Monday, October 31, 2016

How to Avoid Tooth Decay

Expert Reviewed

Four Parts:Brushing Your Teeth ProperlyFlossing Your TeethMaintaining a Tooth Healthy DietSeeing Your Dentist RegularlyCommunity Q&A

Tooth decay is caused by plaque buildup on your teeth. Plaque forms when sugars in your mouth attract bacteria. Plaque is very acidic and causes the enamel of your teeth to erode away. This is the first part of cavity formation. As a cavity becomes bigger, bacteria from your mouth can invade the pulp of the tooth (the tooth's living tissue) and cause inflammation that can progress into an infection known as an abscess. This process can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, not to mention very expensive dental bills for treatment. However, you can prevent tooth decay by practicing regular tooth brushing, flossing, eating the right foods, and seeing your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups. [1]


Part 1

Brushing Your Teeth Properly
  1. 1

    Set up a brushing schedule.

    Ideally you should brush your teeth after every meal, but you should try to do so at least twice a day: once after breakfast and once before bed.

    • Make this part of your routine each morning and before bed.
    • If you incorporate tooth brushing into your regular routine it will be easy to remember to do it.
    • Proper tooth brushing only takes a few minutes, so even very busy people can find the time.
  2. 2

    Use a soft bristled toothbrush.

    The size and shape depend on your mouth size, but most dentists recommend electric toothbrushes that have a round shape.

    • The size and shape of the brush should allow you to reach all areas of your mouth and all surfaces of your teeth.
    • Replace your toothbrush every three to four months.
    • If your toothbrush is becoming frayed, it may be necessary to replace it sooner. A frayed toothbrush will not be very effective in cleaning your teeth.
  3. 3

    Use a pea sized amount of toothpaste.

    Make sure you are using a fluoride toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association. Fluoride helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay.

    • Small children can't have as much fluoride as adults. Talk to your dentist about an appropriate amount of fluoride toothpaste to use on your child's toothbrush. [5]
    • You will want your child to get the cavity fighting benefits of fluoride without getting too much of it.
  4. 4

    Brush all surfaces of your teeth.

    You will want to place your brush at a 45 degree angle to your teeth and gums as you brush. Don't apply too much pressure, or you could damage your gums. If you're bearing down with the brush or notice that your brushes fray quickly, you are likely using too much pressure.

    • Start by brushing the front surfaces of all of your teeth.
    • Use small side to side strokes.
    • After you have brushed the front surface of all of your teeth, move on to the chewing surface and the backs of your teeth.
    • To clean the inside surface of your front teeth, tip the brush vertically and use several up and down strokes.
    • Make sure to brush along the gum line as well.
    • You should also brush your tongue to remove bacteria and improve your breath.
  5. 5

    Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash.

    Mouthwash can be used to help prevent tooth decay and cavities, reduce plaque buildup, and reduce your likelihood of diseases such as gingivitis. Look for a mouthwash containing fluoride to help prevent or reduce tooth decay.

    • Mouthwashes that have the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance have been tested for safety and effectiveness, so always choose a product that has this seal.[8]
    • Mouthwash cannot be used in place of regular brushing and flossing. If you find you cannot brush your teeth after a meal, it is a good idea to rinse with mouthwash to kill bacteria and prevent plaque.
    • Mouthwashes that contain alcohol may dry out your mouth, which could actually promote further bacterial growth. Look for a fluoridated, alcohol-free mouthwash.

Part 2

Flossing Your Teeth
  1. 1

    Floss your teeth at least once a day.

    Additionally, you should floss after eating a meal or snack that can easily get caught in your teeth such as popcorn or corn on the cob.

    • Even if you brush regularly, it is imperative to floss as well.
    • Flossing will remove food particles from between your teeth and under the gums.
    • These are areas where a toothbrush cannot reach.
    • If you do not floss, food particles and sugars caught between your teeth will attract bacteria and promote plaque buildup and can cause cavities.
  2. 2

    Start to floss by breaking off an 18 inch piece of dental floss.

    You want a long string so you can wrap the dirty part of it around your finger as you clean between your teeth.

    • Wind most of the floss around one of your middle fingers.
    • Wind the tail of the other end around the middle finger of your opposite hand.
    • This finger will be where you wrap used and dirty dental floss as you go through your mouth.
  3. 3

    Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion.

    Never snap a piece of dental floss against the gum line.

    • Hold the floss firmly between your thumb and forefinger.
    • Rub the dental floss back and forth as you slide it between your teeth.
    • Pause when you get to the gum line.
  4. 4

    Curve the floss into a C shape when you reach the gums.

    Hold it against one tooth.

    • Gently slide the floss into the space between the gum and tooth.
    • Hold the floss tightly against the tooth.
    • Gently rub the floss along the side of the tooth away from the gums using up and down motions.
    • Repeat this method on the rest of your teeth.
    • Don't forget space behind your last tooth in the back of your mouth.
  5. 5

    Try using floss picks, dental picks or wooden plaque removers if you find using floss difficult.

    These methods can help to remove plaque and food between your teeth without the difficulty of measuring out a piece of floss and maneuvering it between your teeth.

    • A water pick helps to remove plaque and food from between your teeth and gums by using a stream of water to clean these areas.
    • Floss picks are small plastic devices with a tiny bit of floss attached. You can use these to floss your teeth in much the same way as you would using string floss.
    • If you are having trouble flossing, talk to your dentist about what options are available. You may just need to try a different type of floss (unwaxed vs. waxed etc.).

Part 3

Maintaining a Tooth Healthy Diet
  1. 1

    Avoid sugary candies, sweets, starches, and refined carbohydrates.

    Foods that are high in sugars promote plaque buildup because bacteria is attracted to sugars.

    • If you do eat sweets, try to eat ones that don't stay in your mouth for too long. Candies such as lollipops, hard candy, and caramels tend to stay in your mouth for long periods as you suck on them.
    • Snacks like cookies, cakes, and pastries also contain lots of sugar and can cause tooth decay.
    • Foods such as bread, chips, pasta and crackers contain starches and refined carbohydrates that are sugars. If you do eat them, try to eat these foods only at mealtimes rather than as a snack between meals.
    • If you do eat sweets and refined carbs, try to brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste afterwards.
  2. 2

    Drink fruit juices and carbonated soft drinks sparingly.

    Carbonated soft drinks are very high in sugar.


    Fruit juices often contain hidden added sugar, especially if they are called "fruit juice drinks" or "fruit juice cocktails." Avoid these.

    • Carbonated soft drinks are also very acidic. Acids in drinks and food can break down enamel and increase the risk of tooth decay.
    • While fruit juices are healthy in moderation, they contain a lot more concentrated sugar than whole fruit without the added benefit of fiber. Drink only 100% fruit juice with no added sugar. Research suggests that 100% fruit juice is unlikely to cause tooth decay.[16]
    • If you drink these items, make sure to do so with a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.
  3. 3

    Limit consumption of acidic foods.

    Acids from foods can erode enamel just as much as acids from soft drinks.

    • Acidic foods include citrus such as lemons and limes.
    • Tomatoes, pickles, honey and wine are also acidic foods that can cause damage to your enamel.
    • While it's ok to eat these types of foods, try to keep them in your mouth for as short a time as possible.
  4. 4

    Drink tap water and green/black teas.

    Tap water is fortified with fluoride in most countries.


