How to keep your New Year's resolutions on cruise ships USA TODAY As 2013 comes to a close, many of us will make New Year's resolutions and (if we're honest) the large majority of those resolutions will be broken at some point in 2014. On cruise ships you can find a multitude of ways to keep your resolves, but you ... |
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
How to keep your New Year's resolutions on cruise ships - USA TODAY
How To: Hang plates for display - Washington Post
Washington Post | How To: Hang plates for display Washington Post Q: I have a number of calendar plates dating from the 1920s to recent years that belonged to my mother. Everything I have read says not to put plates in the wire/spring-type plate hangers because it will damage them. Is this correct? I would like to ... |
How to Fix Television in 2014: Some Proposed Resolutions - Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair | How to Fix Television in 2014: Some Proposed Resolutions Vanity Fair How to Fix Television in 2014: Some Proposed Resolutions. By Mike Hogan, Richard Lawson and Katey Rich · EMail. Courtesy of HBO. Now that a new year is here, we may say that we're going to read more or go to the gym, but really we're just waiting for ... |
How to Open a Champagne Bottle with a Sword
Amaze everyone at your next social function with le sabrage, or opening a bottle of champagne (or any sparkling wine) with a sword. Napoleon's officers did it––now you can, too! Teaching yourself to "behead" a bottle of champagne isn't hard, but takes a little practice (and a case or two of cheap bubbly) to perfect.
How To Take Uber on New Year's Eve Without Losing All Your Money - The Atlantic
NBC Bay Area | How To Take Uber on New Year's Eve Without Losing All Your Money The Atlantic So to head-off the same kind of backlash, Uber has released a how-to guide for avoiding surge pricing on New Year's Eve, typically their busiest night of the year. As you can see below, your wallet won't feel the holiday if you take Uber before 8 P.M ... Uber Explains How to Not Get Gouged By Uber This New Year's Eve |
How to accomplish your goals in 2014 - Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor | How to accomplish your goals in 2014 Christian Science Monitor 2013 has been a pretty good year for me. I lost about 25 pounds. I wrote a pretty good first draft of a novel that's currently “resting” (meaning I intend to drag it out again in a few months to start editing it and figure out whether it's worth trying ... |
How to Clean a Candle Jar
Making candles has been a very fulfilling and enjoyable hobby for a number of years. All sorts of jars can be used and reused for candles, but sooner or later these jars have to be cleaned.
Fishing Knots: How to tie a Bobber Stop knot (Joe's Outdoor Office photos and ... -
Fishing Knots: How to tie a Bobber Stop knot (Joe's Outdoor Office photos and ... Here is a step by step photo gallery and video on how to tie a Bobber Stop knot. This knot is especially useful when fishing with a slip bobber when the depth the bait is presented is critical. The knot is tied to the main line and allows the fisherman ... |
Science of booze: How to minimize your New Year's hangover - CBS News
PolicyMic | Science of booze: How to minimize your New Year's hangover CBS News After raising a glass on New Year's Eve, it's possible you might get a little carried away with the festivities. In case you do, CBS News medical contributor Dr. David Agus joined “CBS This Morning” to discuss the science behind hangovers and how to ... The Science of a Hangover: How to Minimize That New Year's Day Headache The Biology of Booze: How to Outsmart Your Hangover Hangover Symptoms and How to Avoid Them |
Fish strategies and recipes: How to land more seafood on your table for a ... - Washington Post
Washington Post | Fish strategies and recipes: How to land more seafood on your table for a ... Washington Post Eating more seafood can be a key to a healthful diet. But it also can seem easier said than done. The hurdles? The people you cook for, and with, might not like fish. You might not know how to cook it. The cost can be daunting, and environmental ... |
How To Respond If Somebody Holds A Gun To Your Head - Business Insider
How To Respond If Somebody Holds A Gun To Your Head Business Insider The flippant (but obligatory) short answer is, "Whatever they tell you to." Of course, within this there is nuance and some other considerations to be made: Most important: Stay. Calm. There is no way you're going to remember all of the stuff I'm about ... |
Estate Tax Portability - How To Opt Out Of The Portability Election And Who Is ... - Forbes
