follows.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

How to Stretch Your Back

Your back is prone to injury. You can twist it, wrench it, or even just sleep on it funny. If your back muscles aren't stretched regularly, they are far more likely to get hurt. Stretching your back regularly can help keep your muscles flexible, which will help prevent strain and back pain. You can stretch your back while doing yoga, exercising at home or in the gym, or even right in your office.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana License

At the time of this writing, 22 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the consumption of marijuana for medical purposes. This does not mean, however, that it is legal for everyone to purchase or smoke marijuana. Regardless of the state you live in, you will need approval from a physician and in most cases will need to apply for a license. While the process varies somewhat from one state to the next, the basic steps for getting a license are fairly similar across the different states. These instructions will walk you through the basics of applying for a license to purchase, possess, and consume medical marijuana.

How to Create a Sugar Craft Rose

Sugar craft roses can be an elegant touch to a cake for any occasion! These intricate flowers will be sure to impress others. Following these simple steps will be sure to turn the tedious task of making these into an enjoyable activity. Estimated time of completion: 5-10 minutes to create the rose centers plus 24 hours to dry, 15-30 minutes for the remaining rose.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

How to Write Fight Scenes

Fight scenes can be tricky territory for writers. A good fight scene should be action packed and should not slow down the drama of the story as a whole. Keep your fight scenes engaging by making the action hard, fast, and packed with just enough detail. Good fight scenes will make your reader feel like she is right in the action, fighting zombies, bad guys, and the odd lame boyfriend.

How to Overcome Selective Mutism

Are you or someone you love being affected by selective mutism? Selective mutism is a relatively rare disorder in children causing inability to speak under certain situations (e.g. classroom) where speaking is expected, despite ability to speak normally in other situations. Selective mutism is estimated to affect 0.1-0.7% of the population, but the condition is likely under-reported due to poor understanding of this condition by the general public. Symptoms usually begin between 2.7 and 4.2 years of age. This article will offer some tips on how to overcome selective mutism and minimize its detrimental effects on the affected individual's social functioning.

How to Plan a Move

Just about any way you slice it, a move is a big, disruptive change that will take a lot of time and hard work to execute smoothly. Careful planning can make things go a lot more smoothly.

Friday, December 11, 2015

How to Make Caramel Sauce

Have you ever gone for a tasty bowl of vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce, only to discover that your teenager ate the last of the caramel sauce...on a hamburger? Kids will eat anything, but take heart: making your own caramel sauce from scratch is a lot easier—and a lot tastier than you might think. Even better, it takes practically no time at all. All you need is some sugar, butter, and cream to make your own caramel sauce at home!

How to Start up a Beef Cow Calf Operation

A beef cow-calf operation is an operation on a farm or ranch where you have cows and bulls that are bred together to produce calves.  Calves are often sold to the market to be grown into beefers.  Note that there are two types of cow-calf operations: commercial and seedstock.  Commercial generally involves cross-bred cows that are bred to produce calves that are mainly for beef production.  Commercial can also have cows of the same breed, but most are not purebred cows.  Seedstock operations, on the other hand, are where producers raise a favorite breed (sometimes more than one) and breeds cows to get calves that are grown and sold to other producers as replacement stock.  Generally, most rookie cattlemen should start off as commercial cattlemen to gain the experience of calving cows, weaning calves, marketing calves, selecting cows and bulls and replacement heifers and culling the rest, etc. before they decide to go into the seedstock or purebred business.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

How to Reduce Edema Naturally

Edema is a form of swelling caused by excess fluids trapped in the tissues of your body. It is most commonly found at the ankles, feet, legs, arms and hands. Edema can be a result of a temporary condition such as during pregnancy or after an injury. Edema can also result from heart, kidney or liver disease, or it can be a side effect of a medication. Edema can also be peripheral, which means it is found in the ankles, feet, legs, arms, and hands, or it can be central, which means it is found around internal organs such as the lungs.

How to Be a Witness in Court

As a witness in court, you play a very important part of the legal process. In a criminal case, what you say and how you say it can keep an innocent person from going to jail or ensure that a guilty person is not set free to commit new crimes. In a civil lawsuit, your testimony will not usually send anyone to jail, but it can significantly affect fundamental legal rights. Taking the time to learn to be a good witness in court is crucial, because the jury will arrive at a verdict based on not only what you say, but on their impression of you.