    Anything you make with tap water that is fluoridated will help to strengthen your enamel.

    • Water can help to wash away food particles.
    • Green and black teas contain properties that prevent plaque buildup. These teas can also help to reduce inflammation and prevent gum disease.
    • Be sure not to sweeten your teas with sugar.
  5. 5

    Eat plenty of fiber rich vegetables and fruits.

    These will stimulate saliva flow.

    • Saliva is a natural defense against cavities as it prevents bacteria and plaque from sticking to your teeth.
    • About 20 minutes after eating, saliva can begin to neutralize the acids that attack your enamel.
    • Crisp fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples, and celery are recommended.
  6. 6

    Eat dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.

    These contain several essential nutrients for healthy teeth.

    • Calcium, phosphates, and vitamin D in dairy are very important for healthy teeth as your teeth are primarily made up of calcium.
    • Calcium will not only help to strengthen your teeth, but can also stick to them and prevent acid from damaging your enamel.
    • If you are lactose intolerant, there are many calcium and vitamin enriched foods available such as soy products.
  7. 7

    Chew sugarless gum.

    Chewing this after meals and snacks can help to promote saliva production to rinse off bacteria and plaque from your teeth.


    Chewing gum is especially helpful if you have persistent dry mouth (xerostomia).

    • The sweetener xylitol has been shown to prevent decay.
    • Studies have shown that xylitol can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth.
    • Chewing gum that contains sugar can actually increase your chances of getting a cavity, so make sure your gum is sugar free.
  8. 8

    Use products formulated for dry mouth.

    Dry mouth (xerostomia) is not a disease, but it is an uncomfortable condition that can be caused by a variety of factors, including using certain prescription medications or having a medical disorder. Chronic dry mouth can promote tooth decay because your mouth does not produce enough saliva to wash away food and debris, and thus bacteria are more likely to thrive.

    • There are several mouth rinses, both over-the-counter and prescription, that can help relieve dry mouth. Look for a mouthwash that specifies that it is for dry mouth when purchasing.
    • Sucking on lozenges, cough drops, or hard candies can help your mouth produce saliva. Make sure these are sugar-free.
    • You can also find a saliva substitute if necessary. These work much like eye drops do for dry eyes, to temporarily moisturize the mucous membranes in your mouth.
    • Your doctor may also prescribe certain drugs if your condition is very bad. The two most common are pilocarpine (Salagen) and cevimeline (Evoxac).
  9. 9

    Talk to a doctor if you have frequent heartburn, acid reflux, or an eating disorder. Heartburn


    gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

    can promote tooth decay because stomach acids wash back up into your mouth in this condition, weakening your teeth. If you have frequent heartburn (also known as acid reflux), talk to your doctor about treatment options so you can avoid damaging your tooth enamel.

    • Eating disorders also promote tooth decay. Bulimia nervosa and purging-type anorexia usually involve forced vomiting, which bring stomach acids up and over the teeth, causing damage. Eating disorders may also interfere with your body's natural production of saliva.

Part 4

Seeing Your Dentist Regularly
  1. 1

    See your dentist and dental hygienist for regular cleanings and checkups.

    Most healthy people will need to see their dental health care provider twice a year.

    • When you see your dentist, you should get a dental cleaning. Your dentist or hygienist will use dental instruments to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth.
    • They will then polish them with a special toothpaste.
    • Most dentists will recommend dental X-rays at least once a year. This can help your dentist see if you have any problems inside your teeth.
    • Your dentist will check each tooth for cavities as well as examine your gums for signs of gum disease.
  2. 2

    Ask your dentist about sealants.

    These are plastic preventive sealant coverings for your teeth.


    These seal off the crevices on your teeth where food gets stuck.

    • Sealants protect the enamel against acid and plaque and are recommended for both children and adults.
    • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that school age children should have dental sealants, as they can reduce tooth decay in children by over 70%.[27]
    • These sealants can last up to 10 years before they will need to be replaced.
    • Your dentist will need to check them regularly at 6 month checkups to make sure they are intact.
  3. 3

    Talk to your dentist about fluoride treatments.

    If you don't drink tap water or use fluoride toothpaste, you may need fluoride treatments.

    • Fluoride treatments are typically done in the office during your dental cleaning.
    • Your dentist will fill up trays with a fluoride gel or paste. These will need to sit in your mouth and on your teeth for several minutes.
    • These treatments can help to strengthen your enamel.

Community Q&A

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  • How should I treat the problem of tooth decay?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Schedule an appointment with your dentist. In the meantime, try to keep the affected area as clean as possible to avoid making it worse.

  • How can I treat a cavity that resulted from eating large amounts of sugar?

    wikiHow Contributor

    A cavity can only be treated by a dentist. Do not try to treat it on your own. Keep the area as clean as possible and go to the dentist. Stop eating so much sugar and control your children's intake.

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How to Cut Your Own Bangs

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Two Methods:Cutting Side BangsCutting Blunt/Straight BangsCommunity Q&A

Are you tired of making the trip and paying the money to go to a salon just to have your bangs cut? Well start saving time and money now by cutting your bangs yourself! Whether you cut yours blunt or to the side, shearing your own locks is an easy task that you shouldn't be intimidated by.


Method 1

Cutting Side Bangs
  1. 1

    Part your hair. Take a fine-tooth comb and brush your hair until it is smooth and tangle-free. For side bangs, you will need to create a side part. Part your hair to the side it naturally falls on.

  2. 2

    Pull hair forward.

    Taking the tip of a comb, draw a part an inch or two behind your hairline, perpendicular to your side part. (In other words, from side-to-side, rather than front-to-back.) If you are looking for thicker bangs, you can draw a part farther back. This will help separate your bangs from the rest of your hair.


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  3. 3

    Find the highest tip of your eyebrow.

    This is generally towards the center of your eyebrow, or the highlight of the brow, and it will help you gauge the width of your bangs. If you are starting off with bangs from scratch, measure a line upwards from the highest tip of your eyebrow to your hairline. Make a part where that line ends. Move the hair on one side of the part towards the middle of your forehead and pin the hair on the side of your head back to keep it out of the way.

    • After you have done this step, you should now have a section of hair in the front center of your face that is separated from the rest of your hair.
    • If you already have bangs, you should have a width already determined, so take your preexisting longer bangs and part them towards the middle, also separating them from the hair line.
    • You can also create wider bangs by making a line upwards from the end of your eyebrow instead of the highlight of your brow.
  4. 4

    Pull your bangs up and look at them from the side.

    They should be about one to two inches thick. If you want thicker bangs, pull more hair forward from the horizontal part behind your hairline, and if you want thinner bangs, do the opposite by pulling less hair forward from your hairline part.

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  5. 5

    Pin back the rest of your hair.

    Pull back the rest of your hair with a clip or bobby pins to separate it from your bangs. This will make it easier to cut your bangs without worrying about cutting the rest of your hair.

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  6. 6

    Make sure your bangs are straight.

    This may require you to dampen your hair with a spray bottle if your hair is naturally curly and your bangs have some bounce. Lightly mist your hair with a spray bottle and comb through so that your bangs are flat. If your hair is naturally wavy or straight, cutting bangs in dry hair is best so that you won't cut them too short.