Estate Tax Portability - How To Opt Out Of The Portability Election And Who Is ... Forbes First, the temporary regulations require the executor of an estate of a decedent with a surviving spouse who is filing an estate tax return to make an affirmative statement on the return signifying the decision to have the portability election not ... |
Let Patrick Stewart Teach You How To Moo In A British Accent - TIME
Let Patrick Stewart Teach You How To Moo In A British Accent TIME Actor Sir Patrick Stewart spent a good right minutes teaching listeners how to “moo” in several different British accents on the podcast, How To Do Everything last Friday. A listener of the podcast called in, and said she always wondered what it sounds ... |
How to get rid of Christmas leftovers -
How to get rid of Christmas leftovers Rather than guiltily snacking on these treats, however, this video provides an alternative solution for how to get rid of them. With the help of some potassium chlorate, a chemical that is often used in fireworks, and a little heat, the sugar in the ... |
How to Accomplish Your New Year's Resolutions
Like most people, you've probably made resolutions in the past that went unfulfilled. It's easy to give up on making resolutions because you've convinced yourself you just can't change. Don't be too hard on yourself.
How To Commission Custom Wood Furnishings - Forbes
How To Commission Custom Wood Furnishings Forbes My technology-driven husband has been working with concrete for years on his off-hours to fulfill his creative side. His efforts are leading up to his finishing a fireplace surround from scratch. When he's done with it, he's going to need the perfect ... |
Advice from an Apple Tech: How to replace the optical drive in a Unibody ... - Macworld
Advice from an Apple Tech: How to replace the optical drive in a Unibody ... Macworld Sometime around 2008 and with the advent of the first MacBook Air, Apple made the declarative statement that the end was in sight for optical drives built into its notebooks. At the time, the lack of an optical drive was a unique feature for the ... |
How to Achieve Your Financial Bucket List - DailyFinance
How to Achieve Your Financial Bucket List DailyFinance But it's the how to squirrel away enough money for your future bucket list without wrecking your current life that can be so problematic for some people. Diana Webb, a professor of finance at Northwood University in Midland, Mich., has several ideas ... |
The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think by Julian Baggini – review - The Guardian
The Guardian | The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think by Julian Baggini – review The Guardian Perhaps all I needed was a book to instruct me, as this one promises to, "how to eat and think". The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think; by Julian Baggini. Buy the book. Tell us what you think: Star-rate and review this book. Baggini is in some ... |
How to Build a Telescope | Science Fair Projects -
How to Build a Telescope | Science Fair Projects Editor's note: Contributor Nola Taylor Redd enlisted her children — Dawn (12), Michael (10), Jimmy (8), and Candy (6) — for this project. Here is her first-person account of the process. The project took them approximately an hour to complete ... |
How to break into the tech industry (infographic) - VentureBeat
How to break into the tech industry (infographic) VentureBeat InternMatch, which connects intern candidates with employers, created this infographic on how to break into the tech industry. It drew data from a number of sources regarding the fastest growing careers and companies, the best cities for startups, in ... |
How to Overhaul Your Portfolio for 2014 - Wall Street Journal
How to Overhaul Your Portfolio for 2014 Wall Street Journal How to Overhaul Your Portfolio for 2014. Despite the risks, there are bonds and bond funds, foreign and even domestic, that are worth a serious look. Email; Print. Save ↓ More. Save to ↓ More. Save ↓ More. Saved ↓ More. Please log in or register ... |
How to Know if a Shy Guy Likes You
Shy guys are extremely secretive and can be very hard to read. In general, they play by a different set of rules, mainly because they don't know what the rules are or because they are too self-conscious.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Adobe Photoshop Tutorials: Best of July 2013
How to Freecycle
Rather than throwing away usable items, freecycling encourages you to give them to others who will use them. With over 8 million members and nearly 5,000 local groups around the world, 100 million tons can be kept out of landfills in a year. This is because of people just like you "gifting" their old toaster, ugly shoes or lamps they've been wanting to get rid of for years. Items are all free, legal and appropriate for all ages.
