How to survive a merger CNNMoney Mergers are risky, and the chance for failure is high: Two-thirds of corporate marriages fail to produce enough financial gains to justify their cost, according to Investopedia. Undaunted by those odds, Simon Berg set out last year to merge his online ... |
Thursday, October 31, 2013
How to survive a merger - CNNMoney
How to Pick Chanterelle Mushrooms
One of nature's finest delicacies can be found in your nearby woods or forest; the wild, edible mushroom. To purchase many species of these fungi in the grocery store can be costly and they are often not of the freshest variety. Picking your own is a fun way to get out into the great outdoors and to experience the thrill of gathering your own food.
Create a Surreal “Game of Thrones” Photo Manipulation
How to Disable "No Right Click" Scripts in Firefox
Have you ever gone to a website where you try to right-click and it doesn't work? If you still want to right-click, your browser can display the context menu but the website just tells it not to. No matter––there is good news! If you use Mozilla Firefox, you can tell your browser not to obey the website and display it anyway.
How to Train to Be a Professional Football Player
You may have heard adults tell you not to try and become a professional football player because it's too hard. While it is true that the path to becoming a professional football player is hard, you will never know what's going to happen without training. Here is a quick insight on how to train to be a professional football player.
RSS Feeds into Java Web Applications
Rome framework is one of the most popular APIs for creating and reading rss feeds.In this tutorial we will see how to implement an rss feed stream with feeds created from database entries. As an example for this tutorial the rss stream will consist of the tutorials of
Speakers modeling tutorial - Chapter 2 Texturing
Speakers modeling tutorial - Chapter 1 Modeling
Chevrolet Camaro - 3DS Max modeling tutorial
How to Celebrate Halloween
Halloween only comes around once a year, so why not go all out? Celebrating Halloween is more fun when you decorate the outside of your home with lots of stuff to scare those who dare walk up to your door. All lit up at night, a decorated home welcomes all the little ghosts and goblins. With the addition of some scary music, the little ones will giggle with delighted terror as they knock on your door, yelling, "Trick or Treat!"
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Producing a Flashback effect on an Image in Photoshop CS6
How to Make Egg Salad
Egg salad is a classic lunch recipe. This popular sandwich has been made for generations in America, and it can be made with widely available ingredients, including bread and a half-dozen eggs. Learn how to make egg salad.
How to Play Strip Poker
Like poker, but want to raise the stakes? Try a flirty and mature version of the classic card game, one in which adult players can literally lose the shirts off their backs—and maybe more. In strip poker players wager items of clothing they are wearing, and by the end of the game several players often end up in their underwear or naked. Here's how you play:
How to Play Minecraft
Minecraft is a large sandbox game where you can fight monsters, craft tools and items, and create your own world. It has one of the biggest communities in any game, and it has revolutionized the indie gaming industry. The game comes with no tutorial, and the learning curve is a bit steep. Read on to learn how to get started in Minecraft.
How to Prevent Heart Disease
Heart disease is an umbrella term that covers a variety of cardiovascular conditions, including blood vessel diseases, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, congenital heart defects and infections of the heart. Although heart disease is a serious condition, there are some simple lifestyle choices you can make to lower your risk of developing it.
How to Make Spider Eggs
A cute use of eggs suitable for Halloween or a fun themed party, these spidery eggs will have the diners giggling. And if your kids are fussy about eggs, this can be an entertaining way to encourage eating. These spider eggs are quite effective when presented in a group and they’re definitely very tasty!
How To Build Your First Mobile App In 12 Steps: Part 1 - Forbes
How To Build Your First Mobile App In 12 Steps: Part 1 Forbes So you woke up in the middle of the night and had this great idea for an amazing app — you can picture it, you know it is useful, and you can imagine that many people would like it, too. If this is your first-ever app development attempt, here is a ... |
How to Find Evidence to Support Any Argument - Lifehacker
How to Find Evidence to Support Any Argument Lifehacker The goal of this post isn't to show you how to flash evidence to back up things you know are false, it's to give you a way to challenge your own confirmation bias and to be rigorous about your beliefs and opinions. Since it's easy to, with the right ... |
How to change the way businesses relate to people - Fortune
How to change the way businesses relate to people Fortune (TheMIX) -- To build a business that's fit for the 21st century, leaders need to figure out how to nurture and reward contributions from employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Organizations must focus both on unleashing individuals ... |
How to win NFC East - (blog)
How to win NFC East (blog) General manager Jerry Reese addressed the media yesterday with a general theme of when a team starts 0-6, everyone is to blame. The Giants, however, have started to turn things around with two straight wins and sit two games back of the NFC East lead ... |
Public IP vs Shared Resolver
Programming is always a question of choice, especially now when the IT sphere offers so many solutions. To succeed, you need to make the right choice while selecting the instances and services for running your application at all the stages of its life-cycle – from development to production. As a result, this influences various factors beginning with performance and the amount of money you need to invest.