    • Never soak your bangs or make them completely wet. Your hair is longer when it is wet, so anytime you cut wet hair, when it dries it will be shorter. To avoid cutting bangs that are too short, try to cut your bangs with slightly wet or dry hair.
    • If your hair is very wet before you cut your bangs, blow dry them until they are 95% dry. When blow drying, make sure you are brushing bangs straight down, or in the opposite direction of your part. Don't blow dry bangs downward in the direction they normally would lie. This will create a "rainbow effect" in which your bangs have a high arch to them. It's difficult to cut bangs when they are like this, so it's better to create some volume in the opposite direction.
  7. 7

    Determine the length of your bangs. Before you cut your bangs you'll want to decide how long you want your bangs. You may want bangs that cover your eye, or you might want bangs that start above your eyebrow. If you're not sure, you can always start with longer bangs and cut them shorter.

  8. 8

    Cut at an angle.

    To achieve side swept bangs, you'll want to start at the side of your bangs that will fall in the middle of your forehead (the side of your bangs where your part is). Point your scissors diagonally towards your ear, with the shortest part of your bangs in the middle of your face and the longest part next to your ear. Hold your bangs between your pointer and middle finger to create a line. Starting on the part side of your face, cut the hair below your fingers.


    /4/4e/Cut Your Own Bangs Step 8 Version 4.360p.mp4

    • If you aren't sure how long you want your bangs, start by cutting at the tip of your nose and ending in a diagonal at the bottom of your ear. This will create long, side swept bangs.
    • Make sure you are using scissors specifically designed for hair, as this will give you the best cut.
    • If you want shorter bangs, start near the top of the nose, in line with the eye, and cut at a downward diagonal towards the middle of your ear.
    • Always cut bangs longer when you start off -- you can always cut them shorter as you go, but you don't want your first cut to be too short, because there's no way to rewind from there. You can try cutting in 1/2 inch increments to make sure you don't cut too much of your bang off.
  9. 9

    Create a natural look.

    After you have cut your bangs you may notice that there is a very straight line in your bangs. This tends to look awkward and unnatural, so you may want to give your bangs a little definition. Take scissors and cut parallel to the strands of hair in your bangs, making small snips at the tips of your bangs.

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    • If your hair is really thick or you want your bangs to have an even more natural look, you can use a razor made for hair or a hair thinning tool to thin out the ends of your bangs.
  10. 10

    Style your bangs.

    Use a blow dryer and a round brush, brushing your bangs up from the roots towards the ceiling or towards the back of your head. You never want to blow dry your bangs by brushing them straight down as this will leave your bangs with little volume. You can also run a flat iron through your bangs by pulling the flat iron upwards at your roots to create volume.

    • You can also blow dry your bangs in the opposite direction of where they naturally fall to give them more volume. As they are close to being dry, flip them back over and blow dry as usual.

Method 2

Cutting Blunt/Straight Bangs
  1. 1

    Part your hair, creating a triangle in your roots.

    Because your bangs will be straight across, you won't need to part your hair to one side as you usually do. Take a comb and place the tip of it an inch or two above your hairline, in the center of your head. Then, draw a downward diagonal line from the center of your head to the end of your eyebrow, and repeat on other side. Pull your bangs section towards the middle to separate it from the rest of your hair.

    • After you've done this, you should have a triangle-like shape with the point a few inches above your hair line and the sides of the triangle coming down along the sides of your forehead.
    • Once you've created a part, you'll want to comb your bangs forward and then pin the rest of your hair back or put it in a ponytail to keep it out of your face.
  2. 2

    Dampen your hair if necessary.

    If this is your first time cutting your bangs, it might be a good idea to keep your hair dry so you can cut it the exact length that you want it, but if you are just trimming your bangs, it could be good to spritz some water onto them so your hair is going in the right direction and lying flat on your forehead.


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    • You can also try using a flat iron on your bangs to make them straight. It's important that your bangs don't have any wave to them, because you want to be able to get them as even as possible on your forehead.
  3. 3

    Determine the length and angle of your bang. Straight bangs can come in all different styles, so you'll want to figure out exactly how you want them to look before you cut them. Some people like their bangs to go straight across their forehead above their eyebrows for an edgier look, and others like longer bangs that angle down as they meet with the rest of their hair.

  4. 4

    Begin cutting your bangs.

    Taking the hair you've gathered between your pointer finger and middle finger, create a straight line that is even with the tip of your nose. Your bangs will not end up this long, as they would cover your eyes, but this will be a good starting point so you don't have to make a perfect cut right away. Cut the hair below your fingers.

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    • You can also use tape to create a straight cut. Place a piece of tape along your bangs, and cut a straight line below the tape at the desired length for your bangs.[6]
    • Continue to cut your bangs in 1/4 inch increments until they are your desired length. If your bangs are wet make sure you leave 1/2 inch extra length on them, because when they dry they will shrink up.
    • If you want to angle your bangs downward at the ends, cut straight across from the middle of one eye to the middle of the opposite eye. Then, once you've reached that point, begin to cut at a downward angle. Then repeat on the other eye, cutting at a downward angle until you've reached the rest of your hair. You can cut a very steep angle, or you can cut a slight angle in your hair -- it all depends on how dramatic you want the diagonal of your bangs to be.[7]
    • Sometimes it helps to take your bangs and twist them once in your fingers, and then cut the straight line. This just pushes the hair tighter together, so you can just make one or two cuts. It also creates a small arch in your bangs, making them shorter in the front and longer on the sides.[8]
  5. 5

    Even out your bangs.

    Once you have your bangs at the desired length, you'll want to make them look more natural (unless you are going for blunt bangs, in which case you may want a very straight line across your bangs). Take your scissors and make small snips at the tips of your bangs, making sure the scissors are parallel to the strands in your hair.

    /f/fb/Cut Your Own Bangs Step 15 Version 4.360p.mp4

  6. 6

    Style your bangs. Straight bangs usually need more attention, so you may have to straighten them or blow dry them every time you style your hair. If using a blow dryer, grab a round brush and pull bangs from underneath, up at the roots toward the ceiling. Then, once or twice pull your round brush underneath your bangs, from the roots of your bangs to the tips, in an arching motion to create volume. You can also do this same motion with a flat iron.

Community Q&A

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  • What if I cut your bangs too short?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Fortunately the hair grows back and it'll grow quickly too. In the meantime, just enjoy the look as best you can. It is not the end of the world, some people have no hair.

  • What's a simple way to cut side bangs?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Use an eyebrow razor for that asian anime look. It adds nice texture and they are cheap to buy.

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  • If your hair is naturally curly, allow a lot of extra length. (For example, people with ringlets shouldn't cut more than half of what seems to make sense to cut.) After each snip, allow your hair to bounce/scrunch/frizz/whatever into its natural shape so that you can identify its new length before you continue.
  • Work slowly and carefully, especially if this is your first time cutting hair.
  • Work over a hard floor, such as in a bathroom or garage, for easy cleanup. You may also want to wear a towel or old shirt that you can change out of.
  • Ask another person to help you; this might prevent mistakes.
  • For curly hair: when cutting each curl, hold your scissors at a 45-degree angle, such that you'll make the hair on the outside edge of the curl longer than the hair on the inner edge of the curl. This makes each curl end in a nice point and stay together better.
  • If you have curly hair then you might want to straighten out the part that you are planning to be your bangs because it will be easier to see the actual length.
  • Make small snips with the tips of your scissors (the sharpest part). Keep your fingers straight, while holding your hair in one hand and making the cut with the other.