How To Double Your Content Marketing ROI In 2014 - Forbes
How To Double Your Content Marketing ROI In 2014 Forbes content-calendar December brings many traditions: enjoying the holidays, wrapping up projects from the year that's ending, and gearing up for the year ahead. One piece of the process is evaluating how you did in relation to the audacious goals you set ... |
Greg Maddux Taught Me How To Watch Baseball - Deadspin
Greg Maddux Taught Me How To Watch Baseball Deadspin It wasn't that I didn't enjoy baseball; the problem was that I just didn't know how to go about the project of doing so. That all changed in the summer of 1995, when I came to baseball like an incubator-hatched gosling and imprinted directly on the ... |
How to Pull Off a Pixie Cut
Short hair isn't a style everyone can pull off. Cutting your hair short is a big and brave step! But, if you aren't quite satisfied with your pixie cut, it's time to learn how to rock it with confidence! The article below will guide you through different styles of the pixie cut.
How to Actively Manage Your Advisor - Forbes
How to Actively Manage Your Advisor Forbes Many clients think their financial advisor has all the answers to their investment questions. Few of them realize they may be holding key pieces of information that could positively and profitably influence their portfolio. Their advisor should help ... |
How To Start a Business In 8 Key Steps - Forbes
How To Start a Business In 8 Key Steps Forbes (Photo credit: Wikipedia). For those of you who have not already started a business, or are trying to figure out how best to start your business, this post will help you learn the 8 key steps of the process. 1. DETERMINE IDEA. You can't start a ... |
How to Stay Motivated
Personal motivation is key to maintaining almost all aspects of life. If we're not motivated, we're more likely to squander our time and neglect our personal and professional goals. Even the most determined people can lose steam sometimes. Keep reading for some sure-fire tips for getting back on track.
How to Use PayPal
PayPal is one of the most popular and trusted ways to send and receive money online. To learn more about this service and how to use it, read the steps below.
How to Cure a Cold Fast
Although it's not a very serious virus, the common cold can make you feel miserable, and leave you wanting nothing more than for it to go away. Unfortunately, there is no cure for a cold, other than time. Despite this, there are many things you can do to ease the symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the most popular, effective and fast-acting cold-relief methods.
Bigelow Gives You A Chance To Be A Simulated Astronaut. Here's How To Apply - Universe Today
Bigelow Gives You A Chance To Be A Simulated Astronaut. Here's How To Apply Universe Today Bigelow — that company that has two inflatable structures in orbit and that plans to add an inflatable room to the International Space Station — is looking for help. The company is asking people to come to its Las Vegas facility and pretend to be ... |
How to Stay Productive When No one Else Is - Fox Business
How to Stay Productive When No one Else Is Fox Business If you want to ace your performance reviews and chart an upwardly-mobile career path, you are going to have to learn how to tactfully fend off those uninvited interruptions. “Even small interruptions are costly,” says Erik Altmann, a psychology ... |
The Art of Strategy: Or How to Fight and Lead Better - Daily Beast
Daily Beast | The Art of Strategy: Or How to Fight and Lead Better Daily Beast Empires rise and fall, leaders fail and succeed, but the art of strategy is forever. James Warren on the ultimate history to Western strategy and what it teaches us about our history. Strategy: A History, is an ambitious and sprawling book by a British ... |
Michael Schumacher ski accident: how to avoid risks off-piste - | Michael Schumacher ski accident: how to avoid risks off-piste Statistically, skiing is no more dangerous than it ever was. But if you're planning on a winter sports holiday over the New Year, the sheer volume of snow and the low temperatures mean you will need to take extra precautions if you venture off-piste. |
How to set up a document scanning system - PCWorld (blog)