How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds
With all the carving to be done during Halloween season, why not make a healthy, delicious seasonal snack from the leftovers? It's easy to roast pumpkin seeds, and they make a yummy end to a pumpkin carving session.
Beginner Illustrator Tutorial: Cartoon Style Space Scene
Create a Halloween Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
How to Make a Plant Enrichment from Used Teabags
Used teabags make a great plant supplement; tannin, a substance found in tea, is ideal for healthy plant growth. This enrichment mixture is suitable for indoor and outdoor potted plants and flowers.
How to complain if you think you have been mis-sold - The Guardian
The Guardian | How to complain if you think you have been mis-sold The Guardian How to complain if you think you have been mis-sold. From mobile phone insurance to packaged current accounts there is no reason to take mis-selling on the chin. We look at how to complain. Share · Tweet this. Email. Harriet Meyer. The Observer ... |
How to Reason
Reason refers to the mental powers and processes concerned with forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences.[1] Proper use of reasoning is extremely important in making effective daily decisions. Here are some tips to exercise reason in your daily conduct.
How to Make Fake Blood
Vampires? Zombies? Werewolves? It's either the end of the world as we know it, or it's Halloween, and nothing adds to the frightening thrill of Halloween like lots and lots of sticky, realistic blood! There are as many ways to concoct it as there are to ooze it, ranging from edible blood made from everyday ingredients, to the chillingly realistic blood used in movies. Whatever your preference, here's how to put it together.
How to Eat -- and Eat Well -- After the Zombie Apocalypse - Huffington Post
How to Eat -- and Eat Well -- After the Zombie Apocalypse Huffington Post Next we introduce fishing spears, and lashing techniques, and other skills that allow you to improve your life by gathering materials from the landscape. We show you how to make rock-climbing quality rope, and fishing spears, and string for bows and ... |
England's Chris Ashton swallows his pain and learns how to fly again - The Guardian
The Guardian | England's Chris Ashton swallows his pain and learns how to fly again The Guardian England's Chris Ashton swallows his pain and learns how to fly again. Wing has emerged wiser from his 'downward spiral' and is determined to remind Australia of his talents. Share · Tweet this. Email. Robert Kitson · The Guardian, Tuesday 29 October ... |
How to Make Pumpkin Bars
Ideal for Halloween and Thanksgiving, these bars are easy to make and taste delicious.
How to Install OS X 10.8.5 on Your Hackintosh - Lifehacker
How to Install OS X 10.8.5 on Your Hackintosh Lifehacker In summary, this always up-to-date guide will explain how to pick the right hardware for a great hackintosh and walk you through the standard OS X installation process, but it will also require you to be diligent and informed in regards to the ... |
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
How to Draw a Chicken
Why did the chicken cross the road? So you can draw it! This step-by-step guide will help you draw a few different kinds of chickens. Let's begin!
Telling Congress how to help US economy - | Telling Congress how to help US economy Roger Simmermaker is the author of "How Americans Can Buy American: The Power of Consumer Patriotism." He also writes "Buy American Mention of the Week" articles for his website, and is a member of the Machinists Union and National Writers Union. |
How to handle negative net worth - Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor | How to handle negative net worth Christian Science Monitor How to handle negative net worth. A lot of people freshly out of college face the difficulty of having more debts than assets, Hamm writes. The key to handling negative net worth is to focus on forward progress, not the overall total. By Trent Hamm ... |
How to Make Rosewater
These versions of rosewater are superior to that used for culinary purposes and make a delightful perfume. The first recipe is an original 1880s version. The second version uses fresh rose petals, which may be easier for you to obtain than Attar of rose. And the third method requires quite a bit of effort but produces good results.
How to Paint a Wall
Painting a wall requires a bit of planning, but when done right, can give a room a completely different feel. If you want to paint a wall correctly, you won't skimp on preparation and dive right into it. With a little bit of forethought and execution, however, painting your walls can be just as satisfying as it is uplifting.