  • Always cut in front of a mirror, so you know what your bangs look like as you cut them.
  • Be careful using scissors near the face and eyes.

Article Info

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Categories: Featured Articles | Cutting and Styling Bangs

In other languages:

Français: couper votre frange vous même, Italiano: Creare la propria Frangetta, Español: cortarse el flequillo, Deutsch: Den eigenen Pony schneiden, Português: Cortar a Sua Própria Franja, Nederlands: Je eigen pony knippen, 中文: 自己剪刘海, Русский: подстричь свою челку, Bahasa Indonesia: Memotong Poni Sendiri, Čeština: Jak si ostříhat ofinu, 日本語: 自分で前髪を切る

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,325,011 times.

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to Say I Love You in Hindi

Community Tested

Three Methods:Saying "I Love You" as a MaleSaying "I Love You" as a FemaleUsing Related PhrasesCommunity Q&A

Are you dating a fluent Hindi speaker? Do you want to express the way you feel about this person in his or her native tongue? In Hindi, there are several ways to say "I love you" — on top of this, the words that men and women use to say this phrase are slightly different.[1] Luckily, whether you're a man or a woman, the phrases themselves aren't terribly difficult. With a little practice, you'll be wooing your Indian sweetheart in no time.


Method 1

Saying "I Love You" as a Male
  1. 1

    Say "Main tumse pyar kartha hoon.

    " Though there are several ways to say "I love you" in Hindi, this phrase is one simplest and easiest to learn. As noted above, in Hindi, men and women say "I love you" slightly differently. As a general rule, most masculine verbs in Hindi end with "a", while most feminine verbs end with "ee". Thus, if you're a male, you'll use the masculine verb "kartha", rather than the feminine verb "karthee" in the phrase above.

    • Note that this phrase works not just when speaking romantically to a female, but also when expressing your love to a male, like, for instance, a brother, son, friend, etc.
  2. 2

    Practice your pronunciation.

    If, as a native English speaker, you try to pronounce the phrase above as written, your significant other will probably understand what you're trying to say, but you'll almost certainly mess up some small part of the pronunciation. For the best result, try to pronounce the phrase with proper Hindi pronunciation using the steps below:

    • Pronounce "main" as "may." In Hindi, when the "N" sound comes at the end of a word, it's usually nasal.[3] This means that it's pronounced very lightly — almost imperceptibly — with the nose, so "main" becomes almost like "may."
    • Pronounce "tumse" as "thumse," with "thum" sounding like "thoom"
    • Pronounce "pyar" like it's spelled.
    • Pronounce "kartha" with a light "th" sound. The "tha" syllable shouldn't sound quite like the English word "the." It's more of a cross between "the" and "dah".
    • Pronounce "hoon" as "hoom/n." The same "silent n" rule applies here as in "main", but the sound is slightly more pronounced and sounds almost like an "M" sound.
  3. 3

    Listen for "Mai bhee aap se pyaar karthee hoon.

    " If you've gotten your point across, you may hear your sweetheart say something like this phrase back to you. Congratulations! This means "I love you too!"

    • In terms of pronunciation, the beginning of this phrase sounds almost like the word "maybe." The next part sounds like "op-say." The rest is basically identical to the way that women say "I love you" in Hindi — see below.

Method 2

Saying "I Love You" as a Female
  1. 1

    Say "Main tumse pyar karthee hoon." If you're a woman or girl, the way you say "I love you" is very similar to (but not exactly the same as) the way a boy or man says it. Use the feminine verb "karthee" rather than the masculine one "kartha." Other than this change, the rest of the phrase is the same.

  2. 2

    Practice your pronunciation. Because the masculine and feminine phrases for "I love you" are so similar, you can use the pronunciation guide above to help you for every word except "karthee." Here, you'll want to use the same soft "th" sound as above, but, obviously, you'll follow it with an "ee" sound, rather than an "ah" sound.

  3. 3

    Listen for "Mai bhee aap se pyaar kartha hoon." Again, if you've said the phrase above correctly and your significant other feels the same way about you as you do about him, you'll probably hear something like this back. As in the section above, this phrase mean "I love you too" — it's just using the masculine verb "kartha" rather than "karthee."

Method 3

Using Related Phrases
  1. 1

    Try using different Hindi words for "love.

    " Like English speakers sometimes use terms like "adoration, "affection," and so on, Hindi has multiple words that mean "love" (or a similar idea). If you'd like, you can change the meaning of your phrase slightly by using different terms for love. Below are just a few Hindi terms you might want to try — substitute these for "pyar" in the phrases above:

  2. 2

    Use "aapse" for your elders.

    Hindi, like many other languages (including Spanish), uses different words for formal and casual situations. The phrase for "I love you" above is to be used for people you're close and familiar with — people like your significant other, siblings, children, and so on. However, for people who are older than you, authority figures, and people you don't know very well, you'll want to use the formal term "aapse" in place of "tumse".

    • With this substitution, the formal version of "I love you" becomes "Main aapse pyaar kartha / karthee hoon."
  3. 3

    Add "bahut" to say "I love you very much.

    " If you


    want to express your love for someone else, try adding the word "bahut" before "pyar" in the standard "I love you" phrases above. "Bahut" is a Hindi word that means "very much" or "so much."

    • "Bahut" isn't pronounced like it's spelled — its pronunciation is closer to "bout" with a very light "H" sound in between the o and u than it is to "ba-hoot".
  4. 4

    Know how to ask someone out.

    If you've got serious feelings for someone but you're not quite ready to make the jump to a full-blown serious relationship, you'll probably want to spend some time dating this person before you tell them you love them. In this case, knowing how to ask someone out in Hindi can make a great first impression. Try using one of the handy phrases below, substituting masculine "a" verbs if you're a male and feminine "ee" verbs if you're a female:

    • "Main aap ko khaane par le jaanaa chaahathaa / chaahathee hoon." (I'd like to take you out for dinner).
    • "Kyaa ham ek saaTh ghoomane jaayem?" (Shall we go for a walk together?)
    • "Kyaa aap mere saaTh baahar jaayenge?" (Do you want to go out with me?)
    • "Main aap ke saaTh aur vakth bithaanaa chaahathaa / chaahathee hoon." (I'd like to spend more time with you.)
    • Note that, traditionally, Indian dating/courtship is much more structured and formalized than Western dating and may involve some (or all) interactions (including marriage) being arranged by family members. However, in recent years, young Indians and expats have increasingly begun to adopt Western-style attitudes to dating. To be safe and avoid embarrassment, you may want to try to figure out your potential partner's personal "rules" for dating before you ask him or her out.[6]

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How to Treat Constipation in Newborns

Expert Reviewed

Two Parts:Spotting the SignsTreating Infant ConstipationCommunity Q&A

Constipation can be a serious problem for newborn babies. Left untreated, it can cause a bowel blockage that might require surgery. Constipation in a newborn can also be a sign of a more serious medical problem. That's why it is very important to know how to spot constipation in your newborn and how to treat it. Luckily, there are a number of measures you can take to alleviate your baby's constipation.


Part 1

Spotting the Signs
  1. 1

    Look for signs of pain during your baby's bowel movements.

    If your baby exhibits signs of pain while trying to have a bowel movement, it could be a symptom of constipation. Look if your baby makes painful faces, arches their back, or cries while trying to have a bowel movement.