How to Keep Cats from Chewing on Electric Cords and Chargers

Cats are less likely to chew cables compared to dogs, but every precaution should be taken to make sure cats are safe if they do chew. Not only does chewing and biting damage the cords, but it can result in terrible harm to your cat, such as electric shock or choking. Keep in mind, however, that this is typical for teething younger cats, and even the most devoted cord-chewers tend to grow out of it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How to Begin Writing a Research Paper

A research paper involves crafting an organized argument based on the sophisticated analysis of current research. Research papers can be on just about any topic, from medicine to medieval history, and they are a common assignment in many secondary schools and universities. Writing a research paper can be a daunting task, especially in those moments just before you begin to write. But organizing your thoughts and sources will make it much easier to begin writing your research paper and to avoid writer's block.

How to Identify Prints

Before digital and photographic technology, images were transferred to paper from stone, metal, and wood. Part of a good education in art history involves studying and identifying these different printing processes. While printmaking is a field you can study for life, you can learn the basics of identifying relief, intaglio, and planographic lithography to start building your identification skills.

How to Recognize Enabling Behaviors

Enabler: One that enables another to achieve an end; especially one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior. To some degree, everyone can be an enabler. When one becomes an enabler, it can be destructive to themselves, to the person (or people) being enabled, and to the people around them. Read this article to learn how to recognize these behaviors.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How to Make Low Carb Pancakes

The delight of a pancake can be yours without high carbohydrates or sugar content. The idea of your low-carb pancake is to replace the flour and sugar with other (healthy) ingredients. Of course, you will want it to taste agreeably like a pancake, at a reasonable cost, to be a sensible addition to your low-carb diet. Makes 2 large pancakes, or 6 small pancakes.

How to Deep Condition Your Hair

Hair can get dried out and damaged from the use of heat styling tools, dyes, chemical straighteners, and exposure to the sun. You may want to restore your hair's moisture and body with a high-quality deep conditioning treatment. The right deep conditioning treatment can leave your hair moist and shiny!

How to Hand Sew a Quilt

Quilting is a useful art/craft that spans generations, fads, ages and cultures to bring people together. There's nothing quite as satisfying as displaying your labor of love either as a bedspread or as a wall hanging. Here are a few pointers to help you begin this rewarding activity.

Monday, December 7, 2015

How to Train a Siberian Husky

A beautiful breed of dog, Siberian Huskies are independent, athletic, and intelligent. Despite their relatively gentle demeanor and affectionate behavior, they are not easily trained. Because Siberian Huskies are pack dogs, they will challenge your leadership and test boundaries. They will become destructive if not exercised. In order to avoid an unhappy experience with a Siberian Husky, it is important to understand their temperament in order to properly train them for all experiences and situations.

How to Cut Elegant Paper Snowflakes

We all probably learned how to make a simple paper snowflake at some point when we were kids, but here's the "grown-up" version of this favorite childhood wintertime craft.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

How to Prepare an Asset Register

An asset register -- also known as a fixed asset register -- is simply a record that clearly identifies all the fixed assets of a business. Fixed assets refer to assets that a business uses regularly to produce its income, and unlike assets like inventory, these assets are not considered products to be sold. The register allows a business owner to quickly retrieve information on an asset including it's description, purchase date, location, purchase price, accumulated depreciation, and estimated salvage value.

How to Make a Burlap Wreath

The latest fad in all-season wreaths seems to be burlap. You could, of course, buy a premade one at any number of stores—but where is the fun in that? Instead, why not make your own personalized one and impress your friends—all for a very low outlay in materials and time? Your new burlap wreath will create a unique, rustic decoration in your home and be easily customizable.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

How to Be an Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic controllers do more than tell Captain Oveur what vector he's been assigned. They tell pilots which runways to taxi and take off from, track the position of aircraft in the air and relay reports from the National Weather Service to pilots. Most air traffic controllers work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), although some work for the Department of Defense (DOD) and individual branches of the military, while some work for private air traffic control firms at control towers not related to the FAA. The work of an air traffic controller is often tense and stressful, but if you want to become one, here's what you need to know.