How to set up a document scanning system PCWorld (blog) As New Year's resolutions go, “going paperless” is a perennial Top 10 contender, somewhere between “lose weight” and “save money.” But if you've ever resolved to digitize your documents before, you've learned that talking about it is one thing ... |
How to shoot the best portraits with your iPhone - Macworld
How to shoot the best portraits with your iPhone Macworld The iPhone is a capable device for most of our daily snapshots. And even though it's not quite as versatile as a dedicated digital camera, you can still capture stunning portraits. Here are some great techniques for top notch people shots using the ... |
How to create a butterfly garden - | How to create a butterfly garden Walking through the hay meadows in Transylvania this summer felt like a visit to a perfect place, not just for the wildflowers – the salvias, aquilegias and orchids – but for the butterflies you kick up with every step. It's not, I have to admit, quite ... |
Dept. of Communication - New Yorker
Dept. of Communication New Yorker Subscribers can read the full version of this story by logging into our digital archive. You can also subscribe now or find out about other ways to read The New Yorker digitally. January 6, 2014 Issue. Keywords: Sign Language;: Sign-Language ... |
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Warriors 108, Cavaliers 104 (OT): Cavs still learning how to win games -
Warriors 108, Cavaliers 104 (OT): Cavs still learning how to win games Warriors 108, Cavaliers 104 (OT): Cavs still learning how to win games. Cleveland Cavaliers' Kyrie Irving tries to get past Golden State Warriors' Stephen Curry, right, during the second quarter of an NBA basketball game Sunday, Dec. 29, 2013, in ... |
Local Chef Explains How To Eat Healthy And Tasty - MyFox Philadelphia
Local Chef Explains How To Eat Healthy And Tasty MyFox Philadelphia Twenty-six and a half million Americans have heart disease. The disease is also afflicting more and more at a young age, as an increasing number of those people are age 40 to 59. This is all more of a reason to be heart healthy. And being heart healthy ... |
How to Make Easy Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookies with Crescent Rolls
What could be more delicious than cream cheese infused chocolate chip cookies? However, instead of spending time on your feet mixing and stirring you can take this quick short cut that will produce delectable cookies that will make the heavens sing.
Nicole Gelinas - New York Post
Nicole Gelinas New York Post But in his November victory speech, de Blasio didn't mention infrastructure. He seems more interested in redistributing the wealth New York already has than in figuring out how to make it richer. Some de Blasio policies, too, could dampen Bloomberg's ... |
On the Job: How to slow down, take control of your life - USA TODAY
On the Job: How to slow down, take control of your life USA TODAY Society has become caught up in the idea that you can have it all with no limits, Brown says. Make time to pause and rest and make it "trendy to slow down." Anita Bruzzese is author of 45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy ... and How to Avoid ... Anita Bruzzese: How to slow down, take control of your life |
Finally A School That Teaches How To Drive World's Most Impossible Car - Jalopnik
Finally A School That Teaches How To Drive World's Most Impossible Car Jalopnik The Ford Model T is renowned for many things, including the fact that it was incredibly mass-produced. One of its great mysteries, though, is why so many bought the things when it's so hard to drive. Thankfully, a museum has started offering classes on ... |
The Future of Retail and How to Invest in It - Motley Fool
The Future of Retail and How to Invest in It Motley Fool The 2013 holiday shopping season is in the books, for the most part, and it's becoming more apparent that having an effective online presence is crucial for retail success. Fewer people are actually going out to brick-and-mortar retailers, which is the ... |
How to watch Buccaneers vs. Saints 2013 online, TV schedule, radio and more - SB Nation
How to watch Buccaneers vs. Saints 2013 online, TV schedule, radio and more SB Nation How to follow Browns vs. Steelers in Week 17 · How to follow Redskins vs. Giants in Week 17 · UFC 168 Results: Weidman vs. Silva 2 · 2013's most memorable GIFs · FCC proposes ending TV blackout rules · 2014 Mock Draft: Can Teddy save the Texans? |
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