    • Keep in mind, however, that babies often strain during bowel movements because their abdominal muscles are underdeveloped. If your baby strains for a few minutes and then produces a normal stool, then everything should be okay.
  2. 2

    Keep track of your baby's bowel movements.

    An indication of infant constipation is long periods without a bowel movement. If you're concerned, try to remember when your baby last had a bowel movement.

    • Write down whenever your baby has a bowel movement if your are worried your baby may be constipated.
    • It isn't uncommon for babies to have several days in between bowel movements. Typically if your baby doesn't have a bowel movement after five days, this could be a cause for concern, and you should contact your doctor.[3]
    • If your baby is less than two weeks old, contact your doctor if it has been more than two to three days between bowel movements.
  3. 3

    Examine any stools that your newborn passes.

    Even if your baby produces stool, she still may be suffering from constipation. Look for the following characteristics in your baby's stool to determine if she may be constipated.

    • Small, pellet-like pieces of stool.
    • Dark-colored, black, or grey stool.
    • Dry pieces with little to no moisture.
  4. 4

    Watch for any signs of blood in the stool or on the diaper. A small tear in the sensitive rectal wall may have occurred from your baby forcing the passage of a hard stool.

Part 2

Treating Infant Constipation
  1. 1

    Increase your baby’s fluid intake. Constipation is often caused by a lack of fluid in the digestive tract. Offer the breast or formula more frequently than you have been, up to every two hours.

  2. 2

    Use glycerin suppositories.

    If dietary changes aren't effective, you can try using a glycerin suppository. This is gently placed into your baby's anus and helps lubricate stool. These are only meant for occasional use, however, so do not administer a suppository without first speaking to the baby's healthcare provider.

  3. 3

    Try massaging your baby.

    Try massaging your baby’s tummy in a circular motion close to their navel. This may offer some comfort to your baby and help promote a bowel movement.

    • Try bicycling their legs to see if this helps.
  4. 4

    Give your baby a warm bath.

    This may help him to relax enough to allow the passage of stool. You can also try placing a warm face cloth on your baby’s tummy.

  5. 5

    Visit your doctor. If any of these remedies don't help your baby's constipation, you should take them to the doctor right away. Constipation can cause a blockage of the bowel, which is a serious medical problem. Constipation in a newborn can be a sign of a other serious health problems. Your baby's doctor will perform a full exam and can prescribe a treatment that will alleviate your baby's constipation.

  6. 6

    Seek emergency medical care in serious circumstances.

    Constipation can be a serious problem if paired with certain symptoms. Rectal bleeding and/or vomiting can indicate a bowel blockage, which is a life-threatening condition. If your baby exhibits constipation with these symptoms, visit the emergency room as soon as possible.


    Other concerning symptoms include:

    • Excessive sleepiness or irritability
    • Swollen or distended abdomen
    • Poor feeding
    • Decreased urination

Community Q&A

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  • How long can my newborn go without passing a stool?

    wikiHow Contributor

    In the article, it states if your baby goes 2-3 days without passing a stool to contact a pediatrician.

  • What does it mean if my baby has excessive sleepiness or irritability, swollen or distended abdomen, poor feeding, and decreased urination?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Most of these are symptoms of very serious issues. If your baby exhibits these symptoms, she should be taken to the ER.

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  • Refrain from treating constipation in your baby with the use of laxatives or enemas without a health professional’s approval.

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Categories: Featured Articles | Baby Health | Intestinal and Digestive Health

In other languages:

Español: tratar el estreñimiento en los recién nacidos, Português: Tratar Constipação em Recém Nascidos, Русский: лечить запор у новорожденных, Deutsch: Verstopfungen bei Babys behandeln, Italiano: Trattare la Stipsi dei Neonati, Français: soigner la constipation chez les nouveau nés, 中文: 治疗新生儿便秘, Bahasa Indonesia: Mengatasi Konstipasi Pada Bayi Baru Lahir, Tiếng Việt: Chữa Táo bón cho Trẻ sơ sinh, العربية: علاج الإمساك عند الرضّع, Nederlands: Constipatie bij een pasgeborene behandelen, ไทย: รักษาอาการท้องผูกในเด็กแรกเกิด, Čeština: Jak léčit zácpu u novorozenců

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How to Collect Small Business Debt

Expert Reviewed

Three Parts:Avoiding Bad DebtsCollecting DebtsChoosing a Debt Collection RouteCommunity Q&A

Small businesses rely on a healthy flow of income to remain in business—especially since over 50% of new businesses fail within the first five years.[1] For small businesses, a bad debt can mean the difference between profitability and net losses. For a small business, collecting debts can be a difficult and, occasionally, litigious process. There are a number of things you can do to increase your chances of being paid. Read on to find out how to avoid bad debts, manage overdue payments and collect debts.


Part 1

Avoiding Bad Debts
  1. 1

    Develop a payment policy.

    Before you provide any services or goods, contract with your customer so they understand what they are responsible for paying and when. Make sure all document language is clear. Discuss the account with the customer so you can be sure they are familiar with any charged amounts and due dates. Payment terms need to be agreed on by both parties.

    • Consider adopting a late payment fee to encourage on-time payments. You may choose to charge a percentage of the total bill when payments become delinquent—2% is typical. Make sure all late fee policies are included in your contract or payment policy.[3]
    • You may prefer to ask for at least 50% of payment upfront. This ensures you at least receive something in exchange for your time and efforts.[4]
    • Do research about collecting interest. Federal and state laws regulate the collection of interest on debts. Always make sure that any interest you charge is lawful and included in your payment policy to avoid debt forfeiture or a fine. You can check for your state's usury laws.
  2. 2

    List the due date on every bill you send.

    Some invoices state, "payment due upon receipt." You may also use "net 15 days," "net 30 days" or any other period of time in which you expect someone to remit payment.

    • Placing a due date on a bill encourages your customer to include it in a current or upcoming billing cycle. If you do not place a due date on the bill, the business or individual may wait a month or two before paying, especially if bills are tight.
    • Don't wait 30 days from the date of service or delivery of the product to send out a bill. Bill every 15 to 30 days. The sooner you send out the bill, the more likely you will get paid sooner.
  3. 3

    Send reminder bills.

    When a payment becomes past due, immediately send a reminder noting the amount owed as well as the fact that payment is now past due. Many customers are so busy that they simply forget a bill hasn’t been paid. They will often pay it as soon as they realize payment is past due.

    • Keep a record of all contact with the debtor. You will need the dates and times of your calls, letters and any other communication about the late payment, in case of legal action. You may also need to address this information when you contact the debtor.
  4. 4

    Keep a contact with each company or customer.

    Make sure you have relevant contact information, such as address, telephone number and extension number, if available.It is also good to check in with your business contacts regularly. Engaged business relationships promote a mutual desire to fulfill transactions.

    • Address each bill directly to the person who makes financial decisions in a business or the person responsible for the account.
    • If you don’t have a contact for a business transaction, you can usually call the front desk and be connected to Accounts Payable.
  5. 5

    Create a procedure for dealing with debts. You will need to decide what happens when payments are late. Generally, you first send out a reminder, then call the customer or business that is late with a payment, follow up, try to negotiate and then take it to collections or pursue legal action if the debt remains unpaid. Everyone in your company should understand the process so they know where to direct those who owe debts when they reach out to you.

Part 2

Collecting Debts
  1. 1

    Understand your debtor.