How to Create Salt Dough

Your kids will love playing with salt dough — and helping you make it too! Salt dough is fun to make and easy to create with. Let your little Michelangelo's' imaginations run wild as they sculpt and cut shapes out of the dough.

Friday, December 4, 2015

How to French Braid

The French braid is both beautiful and classic. Although its intricate weave may appear complicated, creating your own French braid is simple. Once you've gotten the basics of a traditional braid down, try a French or French lace braid on for size.

How to Reduce Hemorrhoid Pain

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins found externally or internally around the anus. They are caused by increased pressure on the pelvic and rectal veins and are related to constipation, diarrhea and straining to pass a stool. Many people will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, and the condition can be an uncomfortable one. The good news is, there are ways to prevent and treat most cases of hemorrhoids that will reduce the chance that they will return and address the pain associated with them.

How to Make a Hacky Sack

Hacky sacks haven't made it to the Olympics yet, but you could change that. Get started by making your own training equipment. Here are several easy ways to make a hacky sack out of household materials or basic craft supplies.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How to Slow Dance

Ah, the slow dance: you've probably either loved it or hated it since middle school. No dance can so romantic, and yet many people who have no trouble shaking their booties all night long start to creep toward the sidelines when the music slows down. But don't worry -- even if you don't know how to slow dance, you shouldn't have to turn into a wallflower at the end of the evening. If you want to know how to slow dance, you just have to master a few basic moves, trust your partner, and glide gracefully to the music. If you want to master slow dancing in the time it takes to play K-Ci & JoJo's "All My Life," just follow these steps.

How to Teach a Dog to Fetch

Playing fetch is a great way to exercise your dog and strengthen your bond with him at the same time. Many dogs are naturally good at chasing something that is thrown to them, but they may not always be good at bringing and giving it back. Teaching your dog how to complete the fetching process will help to make the game of fetch more fun for the both of you.

How to Overcome Social Anxiety

You want to meet people, make friends, and share yourself with the world, but social interactions can be especially intimidating for people who struggle with social anxiety. While many people feel nervous before a presentation or speaking event, social anxiety interferes with your normal routine and causes tremendous distress on a regular basis.You may constantly doubt your social adequacy and worry about what might happen if you receive a negative evaluation. Although therapy can be very useful for people who suffer from social anxiety disorder, there a number of techniques you can try to combat your anxiety without professional intervention.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to Breed Syrian Hamsters

Breeding hamsters to add to your current hamster family? Plan ahead and educate yourself before adding more fuzzy friends to your household. Hamster breeding is not something to take lightly. Make a firm commitment to your plan before going through with it.

How to Stay Awake Without Caffeine

Staying awake when you are tired can be very difficult. Whether you are trying to work, get through a day after a sleepless night, or recovering from travel, it is possible to help yourself feel awake, alert, and energetic without having to resort to using caffeine or other medications. Getting a good night’s sleep every night is the best long-term solution to chronic fatigue, but there are also many other methods to keep yourself awake and alert.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How to Deal With Being Taken for Granted

From an early stage in your life, you are taught to respect others, and do kind things for them, such as offering hospitality or babysitting. However, in some cases, people begin to take advantage of your generosity and kind nature, expecting more from you than is fair or right. Such people may repeatedly ask you for favors and cause you to feel obliged, without returning any favors or showing you any respect. When the boundaries are crossed, it can be challenging to go back to asserting yourself. If you feel as if there are people in your life who take you for granted, it's time to protect yourself and reset those boundaries.

How to Get Rid of Morning Breath

Who doesn’t hate waking up with a mouth full of smelly, yucky breath? Morning breath, a form of halitosis, results from a decrease in saliva during the course of the night, which creates an environment for bacteria to flourish. Everyone suffers from morning breath at least some of the time, and while it’s unlikely that you’ll ever wake up with a mouth that smells like a fresh bunch of flowers, there are steps you can take to tame the beast of morning breath.

How to Clean out a Humidifier

Humidifiers moisten indoor air and are useful for treating cold and flu symptoms, healing dry skin and helping babies sleep more peacefully. Humidifiers that are not cleaned properly may pump bacteria into the air, so it's important to use the right technique and clean your machine out often. Learn how to perform a basic cleaning, disinfect the humidifier and prevent bacterial growth.