How to Cook a Duck
Duck has a stronger, richer flavor than other poultry, since duck flesh contains more oil. Duck meat is often reserved for special occasions, but it's quite simple to prepare and provides a versatile base for many flavors. Read on for information on how to select duck meat and and roast a whole duck, pan-sear duck breasts, and braise duck legs.
How to Make Pickled Eggs
Pickled eggs are a popular bar or pub food in the United States and the United Kingdom. They are boiled eggs that are pickled with spices. You can learn how to make pickled eggs at home, and they can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks.
How To Get Around The Health Insurance Marketplace Glitches - Forbes
How To Get Around The Health Insurance Marketplace Glitches Forbes The new Health Insurance Marketplace is off to a shaky start since its Oct. 1 launch, despite its intention to provide a simple, easily accessible comparison of healthcare plans and purchase coverage. At a Oct. 21 White House Rose Garden event ... |
HOWTO make a bike-charged emergency battery - Boing Boing
HOWTO make a bike-charged emergency battery Boing Boing HOWTO make a bike-charged emergency battery. Cory Doctorow at 10:48 am Tue, Oct 29, 2013. <iframe width="600" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>. |
Tips From Indiegogo's CEO On How To Succeed When Crowdfunding - TechCrunch
Tips From Indiegogo's CEO On How To Succeed When Crowdfunding TechCrunch I love huntin' through data to find the weird little trends; it's how you learn how things actually work. I also really, really dig the concept of crowdfunding. Put the two together, and you've got my attention. During a chat with John Biggs today at ... |
How to Take Blood Pressure Manually
If you or someone you know is at risk for high or low blood pressure, you may want to invest in a manual blood pressure kit for home use. Learning how to take your blood pressure manually may take a little practice, but it is actually quite easy once you learn how. Here's what you need to do.
Grown-Out Roots? Here's How To Embrace Them - Huffington Post
Grown-Out Roots? Here's How To Embrace Them Huffington Post Let's face it: Coloring your hair is not just a choice, it's a lifestyle. But while most of us see our colorists more often than we see our physicians, sometimes we just don't have time to make it into the salon for a touch-up. Rather than become a ... |
If You've Got $350 And 2 Days, It's Really Easy To Learn How To Ride A ... - Business Insider
If You've Got $350 And 2 Days, It's Really Easy To Learn How To Ride A ... Business Insider If you don't know how to ride, the best way to learn and get licensed in New York is through the two-day course with the Motorcycle Safety School. There are locations around the city and a few upstate. I went with a course at Lehman College, in the Bronx. |
How to Make a Pumpkin Drink Dispenser
A pumpkin drink dispenser is a novelty craft that uses a pumpkin to dispense a beverage. This item may be used during Halloween, or for other fall-themed social events, such as Thanksgiving. This project may be of interest to those who enjoy arts and crafts, entertaining, or even those who want to undertake a fun project with other family members.
How to reduce discrimination: Getting to know the Roma - Washington Post (blog)
Washington Post (blog) | How to reduce discrimination: Getting to know the Roma Washington Post (blog) [Joshua Tucker: The following is a guest post from political scientist Ana Bracic, currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Stanford University Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. The research on which this post is based can be found ... |
6 Known Issues With OS X Mavericks and How to Fix Them - Wired
ZDNet | 6 Known Issues With OS X Mavericks and How to Fix Them Wired The Migration Assistant in Mountain Lion had a tendency to crash while copying over your files, while other Macs with the OS dropped Wi-Fi after waking from sleep. The Mavericks update seems to have gone smoothly for most, but it's far from trouble-free. How to Install OS X Mavericks Using a Usb |
How To 'Zen' Your Next Flight - Huffington Post
How To 'Zen' Your Next Flight Huffington Post Flying is a pain, we know that. Between elusive flight attendants, long TSA lines and not-so-great airplane food, the whole experience is a buzzkill compared to years ago. Never fear! We're here to help chill you out on your next flight. Here are some ... |
How To Be Much Happier At Work - Forbes
How To Be Much Happier At Work Forbes The new science of positive psychology has made enormous progress in the last few years identifying what makes people happy at work. In today's column I'd like to look at one of the most powerful discoveries in this field to improve how good you feel ... |
How to Make a Vampire Costume
Vampire costumes have long been a favorite for Halloween, but buying your costume online or in a store can get pricey, so why not make your own? With our step-by-step guide it's easy to transform yourself from a mere mortal into a bloodsucking creature of the night. Fang-tastic, I hear you say, let's get started!
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