    Try to figure out why the payment is late. Most debtors fall into 1 of 3 categories—either they want to pay but can’t do it on time because of difficulties with finances, they habitually delay payments as long as possible due to priorities for the month or they have decided not to pay you at all.

    • When you speak to the person or department that owes you money, try to uncover what type of debtor they are. Once you understand if non-payment has to do with finances, priorities or actual avoidance, you can come up with a solution for both parties that is, hopefully, mutually beneficial.
    • Know that a business with financial trouble may not want to discuss their possible failure.
  2. 2

    Call the debtor about the account.

    The first step after mailing a bill and reminder is to contact them by phone. Identify yourself and your reason for calling.

    • Do not harass the debtor, just be straight-forward. Always use a civil tone and try to convey a desire to keep a positive relationship. You can address consequences further down the line.
    • Ask the person how they are and if they received your invoice. To discuss the late payment, try: "I am concerned because your payment is now (insert how many days) late. What can I do to help you make this payment and minimize consequences, such as (insert consequence)?" You can also ask if there is a reason they want to discuss on why the payment has been late.
    • Try to get a verbal agreement that the invoice will be paid and when.
    • Follow up the conversation in a week by phone, email or mail.
    • Never apologize for asking about a debt that is owed to you. Remember that the money rightfully belongs to you.[6]
  3. 3

    Call back in 15 to 30 days.

    If the debtor has not yet paid the debt, then you will want to remind them that the debt is still outstanding. At this point, the debt is probably around 60 days late. The longer payment is delayed, the less likely you will be paid.

    • You will want to be polite and ask how the person is doing before talking about the debt. At this point, you need to be clear that consequences are forthcoming. You can say: "As we agreed when you signed the contract/payment policy, when payment becomes (insert the amount of days) late, (insert consequences)."
    • Remind them all the times you have sent out notices, called, ect. See if they are willing to make a payment toward what they owe before you get off the phone with them.
    • Inquire about reasons for which payment is delayed. Be understanding. Ask if the debtor desires to pay by payment plan in order to avoid interest.
  4. 4

    Discontinue all services or goods that the debtor receives. The amount of time that needs to pass before this happens should be detailed in your payment and company policies. Call them and send them a written letter of warning before discontinuing service for non-payment.

  5. 5

    Write demand letters.

    These letters should address the account and include past invoices and references to past communication. Although they should not be directly threatening, the language should increasingly reference harsher legal action if they ignore their bill. Make sure you include a date that they must take action by to avoid further consequences.

    • For a small fee, you can work with an attorney or collection agency (without turning the debt over to them) at this step to make your letters more persuasive. Sometimes a customer will decide to pay when they see the collection agency or attorney information on the demand letter.
  6. 6

    Negotiate with the debtor.

    Negotiation may be your only chance to receive some payment for your services or goods. Ask what they can pay or offer them a discount, depending upon the situation. Pursuing payment after this step can be expensive, so it may be worth it to accept whatever the debtor can pay.

    • If you know the business or customer is avoiding payment, it may be less expensive to give a discount and never deal with them again than to hire a collections agency or lawyer.
  7. 7

    Send a "pre-collect notice" to the debtor. The letter is usually sent by a collection agency letting your debtor know you are seriously considering turning the debt over. This should state what options that the debtor has at this point and the date by which they have to respond. Sometimes debtors may respond when they realize this may be their last chance to deal with you before the debt affects their credit.

  8. 8

    Be aware of bankruptcy.

    If you suspect your debtor may go bankrupt, then you will need legal advice from an attorney. You will also need to file a proof of claim to help your case. Once the debtor files bankruptcy, you can no longer take action to collect the debt unless the court decides otherwise.

    • Signs that someone who owes you money may be considering bankruptcy include: delayed payment, no communication with you and adverse economic conditions.

Part 3

Choosing a Debt Collection Route
  1. 1

    Choose how to collect the debt.

    To collect a debt, you can give the debt to a collection agency, go to small claims court or go to civil court if the amount is more substantial. A collection agency specializes in collecting debts and usually works for a percentage of the debt payments they receive—usually 50%. Small claims court does not require attorney fees and may be a good option with smaller debts. Civil court is really only feasible when amounts owed exceed $40,000.

  2. 2

    Select a debt collection service.

    If you decide to move forward by giving the debt to a collection agency, then you need to know how to make the best agency choice. Always research your options. Call collection agencies and talk to them about your situation and find out whether they think they can collect the money owed.

    • Know that some individuals and businesses will not be concerned when you hand the debt over to a collection agency. They don’t care about their credit scores or reputation. In these cases, the legal system may be a better option.
    • Be sure that the agency you choose is licensed and bonded for business. Also, make sure they follow state and federal laws for debt collection, such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. It can make your business look bad if you do business with an agency that is not compliant.
    • The Consumer Protection Agency in your state or the regional Federal Trade Commission (FTC) office keeps records of grievances filed against an agency. Check with them first before selecting a particular agency.[9]
  3. 3

    Turn the debt over.

    You’ve decided the money you’re owed is large enough to pursue. You have determined that the cost of an agency is lower than just ignoring the debt or writing it off as bad debt when you do your taxes. You’ve picked an agency and have now “sold” the debt to them to manage.

    • Be sure to give copies of all previous correspondence to the agency. Understand that you will not receive the full debt and will likely receive about 50% of what the agency can get from the debtor or whatever percentage you and the agency agree on.
  4. 4

    Take the debtor to small claims court.

    If you are owed a modest sum, such as $5,000 or less, then this is a viable option. Small claims court was developed to avoid excessive legal fees for relatively small, contested amounts. It ensures you can receive some of the funds owed without having to pay high court and attorney fees.

    • You will need to do paperwork in order to file a small claims action, and you will need to make sure the debtor is served. You will have a court date where your case will be decided, and you will likely have small fees to pay for paperwork.
    • Try a mediation. This is often done as part of small claims court. It is useful in the case of a dispute about payment amounts, and it can help you reach a settlement. You will need to split the cost of a professional mediator with your debtor.
    • Seek arbitration. An arbitrator is an impartial party that rules on a case. If both sides agree to arbitration, the decision is final.
    • Report the debtor to the state's credit bureau. You may choose to bring in an attorney to make sure all paperwork is done right. The aim of this is to place the debt as a bad mark on the debtor's credit record.

Community Q&A

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  • If a customer has bad credit, how can I be sure they will pay?

    wikiHow Contributor

    You can't be sure. Even if a customer has perfect credit, there's no guarantee that he'll pay. If you're worried, don't sell to anyone who can't provide the money up front.

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  • Always research your country or state's debt collection guidelines before pursuing a debt.
  • Be aware that it is illegal to falsify information in seeking the collection of a debt.

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Saturday, October 29, 2016

How to Deal With Mean Comments on the Internet

Expert Reviewed

Three Methods:Dealing with an Occasional Mean CommentAddressing CyberbullyingHandling Your FeelingsCommunity Q&A

If you text, use email, instant messaging, or social media, you know how easy it is to receive mean comments. Unfortunately, cyberbullying is common in today's society and can leave you feeling angry, sad, hurt, or isolated. You can deal with mean comments on the internet if you address one-time comments, report cyberbullying, and take care of your feelings.


Method 1

Dealing with an Occasional Mean Comment
  1. 1

    Take a cyber-break.

    Sometimes taking a break from being online is the best way to deal with mean comments on the internet.


    Staying online makes it more likely that you will look at the comment repeatedly and get more upset. It also makes it more likely that you will respond to the comment, which isn’t a good idea.

    • Close the app or walk away from your device so that you can think about how you want to deal with it and so that you can calm down.
    • Do something else like taking a walk or reading a book to distract yourself for a little while.
  2. 2

    Keep the comments in perspective.

    You can deal with mean comments by thinking about who is posting the comments and why they might be doing it.


    Although some people are actually trying to be mean, some comments may be meant to be funny or, perhaps, they are just worded wrong but the intentions aren’t bad.

    • Look at the sender. The person may not even know you. You’re probably "friends" with people on SnapChat and Instagram that you don't ever talk to in real life and may not have even met.
    • Could it be interpreted differently? For example, a comment from your best friend about a picture you posted that says ‘you look awful lol’ could just be his way of teasing you.
    • If it’s a comment on social media, think about whether it’s possible the sender didn’t mean to make the comment public.
    • For example, did your friend that is new to Snapchat post a Snap publicly that they meant to send as a private message?
  3. 3

    Remove the comments.

    If you are sure this a one-time or random event, then deal with the mean comment by deleting it or removing It from your page. Once it’s gone, you don’t have to see it anymore or risk anyone else seeing it and making a bigger deal out of it.

    • Most sites and apps make it easy to remove a comment that has been posted. Usually you can click ‘help’ and find instructions for removing a comment.
    • If it's a Facebook comment, click the ‘X’ in the top right corner of the post and press "Remove Post".
    • SnapChat posts are automatically deleted after 24 hours.
    • You can delete an Instagram comment by tapping it and then holding it. A ‘trash’ icon will appear in the top right corner that you can click to delete the comment.
  4. 4

    Talk to the sender in private.

    If the comment is from someone you know, you can deal with it by telling the person how you feel. The sender may not realize that their comment was mean or that it hurt your feelings. Talking to them in private may convince them to stop.

    • Tell them the comment bothered you. Try saying, “The message you sent me really hurt my feelings. I know you may not have meant for it to. But, please don’t send me anything like that again.”
    • Explain that the comments could lead to false rumors being spread or unneeded drama between friends. For example, you might say, “What you posted could be misinterpreted in a bad way.”
    • If the comments are on social media and they are about something you would rather not discuss on the internet, then explain that to the person.
    • You could say, “I really don’t want everyone to know about that. Next time, please just call me or send me a private message.”
  5. 5

    Talk to an adult you trust.

    If you are a child, pre-teen, or teenager and the mean comment is from an adult, you should tell another adult. You should also talk to an adult if the comment bothers you so bad that you can’t sleep, or your eating habits change, or you feel bad about yourself for a while.

    • Immediately tell an adult like your parent, teacher, coach, or religious leader if another adult posts something mean, untrue, or scary about you or to you.
    • For example, you could tell your coach, “Coach, a grown-up posted a comment about me on Facebook that really hurt my feelings and made me feel bad about myself.”
    • You could talk to your dad by saying, “A while ago someone posted a comment about me that was mean. I tried to ignore it, but it still really bothers me.”
    • Adults can help you with things like figuring out who the person is (if you don’t know), how to make sure they don’t do it again, and how to help you with how you feel about it.

  6. 6

    Don’t feed trolls.

    Posting negative comments, or trolling, is a way for some people to gain recognition and sometimes it is just something they do to entertain themselves. If you are dealing with someone who often posts negative comments online for you or other people, then this person might be an internet troll. Internet trolls can be anonymous posters, or even people who are part of your social network.


    The best thing to do if you are dealing with a troll is to avoid giving that person the attention they are seeking.

    • Don’t respond to the person in any way, whether you are going to say something positive, negative, or neutral. Responding (or feeding) the troll will only cause that person to feel noticed and want to continue the abusive commenting.[5] Ignore the comment and move on with your day.
    • Try taking a few deep breaths to calm down and then distract yourself with something pleasant, such as a video, an interesting article, or something offline, such as the view outside of your window.

Method 2

Addressing Cyberbullying
  1. 1

    Document the comment.

    Sometimes comments cross the line between mean and bullying. If the comments get sexually graphic, violent, threatening, humiliating or if the same person (or people) posts lots of mean comments about you, then it is cyberbullying.


    You should save some form of evidence of it so that you can report it.

    • If the comment references race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disabilities it can be considered discrimination.[7]
    • People often go back and delete mean comments they post on social media, so document the comment as soon as you see it.
    • Take a screenshot of the comment. Try to make sure you get the time, date, and sender’s name in the shot.
    • Keep a journal documenting where the comment was posted, what exactly it said or showed, who sent it, etc.
  2. 2

    Don't post a response.

    Even though you may want to retaliate, stand up for yourself, or defend yourself in a reply post, it’s not a good idea. Responding to a cyberbully might make you feel better for a minute or two, but in the end, it will only make things worse.

    • The person wants a response from you and will probably use anything you post in response as a way to harass you even more.
    • A response from you could bring extra attention to the situation and upset you even more.
    • Write what you would post in response to the comment in your journal or in an email to yourself, instead.
  3. 3

    Report the comments.

    Telling someone of authority like the site administrators or even a teacher is the best way to deal with cyber-bullying.


    They will be able to help you make the bully stop leaving mean comments (even if the person sends them anonymously).

    • If you are a child or teen, tell an adult like your parent or teacher about the comments. They can help you handle the situation and report it to the right people.
    • Make sure you send or show them your documentation of the comment. It will make it easier and quicker to stop the bully.
    • Some social networking sites have places like Facebook’s ‘Safety Center’ where you can report cyberbullying.
    • If the comment threatens something physical or sexual you should also report it to the police.
  4. 4

    Change your privacy settings.

    Consider setting your email, messaging, and social media accounts up so that only people you know (or no one) can leave comments without you reviewing them first. Doing this will make it harder for the cyberbully to contact you and leave mean comments.

    • If possible, block the person that has been cyberbullying you. This may mean deleting them as an online ‘friend’. Check with the site or app for specific directions on doing this.
    • Send their email messages directly to your ‘spam’ or ‘trash’ folder or use your email provider’s block feature.

Method 3

Handling Your Feelings
  1. 1

    Use meditation as a coping technique.

    Even if it is just one comment, a mean post on the internet can be stressful and hurt your feelings or make you feel bad about yourself. Using coping techniques like meditation can help you deal with the effects the mean comments are having on you.

    • Sit or lie somewhere comfortable and allow your body to relax as much as possible.
    • Focus your mind on your breathing or on relaxing your body more. You may want to focus on a phrase or word like “Calm” or “I am relaxed”.
    • You can use meditation when a mean comment has you extra stressed, as well as practice it regularly to improve your health and well-being overall.
  2. 2

    Try deep-breathing.

    Controlling and slowing your breathing can help you when you are feeling anxious or upset about a mean comment.

    • Inhale slowly through your nose. Try to feel the breath all the way to your belly.
    • Hold it for a few seconds, then slowly exhale through your mouth.
    • Repeat this as many times as you need to. Try to take longer to inhale, hold it for longer, and take longer to exhale with each breathe.
  3. 3

    Express how you feel.

    Mean comments can affect you when you read them, as well as for a while after that. You may feel betrayed, angry, depressed, confused, or sad. Don’t ignore how you are feeling. The best way to deal with the way the comments make you feel is to acknowledge it.

    • Talk to someone close to you about how the comments make you feel and why they make you feel this way.
    • ”You might say, “Someone left a mean comment on my page and it really made me feel bad. Can I talk to you about it?”
    • Write about how you feel in your journal. Write down each feeling and why you think the comment made you feel this way. Write about how you can feel better.
    • Talk to someone like a parent, religious leader, or therapist if the comments are causing you to become depressed, lose sleep or affect your eating habits.
  4. 4

    Focus on the positive about yourself.

    Don’t let the bully win by beating yourself up or believing the comments.


    Instead, deal with the mean comments by thinking about all the good things about you and the positive things in your life.

    • Make a list of all the positive things about you. Include things about your personality, skills and talents you have.
    • Look over your list frequently, but make a special effort to look over it after you receive a mean comment. This will help you deal with the comment without feeling bad about yourself.
    • Look at the nice and positive comments that people have sent you on the internet. Add any words they use to your list.
  5. 5

    Use positive self-talk with yourself.

    It can be easy to start believing what the mean comments say and to start using negative self-talk like, “I AM stupid” or “I must be ugly”. Protect your self-esteem and your feelings by using positive self-talk to protect your feelings.

    • Any time you notice that you have thought something negative about yourself, immediately tell yourself the thought wasn’t true and remind yourself how great you are.
    • For example, you might say to yourself, “These comments aren’t true. I am a good person, people like me, and I like myself.”
  6. 6

    Go offline.

    It’ll be much easier to deal with mean comments on the internet if you aren’t always on the online.


    So, turn your electronic device off and do something that you enjoy or to improve yourself. You’ll handle your feelings about being cyberbullied better if you do.

    • Spend time with friends and family in-person instead of online. They can help you deal with the mean comments, have fun, and feel better about yourself.
    • Do something active like going for a bike ride, taking a hike, or doing martial arts. It will give you time away from the internet and support your health.
    • Take a class or volunteer in your community. You’ll have the chance to meet new positive people as well as improve yourself or your community.

Community Q&A

  • What are some really good comebacks I can use when someone leaves me a mean comment on the internet?

    wikiHow Contributor

    You may not want to post a comeback because it could backfire on you. The situation could escalate and create bigger problems for both of you. Instead, consider ignoring the comment, talking to the person that sent it privately, or reporting it.

Ask a Question

If this question (or a similar one) is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know.


  • Don't give out personal information on the internet.
  • If the comments turn into a situation where your safety is being threatened, you need to tell authorities.

Article Info

Featured Article

Categories: Featured Articles | Dealing with Bullying

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How to Remove Pilling From Clothing

Pilling occurs when the fibers in a fabric or garment rub together, causing them to break off and accumulate in small piles. Pilling usually occurs from extended wear and washing. Your favorite sweater or thrift-store find may seem unwearable due to accumulated pilling. Try to remove the pills at home before getting rid of a garment. Your favorite garment may be easily returned to its original state.


EditRemoving Pills With Household Tools

  1. Use a sandpaper sponge. If you scrub your clothing with this sponge, your pilling will be gone!
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  2. Trim with scissors. Depending on the number and size of the pills, you may be able to trim them away with a pair of scissors. Lay the garment on a flat surface. Pull up individual pills trim away with your other hand. You may also put your hand inside the garment in order to pull it taught, and then gently trim away the pills.
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    • Make sure to hold the scissors close to the fabric. Be gentle and slow, so you do not damage the fabric.
    • Small nail scissors are safer to use. They are duller and more precise, and are less likely to damage the fabric. [1]
  3. Use a shaving razor. Take a disposable razor and lay the garment on a flat surface. Pull the fabric near the affected area taught with one hand. This will prevent you from cutting through the garment. Gently shave upward with the razor in small strokes. [2] Start with the lightest contact possible and increase as necessary.
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    • Once you have accumulated a pile of pillings, use tape to remove from the fabric. Wrap a large loop of packing tape around your closed fingers, sticky side out. [3] Press against the fabric to pick up the accumulated pillings. Replace tape when it becomes full of pills. If you do not have packing tape, small strips of masking tape will also work.
    • Make sure to use a sharp, new razor. This will most effectively remove the pills. Avoid using shaving razors that have moisture strips or soap bars on either side. This will likely cause more pilling when rubbed against the fabric.
  4. Use Velcro hair rollers. Hair rollers are very gentle, making them ideal for use on delicate fabrics like wool and cashmere. [4] Lay the garment on a flat surface and pull it taught. Lay the roller flat on the affected area. Gently roll upwards and out until the area is pill-free. The pilling will get caught in the hair roller. Pick it up and move it to another area if the garment is pilled in several areas.
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  5. Use a strip of Velcro. [5] If you have a piece of Velcro you can also use this to remove pillings. Consider using Velcro found on a shoe or wallet. Apply the Velcro hook-side down to the affected area of the garment. Gently pull up and repeat until the pilling is gone.
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    • This method can damage very delicate fabrics, so do not use on cashmere or wool.

EditShopping for Pilling-Removal Tools

  1. Buy a sweater comb. A sweater comb is a small, fine toothed comb made specifically for removing pilling. It is different from a hair comb because the teeth are smaller and closer together. Pull the fabric taught and scrape the affected area gently. Be careful not to damage the fabric.
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  2. Use an electric sweater shaver. An electric pill remover is more expensive than other tools, but the fastest, most effective method. Insert batteries and lay the garment on a flat surface. Apply to the garment in small, circular motions. Start with the lightest contact possible and increase as needed. Continue until the pills disappear. They will accumulate in the shaver's barrel, which you can empty as it fills up.
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  3. Try a sweater stone. A sweater stone is made especially for removing sweater pills. To use, lay the garment on a flat surface and pull flat. Gently rub the stone against the affected area. Drag it across the fabric and pull of the extra pills as they accumulate, using tape or your fingers.
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EditPreventing Pilling Before it Occurs

  1. Shop for fabrics that are less likely to pill. Fabrics made of fiber blends are more susceptible to pilling. Fiber blends combine natural and synthetic fibers, and they are more likely to rub together and form pills. This is especially true for fabrics with three or more different types of fibers. [6]
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  2. Look for tightly knit sweaters. Check the fabric before you buy. Tightly knit fabrics are less likely to pill, whereas looser weaves or more susceptible to pilling [7]
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  3. Turn your garment inside out. Turn the garment inside out before washing. This will prevent noticeable pilling as the fabric rubs against itself and other garments in the wash. You can also try storing the garment inside out by turning it inside out before hanging or folding it. [8]
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  4. Wash gently. Use a delicate cycle when washing in the washing machine. Delicate cycles are shorter and gentler, causing less abrasion in the garments.
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    • Consider hand washing garments like sweaters that are more likely to pill. This is the gentlest way of washing. Look for detergent made especially for handwashing and wash in a sink or bathtub. [9]
  5. Avoid the electric dryer. When possible, hang garment to dry rather than using the drying machine. This will cause less abrasion to the fabric and prevent pilling. [10]
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  6. Use liquid detergent. Powder detergent rubs against the fabric as it dissolves. This makes it more likely to cause pilling during the washing cycle. Liquid detergents are the most gentle solution for delicate fabrics. [11]
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  7. Brush with a lint roller regularly. Be sure to regularly brush delicate sweaters with a lint roller or lint brush to prevent pilling. Consistently using a lint roller will prevent pills from accumulating on the fabric. [12]
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EditSources and Citations

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